<template> <view :class="{showHiddenWindowActive:showHiddenWindow}"> <cu-custom bgColor="bg-gradual-blueness" :isBack="true"> <block slot="backText">返回</block> <block slot="content">安全环保检查发起</block> </cu-custom> <view class="form"> <view class="wui-form-list"> <view class="cu-form-group" v-if="!forbidEdit"> <view class="title">检查题目:</view> <radio-group @change="changeRadioGroup($event)"> <label class="radio"> <radio value="安全" :checked="form.INSPECTION_SUBJECT === '安全'" />安全 </label> <label class="radio"> <radio value="环保" :checked="form.INSPECTION_SUBJECT === '环保'" />环保 </label> <label class="radio"> <radio value="综合" :checked="form.INSPECTION_SUBJECT === '综合'" />综合 </label> </radio-group> </view> <view class="cu-form-group" v-else> <view class="title">检查标题:</view> <view>{{form.INSPECTION_SUBJECT}}现场检查记录</view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title" style="height: auto;"> <view>被检查单位:</view> </view> <block v-if="!forbidEdit"> <view class="picker-tree-box"> <view class="picker-tree" @tap="showZgTree('tkiTree1', 1)"> {{ form.INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_NAME || '请选择' }} </view> </view> <tki-tree ref="tkiTree1" :selectParent=true :range="treeNode" rangeKey="name" @confirm="zgtreeConfirm($event,'inspectedSiteuserList')" @cancel="zgtreeCancel"></tki-tree> </block> <block v-else>{{ form.INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_NAMES }}</block> </view> <view class="cu-form-group" v-if="form.INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_NAME"> <view class="title">被检查单位现场负责人:</view> <picker @change="inspectedSiteuserChange" :disabled="forbidEdit" :value="form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_INDEX" :range="inspectedSiteuserList" range-key="NAME"> <view class="picker"> {{ form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_NAME || '请选择' }} </view> </picker> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">检查场所:</view> <input name="input" ref="INSPECTION_PLACE" :disabled="forbidEdit" v-model="form.INSPECTION_PLACE" placeholder="请输入检查场所"></input> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title" style="height: auto;"> <view>检查类型:</view> </view> <block v-if="!forbidEdit"> <view class="picker-tree-box"> <view class="picker-tree" @tap="showZgTree('tkiTree2', 2)"> {{ form.INSPECTION_TYPE_NAME || '请选择' }} </view> </view> <tki-tree ref="tkiTree2" :selectParent=false :range="inspectionTypeTreeList" rangeKey="name" @confirm="zgtreeConfirm($event,'inspectionTypeTreeList')" @cancel="zgtreeCancel"></tki-tree> </block> <block v-else>{{ form.INSPECTION_TYPE_NAME }}</block> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">检查开始时间:</view> <ruiDatePicker v-if="!forbidEdit" fields="minute" :value="form.INSPECTION_TIME_START || '请选择'" @change="changeStartDate"></ruiDatePicker> <text v-else>{{ form.INSPECTION_TIME_START }}</text> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">检查结束时间:</view> <ruiDatePicker v-if="!forbidEdit" fields="minute" :value="form.INSPECTION_TIME_END || '请选择'" @change="changeEndDate"></ruiDatePicker> <view v-else>{{form.INSPECTION_TIME_END}}</view> </view> <view v-if="forbidEdit" class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">记录填写时间:</view> <view>{{form.CREATTIME}}</view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">检查情况:</view> <button v-if="!forbidEdit" class="cu-btn round bg-blue" @click="addSituation">添加</button> </view> <view v-if="forbidEdit" v-show="form.situationList && form.situationList.length > 0" class="ace-content"> <view class="add_pard_item" v-for="(item,index) of form.situationList" :key="'SITUATION'+index"> <view