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export default { data: { msg:'请将人脸置于圆圈内', USER_ID:'', fil: true, imgList: [""], statusBar: '', CustomBar: 0, out_timer:null, timer: null, seconds: 0, pd: { COURSEWAREINDEX: '', CURRICULUM_ID: '', STAGESTUDENTRELATION_ID: '', CURRENTCOURSEWAREID: '', // COURSEWARECHAPTERID: '', COURSEWARECAPTURE: '', COURSEWAREFILES: '', PLAYTIME: '' }, startPreviewTimer:null }, onLoad(event) { this.pd.CURRICULUM_ID = event.CURRICULUM_ID this.pd.STAGESTUDENTRELATION_ID = event.STAGESTUDENTRELATION_ID // this.pd.COURSEWARECHAPTERID = event.COURSEWARECHAPTERID this.pd.CURRENTCOURSEWAREID = event.CURRENTCOURSEWAREID this.pd.COURSEWARECAPTURE = event.COURSEWARECAPTURE this.pd.COURSEWAREFILES = event.COURSEWAREFILES this.pd.PLAYTIME = event.PLAYTIME this.pd.COURSEWAREINDEX = event.COURSEWAREINDEX var that = this uni.getStorage({ key: 'USER', success: function (res) { that.USER_ID = res.data.USER_ID if(!res.data.USER_ID){ uni.clearStorage() uni.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/login/home' }); } } }) // this.startPreview() }, onReady() { // 注意:需要在onReady中 或 onLoad 延时 this.context = uni.createLivePusherContext("livePusher", this); var that = this uni.getSystemInfo({ success: function(e) { // 计算导航栏高度 that.statusBar = e.statusBarHeight // #ifndef MP if (e.platform == 'android') { that.CustomBar = e.statusBarHeight + 50 } else { that.CustomBar = e.statusBarHeight + 45 } console.log(that.statusBar) // #endif // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN let custom = wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect() that.CustomBar = custom.bottom + custom.top - e.statusBarHeight // #endif // #ifdef MP-ALIPAY that.CustomBar = e.statusBarHeight + e.titleBarHeight // #endif that.$nextTick(() => { // that.startPreview() that.startPreviewTimer = setInterval(() => { that.startPreview() }, 1000) }) } }) if(this.out_timer) { clearTimeout(this.out_timer); this.out_timer = null } if(this.timer) { clearInterval(this.timer) this.timer = null } this.out_timer = setTimeout(() => { uni.redirectTo({ // url: '/pages/application/onlinexxks/my-study?CURRICULUM_ID=' + this.pd.CURRICULUM_ID + '&STAGESTUDENTRELATION_ID=' + this.pd.STAGESTUDENTRELATION_ID +'&isNoPass=true' url: '/pages/application/onlinexxks/home' }) }, 30000) }, beforeDestroy() { // 如果定时器在运行则关闭 if(this.out_timer) { clearTimeout(this.out_timer); this.out_timer = null } if(this.timer) { clearInterval(this.timer) this.timer = null } }, methods: { statechange(e) { console.log("statechange:" + JSON.stringify(e)); }, netstatus(e) { console.log("netstatus:" + JSON.stringify(e)); }, error(e) { console.log("error:" + JSON.stringify(e)); }, start: function() { this.context.start({ success: (a) => { console.log("livePusher.start:" + JSON.stringify(a)); } }); }, close: function() { this.context.close({ success: (a) => { console.log("livePusher.close:" + JSON.stringify(a)); } }); }, // 拍照事件 snapshot: function() { var that = this this.context.snapshot({ success: (e) => { that.getMinImage(e.message.tempImagePath) } }); }, // 开启摄像头 startPreview() { this.$forceUpdate() var that = this that.context.stopPreview() this.context.startPreview({ success: (a) => { that.startPreviewTimer && clearInterval(that.startPreviewTimer) console.info(1) that.timer = setInterval(function() { console.log("livePusher.startPreview:" + JSON.stringify(a)); that.snapshot() // if (that.imgList.length > 3) { // console.log("3") // clearInterval(that.Timer) // } }, 2000) }, fail(b) { console.info(2) console.log(JSON.stringify(b)); }, complete(c){ console.info(3) console.log(JSON.stringify(c)); } }); console.info(5) }, // 使用plus.zip.compressImage压缩图片并转换成base64 getMinImage(imgPath) { var that = this plus.zip.compressImage({ src: imgPath, dst: imgPath, overwrite: true, quality: 40 }, zipRes => { setTimeout(() => { var reader = new plus.io.FileReader(); reader.onloadend = res => { var speech = res.target.result; //base64图片 var USERAVATARPREFIX = speech.substring(0, speech.indexOf('base64,') + 7) var USERAVATARURL = speech.substring(speech.indexOf('base64,') + 7) uni.request({ url: basePath +'/app/user/compareFace', method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { USERAVATARPREFIX:USERAVATARPREFIX, USERAVATARURL:USERAVATARURL, USER_ID : that.USER_ID, CORPINFO_ID:loginUser.CORPINFO_ID, }, success: (res) => { uni.hideLoading();//结束加载中动画 if (res.data != null) { var result = res.data.result; if ("success" == result) { uni.showToast({ title: "验证成功", duration: 1000 }); this.goStudy() } else if ("error" == result) { this.msg = res.data.msg }else{ uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: "人脸信息更新,请重新登陆", duration: 2000 }); } } } }) }; //一定要使用plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL将target地址转换为本地文件地址,否则readAsDataURL会找不到文件 reader.readAsDataURL(plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(zipRes.target)); }, 1000); }, function(error) { console.log('Compress error!', error); } ); }, goStudy(){ uni.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/application/onlinexxks/my-study?CURRICULUM_ID=' + this.pd.CURRICULUM_ID + '&STAGESTUDENTRELATION_ID=' + this.pd.STAGESTUDENTRELATION_ID + '&CURRENTCOURSEWAREID=' + this.pd.CURRENTCOURSEWAREID // + '&COURSEWARECHAPTERID=' + this.pd.COURSEWARECHAPTERID + '&COURSEWARECAPTURE=' + this.pd.COURSEWARECAPTURE + '&COURSEWAREFILES=' + this.pd.COURSEWAREFILES + '&PLAYTIME=' + this.pd.PLAYTIME + '&COURSEWAREINDEX=' + this.pd.COURSEWAREINDEX }) }, BackPage() { uni.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/application/onlinexxks/my-tasks' }) } } } </script> <style> .allbox { background-color: #fff; 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