wangxuan pushed to pet-2.0 at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-app
2d129ae6ce feat:补充crypto-js依赖
wangxuan pushed to 0205cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
46b7c61056 feat:测试推送代码
wangxuan pushed to 0205cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
256ccee8f0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/0205cmt' into 0205cmt
05a14e2efc feat:八项作业撤回上一步
- Compare 2 commits »
wangxuan pushed to 0927cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
f7177dd91d feat:八项作业撤回上一步
wangxuan pushed to 0927cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
05a14e2efc feat:八项作业撤回上一步
wangxuan pushed to 0205cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
98e6b46d2d 安全环保检查 根据检查状态 查询检查已验收 有7.8两个状态值
wangxuan pushed to 0205cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
e4c1452d25 补充 机设部 业务部 综合办公室 隐患统计增加统计的内容 导出
wangxuan pushed to 0205cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
b3ec07ece1 补充 机设部 业务部 综合办公室 隐患统计增加统计的内容
wangxuan pushed to 0205cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
23f3f9bcc1 补充 机设部 业务部 综合办公室 隐患统计增加统计的内容
wangxuan pushed to 0205cmt at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj
a450bcda16 修复煤炭隐患台账 隐患统计增加统计部门 并且在计算处罚金额时 因为汉字报错
wangxuan pushed to czks1.0 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
66a1b86595 git push --set-upstream origin czks1.0
1a389db537 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/相关方关联分公司功能' into corpSystem
- Compare 2 commits »
wangxuan pushed to corpSystem at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
44687ab203 add: 权限配置
wangxuan pushed to dev at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
5c20be35f6 add: 定位卡号维护信息
366023b394 点位检查标准合格照片隐藏
- Compare 2 commits »
wangxuan pushed to corpSystem at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
0776f090ed add: 分公司系统管理(菜单角色权限)
wangxuan pushed to corpSystem at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
8fa17b32d1 add: 分公司系统管理(菜单角色权限)
366023b394 点位检查标准合格照片隐藏
- Compare 2 commits »
wangxuan pushed to dev at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
8e406d0fdb 企业统一社会信用代码取消必填与校验,并添加修改信息会重置密码提示
wangxuan pushed to dev at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
670c0f6622 Merge branch 'main' into dev
4db1e466cc 线上版本svn同步到git
899a526501 Merge pull request '线上代码补充' (#2) from gypXg into main
e106bc679a 初始化
- Compare 4 commits »