class="cu-form-textarea"> <textarea disabled v-model="item.SITUATION"></textarea> </view> </view> </view> <view v-else class="ace-content"> <view class="add_pard_item" v-for="(item,index) of form.situationList" :key="index"> <view class="add_pard_del" @click="removeSituation(item, index)"> <text class="cuIcon-roundclosefill text-red f40"></text> </view> <view class="cu-form-textarea"> <textarea placeholder="请输入检查情况..." v-model="item.SITUATION"></textarea> </view> </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">检查人员:</view> <button v-if="!forbidEdit" class="cu-btn round bg-blue" @click="addInspector">添加</button> </view> <view v-if="form.inspectorList && form.inspectorList.length > 0" v-for="(item, index) of form.inspectorList" :key="'INSPECTOR'+index" class="add_pard_item"> <view class="add_pard_del" v-if="!forbidEdit && index>0" @click="removeInspector(item, index)"> <text class="cuIcon-roundclosefill text-red f40"></text> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title" style="height: auto;"> <view>{{ index + 1}}.检查人员单位:</view> </view> <block v-if="!forbidEdit"> <view class="picker-tree-box"> <view class="picker-tree" @tap="showZgTree('tkiTree'+(index+8), (index+8))"> {{ item.INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_NAME || '请选择' }} </view> </view> <tki-tree :ref="'tkiTree'+(index+8)" :selectParent=true :range="treeNode" rangeKey="name" @confirm="zgtreeConfirm($event,'inspectorList', index)" @cancel="zgtreeCancel"> </tki-tree> </block> <block v-else>{{ item.INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_NAME }}</block> </view> <view class="cu-form-group" v-if="item.INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_NAME"> <view class="title">{{ index + 1}}.检查人员:</view> <picker @change="inspectorChange($event,index)" :disabled="forbidEdit" :value="item.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_INDEX" :range="inspectorList[index]" range-key="NAME"> <view class="picker"> {{ item.INSPECTION_USER_NAME || '请选择' }} </view> </picker> </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">发现问题:</view> <button v-if="!forbidEdit" class="cu-btn round bg-blue" @click="addHidden">添加</button> </view> <view style="padding: 20upx"> <uni-table border stripe emptyText="暂无更多数据"> <uni-tr> <uni-th align="center" style="font-weight: bold;width: 100upx">序号</uni-th> <uni-th align="center" style="font-weight: bold">隐患部位</uni-th> <uni-th align="center" style="font-weight: bold">隐患描述</uni-th> <uni-th align="center" style="font-weight: bold;width: 160upx">操作</uni-th> </uni-tr> <uni-tr v-for="(item, index) in form.hiddenList" :key="'hidden'+index"> <uni-td>{{ index + 1 }}</uni-td> <uni-td>{{ item.HIDDENPART_NAME?item.HIDDENPART_NAME:item.HIDDENPART }}</uni-td> <uni-td>{{ item.HIDDENDESCR }}</uni-td> <uni-td style="text-align: center;"> <icon type="info" size="26" style="margin-right: 8px" @tap="showHidden(item, index)" /> <icon type="cancel" size="26" @tap="removeHidden(item, index)" v-if="!forbidEdit" /> </uni-td> </uni-tr> </uni-table> </view> <view class="wui-form-list" v-if="type&& type !