# Vue-AliPlayer > A Vue 2.x video player component based on [vue-aliplayer](https://github.com/slacrey/vue-aliplayer). ## Install ```bash npm install vue-aliplayer -S ``` ## Usage ```js import VueAliplayer from 'vue-aliplayer' export default { components: { 'ali-player': VueAliplayer } } ``` ## Props | 名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | | ---------- | ---- | ------- | ----------- | | aliplayerSdkPath | String | //g.alicdn.com/de/prismplayer/2.5.0/aliplayer-min.js | 阿里播放器引用地址 | | playStyle | String | | 播放器自定义样式style | | source | String | | 视频播放地址url:1、单独url;2、默认状态,表示使用“vi+playauth3、source播放方式优先级最高 | | vid | String | | 媒体转码服务的媒体Id | | playauth | String | | 播放权证,如何得到可参考:获取[playauth](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/52833.html?spm=5176.doc51236.6.627.5gm5gf) | | height | String | 100% | 播放器高度,可形如’100%’或者’100px’ | | width | String | 320px | 播放器宽度,可形如’100%’或者’100px’ | | cover | String | | 播放器默认封面图片,请填写正确的图片url地址Flash播放器封面也需要[开启允许跨域访问](https://player.alicdn.com/aliplayer/docs/blogs/how-to-handle-flash-crossdomain.html) | | isLive | Boolean | false | 播放内容是否为直播,直播时会禁止用户拖动进度条 | | autoplay | Boolean | false | 播放器是否自动播放,在移动端autoplay属性会失效 | | useH5Prism | Boolean | false | 指定使用H5播放器 | | useFlashPrism | Boolean | false | 指定使用Flash播放器 | | playsinline | Boolean | false | H5是否内置播放,有的Android浏览器不起作用 | | format | String | mp4 | 指定播放地址格式,只有使用vid+plauth播放方式时支持可选值为'mp4'和'm3u8',默认为'mp4' | | x5_type | String | 'auto' | 声明启用同层H5播放器,启用时设置的值为'h5'具体参考[同层播放](https://player.alicdn.com/aliplayer/docs/blogs/how-to-handle-h5-same-layer.html) | | x5_fullscreen | Boolean | false |声明视频播放时是否进入到TBS的全屏模式,默认为false具体参考[同层播放](https://player.alicdn.com/aliplayer/docs/blogs/how-to-handle-h5-same-layer.html) | | x5_video_position | String | center | 声明视频播在界面上的位置,默认为"center" 可选值为:'top','center' 具体参考[同层播放](https://player.alicdn.com/aliplayer/docs/blogs/how-to-handle-h5-same-layer.html) | | x5_orientation| String | | 声明TBS播放器支持的方向,可选值:landscape:横屏) portraint:竖屏 landscape | | autoPlayDelay| Number | | 延迟播放时间,单位为秒具体参考[延迟播放](https://player.alicdn.com/aliplayer/docs/blogs/how-to-implementment-delay-play.html) | | autoPlayDelayDisplayText| String | | 延迟播放提示文本具体参考[延迟播放](https://player.alicdn.com/aliplayer/docs/blogs/how-to-implementment-delay-play.html) | ## Method | 名称 | 参数 | 描述 | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | play | none | 播放视频 | | pause | none | 暂停视频 | | replay | none | 重播视频 | | seek | time | 跳转到某个时刻进行播放,time的单位为秒 | | getCurrentTime | none | 获取当前的播放时刻,返回的单位为秒 | | getDuration | none | 获取视频总时长,返回的单位为秒 | | getVolume | none | 获取当前的音量,返回值为0-1的实数ios和部分android会失效 | | setVolume | vol | 设置音量,vol为0-1的实数,ios和部分android会失效 | | loadByUrl | url,time | 直接播放视频url,time为可选值(单位秒)目前只支持同种格式(mp4/flv/m3u8)之间切换,暂不支持直播rtmp流切换 | | reloaduserPlayInfoAndVidRequestMts | vid:视频id playauth:播放凭证 | 目前只支持HTML5界面上的重载功能,暂不支持直播rtmp流切换m3u8)之间切换,暂不支持直播rtmp流切换 | | setPlayerSize | w,h | 设置播放器大小w,h可分别为400px像素或60%百分比chrome浏览器下flash播放器分别不能小于397x297 | | setSpeed | speed | 设置倍速播放移动端可能会失效,比如android 微信 | ## Events | 名称 | 参数 | 描述 | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | ready | none | Triggered when aliplayer is ready | | play | none | Triggered when aliplayer start play | | pause | none | Triggered when aliplayer paused | | waiting | none | Triggered periodically when aliplayer is waiting | | ended | none | Triggered when aliplayer ended playing | | liveStreamStop | none | Triggered when live stream is stop | | hideBar | none | Triggered when control bar is hide | Example: ```js export default { methods: { play() { console.log('play callback') } } ``` ## API you can use all aliplayer api Example: ```js export default { methods: { play: function(){ const player = this.$refs.player.instance player && player.play() }, pause: function() { const player = this.$refs.player.instance player && player.pause() }, replay: function() { const player = this.$refs.player.instance player && player.replay() }, reload: function() { // 修改source地址后 const player = this.$refs.player player && player.reloadPlayer() } } ``` ## Development - `yarn dev`: Run dev in development mode - `yarn deploy`: Deploy dev to gh-pages - `yarn build:cjs`: Build component in commonjs format - `yarn build:umd`: Build component in umd format - `yarn build`: Build component in both format - `yarn lint`: Run eslint Check out your npm scripts, it's using [vbuild](https://github.com/egoist/vbuild) under the hood. --- Generated by [create-vue-app](https://github.com/egoist/create-vue-app) Refer to [vue-dplayer](https://github.com/MoePlayer/vue-dplayer) packaging # License This content is released under the [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) License.