== 'detail'"> <view class="cu-form-textarea" v-if="!forbidEdit"> <view class="cu-form-title text-hui">核实意见</view> <textarea maxlength="-1" v-model="form.INSPECTION_USER_OPINION" placeholder="检查人意见"></textarea> </view> <view class="cu-form-group" style="border: none;" v-if="!forbidEdit && form.INSPECTION_USER_OPINION"> <view class="title">签字</view> <button class="cu-btn bg-green shadow" @tap="signModalShow = true" data-target="Modal">手写签字</button> </view> <view class="cu-bar bg-white" v-show="signImgList && signImgList.length > 0"> <view class="action"> 签字照片 </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group" v-show="signImgList && signImgList.length > 0"> <view class="grid col-4 grid-square flex-sub"> <view style="width: 60%;" class="bg-img" v-for="(item,index) in signImgList" :key="index" @tap="ViewSignImage" data-type="0" :data-url="signImgList[index].filePath"> <image :src="signImgList[index].filePath" mode="aspectFill"></image> <view class="cu-tag bg-red" @tap.stop="delSignImg" data-type="0" :data-index="index"> <text class='cuIcon-close'></text> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view v-if="type&& type === 'detail'" class="form"> <view class="wui-form-list"> <view v-if="form.inspectorList && form.inspectorList.length > 0" class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">检查人员核实结果:</view> </view> <block v-for="(item, index) in form.inspectorList" :key="item.INSPECTION_INSPECTOR_ID"> <view class="cu-form-textarea"> <view class="cu-form-title">检查人意见:</view> <textarea v-model="item.opinion" disabled placeholder="请输入作业负责人意见"></textarea> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">检查人签字:</view> <view> <view> <image :src="baseImgPath + item.img" style="width: 180upx;height: 100upx"></image> </view> <view style="text-align: center">{{ item.time }}</view> </view> </view> </block> </view> </view> <view v-if="type&& type === 'detail'" class="form"> <view class="wui-form-list"> <view class="cu-form-group" v-if="form.INSPECTION_STATUS === '3'"> <view class="title">被检查单位现场负责人意见:</view> <text>{{ form.INSPECTED_EXPLAIN }}</text> </view> <view class="cu-form-textarea" v-if="form.INSPECTED_EXPLAIN"> <view class="cu-form-title text-hui">申辩说明</view> <view class="cu-form-textarea"> <textarea disabled v-model="form.INSPECTED_EXPLAIN"></textarea> </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group" v-if="form.INSPECTION_STATUS === '3'"> <view class="title">被检查单位现场负责人签字:</view> <view> <view> <image :src="baseImgPath + form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_SIGN_IMG" style="width: 180upx;height: 100upx"></image> </view> <view style="text-align: center">{{ form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_SIGN_TIME }}</view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="cu-bar btn-group" style="margin-top: 30upx;"> <button v-if="!forbidEdit" class="cu-btn bg-blue margin-tb-sm lg" @click="$noMultipleClicks(goSubmit,'1')">提交</button> <button v-if="forbidEdit" class="cu-btn bg-green margin-tb-sm lg" @click="$noMultipleClicks(goback)">返回</button> </view> <view class="padding flex flex-direction"></view> <uni-drawer ref="showHiddenWindow" mode="right" :mask-click="true" @change="change($event,'showHiddenWindow')"> <scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 100vh;"> <view class="de-drawer"> <view class="cu-bar bg-white"> <view class="action"> 隐患照片 </view> <view class="action"> {{hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.length}}/4 </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="grid col-4 grid-square flex-sub"> <view class="bg-img" v-for="(item,index) in hiddenForm.hiddenImgs" :key="index" @tap="ViewImage" :data-id="item.IMGFILES_ID" data-type="0" :data-url="hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[index].FILEPATH"> <image v-if="item.IMGFILES_ID" :src="baseImgPath + hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[index].FILEPATH" mode="aspectFill"> </image> <image v-else :src="hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[index].FILEPATH" mode="aspectFill"></image> <view class="cu-tag bg-red" @tap.stop="DelImg" data-type="0" :data-index="index"> <text class='cuIcon-close'></text> </view> </view> <view class="solids" @tap="ChooseImage(0)" v-if="hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.length<4 && hiddenIsEdit"> <text class='cuIcon-cameraadd'></text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="cu-bar bg-white"> <view class="action"> 隐患视频 </view> <view class="action"> {{hiddenForm.hiddenVideos.length}}/1 </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="grid col-4 grid-square flex-sub"> <view class="bg-img" v-for="(item,vindex) in hiddenForm.hiddenVideos" :key="vindex" @tap="ViewVideo" data-type="0" :data-url="hiddenForm.hiddenVideos[vindex].FILEPATH" style="background-color: #000"> <image src="/static/icon-apps/video.png" mode="aspectFill" @click="playVideo" :data-src="hiddenForm.hiddenVideos[vindex].FILEPATH"></image> <view class="cu-tag bg-red" @tap.stop="DelVideo" data-type="0" :data-index="vindex"> <text class='cuIcon-close'></text> </view> </view> <view class="solids" @tap="chooseVideo(0)" v-if="hiddenForm.hiddenVideos.length == 0 && hiddenIsEdit"> <text class='cuIcon-cameraadd'></text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-textarea"> <view class="cu-form-title text-hui">隐患描述</view> <textarea maxlength="-1" :disabled="modalName!=null" v-model="hiddenForm.HIDDENDESCR" placeholder="请对隐患进行详细描述(必填项)"></textarea> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">隐患部位</view> <view class="picker-tree-box"> <!-- <view v-if="hiddenIsEdit" class="picker-tree" @tap="showZgTree('tkiTree3', 3)">--> <!-- {{ hiddenForm.HIDDENPART_NAME ? hiddenForm.HIDDENPART_NAME : hiddenForm.HIDDENPART || '请选择' }}--> <!-- </view>--> <input v-if="hiddenIsEdit" v-model="hiddenForm.HIDDENPART" class="input-text" type="text" placeholder="请输入隐患部位"></input> <view v-else>{{ hiddenForm.HIDDENPART_NAME ? hiddenForm.HIDDENPART_NAME : hiddenForm.HIDDENPART }} </view> </view> <tki-tree ref="tkiTree3" :selectParent=false :range="hiddenRegionTreeList" rangeKey="name" @confirm="zgtreeConfirm($event,'hiddenRegionTreeList')" @cancel="zgtreeCancel"></tki-tree> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">隐患级别</view> <view class="picker-tree-box"> <!-- <view v-if="hiddenIsEdit" class="picker-tree" @tap="showZgTree('tkiTree4', 4)"> {{hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL_NAME || '请选择'}} </view> <view v-else>{{ hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL_NAME }}</view> --> <picker @change="hiddenLevelChange" :disabled="forbidEdit || !hiddenIsEdit" :value="hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL_INDEX" :range="hiddenLevelTreeList" range-key="NAME"> <view class="picker"> {{ hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL_NAME || '请选择' }} </view> </picker> </view> </view> <!-- <view class="cu-form-group">--> <!-- <view class="title">隐患类型</view>--> <!-- <view class="picker-tree-box">--> <!-- <view v-if="hiddenIsEdit" class="picker-tree" @tap="showZgTree('tkiTree5', 5)">--> <!-- {{hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE_NAME || '请选择'}}--> <!-- </view>--> <!-- <view v-else>{{ hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE_NAME }}</view>--> <!-- </view>--> <!-- <tki-tree ref="tkiTree5" :selectParent=false :range="hiddenTypeTreeList" rangeKey="name"--> <!-- @confirm="zgtreeConfirm($event,'hiddenTypeTreeList')" @cancel="zgtreeCancel">--> <!-- </tki-tree>--> <!-- </view>--> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">隐患类型</view> <view class="picker-tree-box"> <view class="picker-tree" @tap="showZgTree2">{{hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPENAME?hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPENAME:'请选择'}}</view> </view> <tki-tree ref="tkiTree2" :selectParent="true" :range="hiddenTypeList" rangeKey="name" @confirm="zgtreeConfirm2" @cancel="zgtreeCancel2"> </tki-tree> </view> <!-- <view class="cu-form-group margin-top">--> <!-- <view class="title text-hui asterisk">是否相关方</view>--> <!-- <radio-group v-if="hiddenIsEdit" class="selected">--> <!-- <view class="group mr20">--> <!-- <radio class='radio' value="1" :checked="hiddenForm.ISRELEVANT=='1'"--> <!-- @click="radioISRELEVANT('1')"></radio>--> <!-- <text>是</text>--> <!-- <radio class='radio' value="2" :checked="hiddenForm.ISRELEVANT=='2'"--> <!-- @click="radioISRELEVANT('2')"></radio>--> <!-- <text>否</text>--> <!-- </view>--> <!-- </radio-group>--> <!-- <view v-else>{{ hiddenForm.ISRELEVANT=='1'?'是':'否' }}</view>--> <!-- </view>--> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">隐患发现时间</view> <ruiDatePicker :disabled="!hiddenIsEdit" fields="minute" :value="hiddenForm.CREATTIME || '请选择'" @change="changeDiscoverDate"></ruiDatePicker> </view> <!-- <view class="cu-form-group">--> <!-- <view class="title">隐患上报位置:</view>--> <!-- <button v-if="hiddenIsEdit" class="cu-btn bg-green shadow" @tap="showMapModal">定位</button>--> <!-- </view>--> <!-- <view class="cu-form-group" v-if="hiddenForm.LONGITUDE && hiddenForm.LONGITUDE != 'undefined'">--> <!-- <view class="sign-title">经度:</view>--> <!-- <view class="wui-sign-cotent">{{hiddenForm.LONGITUDE}}</view>--> <!-- </view>--> <!-- <view class="cu-form-group" v-if="hiddenForm.LATITUDE && hiddenForm.LATITUDE != 'undefined'">--> <!-- <view class="sign-title">纬度:</view>--> <!-- <view class="wui-sign-cotent">{{hiddenForm.LATITUDE}}</view>--> <!-- </view>--> <!-- <view class="cu-form-group">--> <!-- <view class="title">隐患位置描述:</view>--> <!-- <!– <textarea maxlength="-1" :disabled="modalName!=null" v-model="hiddenForm.POSITIONDESC"--> <!-- placeholder="请输入隐患位置描述"></textarea> –>--> <!-- <input name="input" ref="POSITIONDESC" :disabled="modalName!=null"--> <!-- v-model="hiddenForm.POSITIONDESC" placeholder="请输入隐患位置描述"></input>--> <!-- </view>--> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">隐患发现人</view> <picker @change="creatorChange" :disabled="forbidEdit || !hiddenIsEdit" :value="hiddenForm.CREATOR_INDEX" :range="creatorList" range-key="NAME"> <view class="picker"> {{ hiddenForm.CREATOR_NAME || '请选择' }} </view> </picker> </view> <view style="display: flex;padding: 50upx 30upx 100upx 30upx"> <view style="flex: 1"> <button class="cu-btn" style="width: 95%;" @tap="cancelHidden">取消</button> </view> <view v-if="hiddenIsEdit" style="flex: 1"> <button class="cu-btn bg-blue shadow" style="width: 95%;" @tap="saveHidden">保存</button> </view> </view> <!-- <view class="de-drawer-bottom"> <view class="cz-btn"> <text class="cu-btn" @click="cancelHidden">取消</text> </view> <view v-if="hiddenIsEdit" class="done-btn" @click="saveHidden"> <text class="cu-btn bg-blue">保存</text> </view> </view> --> </view> </scroll-view> </uni-drawer> <view :class="['cu-modal',{'show':modalShow}]" v-if="modalShow"> <view class="cu-dialog"> <view class="cu-bar bg-white justify-end"> <view class="content">播放视频</view> <view class="action" @tap="modalShow = false"> <text class="cuIcon-close text-red"></text> </view> </view> <video :src="videoSrc" :autoplay="true"></video> <view class="cu-bar bg-white justify-end"> <view class="action"> <button class="cu-btn line-green text-green" @click="modalShow = false">关闭</button> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="cu-modal" :class="{'show':signModalShow}"> <sign @confirm="subCanvas" @cancel="signModalShow = false"></sign> </view> </view> </template> <script> import { basePath, corpinfoId, deptId, loginUser, formatDate, loginSession, baseImgPath } from '@/common/tool.js'; import tkiTree from "@/components/select-tree/select-tree.vue" import sign from '@/components/sign/sign.vue'; import gcoord from '@/common/gcoord.js' import ruiDatePicker from '@/components/rattenking-dtpicker/rattenking-dtpicker.vue' import moreSelect from '@/components/more-select/more-select.vue'; import uniPopup from '@/components/more-select/uni-popup/uni-popup.vue'; export default { components: { tkiTree, ruiDatePicker, sign, moreSelect, uniPopup }, data() { return { hiddenTypeList: [], buttonSubmit: false, baseImgPath: baseImgPath, isUps: false, forbidEdit: true, // 禁止修改 msg: 'add', noClick: true, treeNode: [], //部门下拉数据 inspectedSiteuserList: [], // 被检查单位现场负责人下拉数据 inspectionTypeTreeList: [], // 检查类型下拉数据 inspectorList: [], // 检查人员(二维数组)下拉数据 form: { RECTIFICATIONTYPE: '2',//整改类型 HIDDENTYPENAME: '',//隐患类型 INSPECTION_ID: '', // 检查ID INSPECTION_SUBJECT: '', // 检查标题 INSPECTION_SOURCE: '5', // 检查来源(4-监管端 5-企业端) INSPECTION_ORIGINATOR_ID: '', // 检查发起人 INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_ID: '', // 被检查单位 INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_NAME: '', INSPECTED_SITEUSER_ID: '', // 被检查单位现场负责人 INSPECTED_SITEUSER_INDEX: '', INSPECTED_SITEUSER_NAME: '', INSPECTED_EXPLAIN: '', // 申辩内容 INSPECTED_SITEUSER_SIGN_IMG: '', // 被检查单位现场负责人签字 INSPECTED_SITEUSER_SIGN_TIME: '', // 被检查单位现场负责人签字时间 INSPECTION_TYPE: '', // 检查类型 INSPECTION_TYPE_NAME: '', INSPECTION_PLACE: '', // 检查场所 INSPECTION_TIME_START: '', // 检查开始时间 INSPECTION_TIME_END: '', // 检查结束时间 INSPECTION_STATUS: '0', // 状态(0.暂存 1.检查人待确认、2.被检查人待确认、3.归档 -1.检查人异议打回 -2被检查人申辩) POSITIONDESC: '', // 隐患位置描述 CREATTIME: '', inspectorList: [{ INSPECTION_INSPECTOR_ID: '', //检查人员主键 INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_ID: '', //检查人员部门ID INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_NAME: '', INSPECTION_USER_ID: '', //检查人员ID INSPECTION_USER_INDEX: '', INSPECTION_USER_NAME: '' }], // 检查人员 situationList: [{ INSPECTION_SITUATION_ID: '', SITUATION: '' }], // 检查情况 hiddenList: [{ ...this.hiddenForm }], // 隐患信息集合 INSPECTION_USER_SIGN_TIME: '', INSPECTION_USER_OPINION: '' }, // 数据 hiddenIds: [], // 检查保存后返回的隐患ID集合 delSituations: [], // 编辑时删除的原来检查情况 delInspectors: [], // 编辑时删除的原来检查情况 delHiddens: [], // 编辑时删除的原来发现问题 delHiddenFiles: [], // 编辑时删除的原来发现问题附件 rules: [{ name: 'INSPECTION_SUBJECT', message: '请输入检查标题' }, { name: 'INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_ID', message: '请选择被检查单位' }, { name: 'INSPECTED_SITEUSER_ID', message: '请选择被检查单位现场负责人' }, { name: 'INSPECTION_TYPE', message: '请选择检查类型不能为空' }, { name: 'INSPECTION_PLACE', message: '请输入检查场所' }, { name: 'INSPECTION_TIME_START', message: '请选择检查开始时间' }, { name: 'INSPECTION_TIME_END', message: '请选择作业结束时间' } ], showHiddenWindow: false, // 隐患添加窗口显隐 hiddenIsEdit: true, hiddenRegionTreeList: [], // 隐患部位下拉数据 hiddenLevelTreeList: [], // 隐患级别下拉数据 hiddenTypeTreeList: [], // 隐患类型下拉数据 hiddenType2TreeList: [], // 隐患类型2下拉数据 creatorList: [], // 隐患责任人下拉数据 hiddenForm: { ISRELEVANT: '2', HIDDEN_ID: '', // 隐患ID HIDDENDESCR: '', // 隐患描述 HIDDENPART: '', // 隐患部位 HIDDENPART_NAME: '', HIDDENLEVEL: '', // 隐患级别 HIDDENLEVEL_NAME: '', HIDDENTYPE: '', // 隐患类型1 HIDDENTYPE_NAME: '', HIDDENTYPE2: '', // 隐患类型2 HIDDENTYPE2_NAME: '', LONGITUDE: '', // 隐患位置经度 LATITUDE: '', // 隐患位置纬度 CREATTIME: '', // 隐患发现时间 HIDDENFINDDEPT: '', // 隐患发现部门(隐患责任人部门) HIDDENFINDDEPT_NAME: '', CREATOR: '', // 发现人(隐患责任人) CREATOR_INDEX: '', HIDDENLEVEL_INDEX: '', CREATOR_NAME: '', SOURCE: '5', // 隐患描述 hiddenImgs: [], hiddenVideos: [] }, modalShow: false, videoSrc: '', hiddenRules: [{ name: 'HIDDENDESCR', message: '输入隐患描述' }, { name: 'HIDDENLEVEL', message: '请选择隐患级别' }, { name: 'HIDDENTYPE', message: '请选择隐患类型' }, { name: 'CREATTIME', message: '请选择隐患发现时间' }, { name: 'CREATOR', message: '请选择隐患发现人' } ], todayDate: '', modalName: null, cityIndex: 0, signImgList: [], signModalShow: false, type: '', vector: '' } }, onLoad(event) { this.todayDate = formatDate(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm'); this.form.INSPECTION_ID = event.INSPECTION_ID; this.type = event.TYPE this.vector = event.vector this.form.hiddenList = [] if (this.form.INSPECTION_ID) { this.msg = "edit"; this.getData(); } else { // 初始化作业负责人 this.form.APPLY_DEPARTMENT_ID = loginUser.DEPARTMENT_ID; this.form.APPLY_DEPARTMENT_NAME = loginUser.DEPARTMENT_NAME; this.form.APPLY_USER_ID = loginUser.USER_ID; this.form.APPLY_USER = loginUser.NAME; this.forbidEdit = false; } // 初始化现场作业负责人 this.getDept() this.getDict() this.getHiddenType(); loginSession(); }, methods: { showZgTree2(){ this.isUps=true this.$refs.tkiTree2._show(); }, zgtreeConfirm2(e){ this.isUps=false; if(e[0]?.parents.length === 1){ this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE = [e[0]?.parents[0]?.id || '', e[0]?.id || '']; this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPENAME = [e[0]?.parents[0]?.name || '', e[0]?.name || ''].join('/') }else if(e[0]?.parents.length === 2) { this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE = [e[0]?.parents[0]?.id || '', e[0]?.parents[1]?.id || '', e[0]?.id || '']; this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPENAME = [e[0]?.parents[0]?.name || '', e[0]?.parents[1]?.name || '', e[0]?.name || ''].join('/') }else{ this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE = [e[0]?.id || '']; this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPENAME = [e[0]?.name || ''].join('/'); } this.$forceUpdate();//强制刷新 }, zgtreeCancel2(e){ this.isUps=false; }, getData() { var _this = this; uni.showLoading({ title: '请稍候' }) uni.request({ url: basePath + '/app/safetyenvironmental/goEdit', method: 'POST', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { INSPECTION_ID: _this.form.INSPECTION_ID, }, success: (res) => { if ("success" == res.data.result) { uni.hideLoading(); _this.form = res.data.pd; //参数map console.log("打印后端响应数据:", res.data.pd) for (let i = 0; i < _this.form.inspectorList.length; i++) { _this.inspectorList.push([]) _this.getUserList('inspectorList', _this.form.inspectorList[i] .INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_ID, i) } if (Number(_this.form.INSPECTION_STATUS) < 1) { _this.forbidEdit = false; } } else if ("exception" == data.result) { uni.showToast({ title: '错误', duration: 2000 }); } } }); }, goSubmit() { var _this = this; let required = true uni.showLoading({ title: '请稍候' }) this.rules.map(({ name, message }) => { if (!this.form[name] || this.form[name] === '请选择') { uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: message, duration: 1500 }); required = false } }) if (!required) { return } for (let x = 0; this.form.inspectorList.length > x; x++) { var vector = 0 if (!this.form.inspectorList[x].INSPECTION_USER_ID || this.form.inspectorList[x].INSPECTION_USER_ID == '') { uni.showToast({ title: '有检查人未选择数据,请选择', icon: "none" }) return } for (var y in this.form.inspectorList) { if (this.form.inspectorList[y].INSPECTION_USER_ID === this.form.inspectorList[x] .INSPECTION_USER_ID) vector++ } if (vector > 1) { uni.showToast({ title: '检查人重复!请检查数据', icon: "none" }) return } } if (this.form.INSPECTION_USER_OPINION) { if (!this.signImgList || this.signImgList.length <= 0) { uni.showToast({ title: `您还未签字`, icon: 'none' }) return } } // 封装隐患图片和视频附件 var hiddenList = [], fileList = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.form.hiddenList.length; i++) { fileList = [] for (let j = 0; j < this.form.hiddenList[i].hiddenImgs.length; j++) { if (!this.form.hiddenList[i].hiddenImgs[j].IMGFILES_ID) { var file = {}; file.type = '3'; file.FILEPATH = this.form.hiddenList[i].hiddenImgs[j].FILEPATH; fileList.push(file); } } if (this.form.hiddenList[i].hiddenVideos.length > 0) { if (!this.form.hiddenList[i].hiddenVideos[0].IMGFILES_ID) { var file = {}; file.type = 102; file.FILEPATH = this.form.hiddenList[i].hiddenVideos[0].FILEPATH; fileList.push(file); } } hiddenList.push(fileList) } var index = this.form.inspectorList.findIndex(item => { return item.INSPECTION_USER_ID === loginUser.USER_ID }) if (index < 0) { this.form.inspectorList.push({ INSPECTION_INSPECTOR_ID: '', //检查人员主键 INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_ID: loginUser.DEPARTMENT_ID, //检查人员部门ID INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_NAME: loginUser.DEPARTMENT_NAME, INSPECTION_USER_ID: loginUser.USER_ID, //检查人员ID INSPECTION_USER_INDEX: '', INSPECTION_USER_NAME: loginUser.NAME }) } this.$set(this.form, 'INSPECTORJSON', JSON.stringify(this.form.inspectorList)) this.$set(this.form, 'SITUATIONJSON', JSON.stringify(this.form.situationList)) this.$set(this.form, 'HIDDENJSON', JSON.stringify(this.form.hiddenList)) this.$set(this.form, 'delInspectors', this.delInspectors.join(',')) this.$set(this.form, 'delSituations', this.delSituations.join(',')) this.$set(this.form, 'delHiddens', this.delHiddens.join(',')) this.$set(this.form, 'delHiddenFiles', this.delHiddenFiles.join(',')) this.$set(this.form, 'CREATOR', loginUser.USER_ID) this.$set(this.form, 'CORPINFO_ID', corpinfoId) this.$set(this.form, 'ACTION_USER', loginUser.NAME) this.$set(this.form, 'OPERATOR', loginUser.USER_ID) this.form.hiddenList.forEach((hidden, index) => { console.log(`隐患项 ${index + 1} 的 POSITIONDESC 字段的值:`, hidden.POSITIONDESC); }); this.submit(hiddenList) }, uploadImg(hiddenList) { var _this = this; uni.showLoading({ title: '上传中' }) for (let i = 0; i < hiddenList.length; i++) { let hiddenID = _this.hiddenIds[i].HIDDEN_ID let fileList = hiddenList[i] for (let j = 0; j < fileList.length; j++) { uni.uploadFile({ url: basePath + '/app/imgfiles/add', filePath: fileList[j].FILEPATH, name: 'FFILE', formData: { 'TYPE': fileList[j].type, 'FOREIGN_KEY': hiddenID }, success: (res) => { uni.hideLoading(); //结束加载中动画 console.info('hiddenList.length====' + hiddenList.length) console.info('fileList.length====' + fileList.length) if (hiddenList.length - 1 === i && fileList.length - 1 === j) { uni.hideLoading(); _this.goback() } // _this.goback() }, fail: (err) => { this.buttonSubmit = true; uni.hideLoading(); uni.showModal({ content: err.errMsg, showCancel: false }); } }) } } this.buttonSubmit = false; _this.goback() }, submit(hiddenList) { var _this = this; this.buttonSubmit = true; uni.showLoading({ title: '请稍候' }) if (this.form.INSPECTION_USER_OPINION) { uni.uploadFile({ url: basePath + '/app/safetyenvironmental/' + _this.msg, filePath: _this.signImgList[0] ? _this.signImgList[0].filePath : undefined, name: 'FFILE', formData: _this.form, success: (res) => { const response = JSON.parse(res.data) if ("success" == response.result) { _this.hiddenIds = response.pd.hiddenList if (hiddenList.length === 0) { _this.goback() } else { _this.uploadImg(hiddenList) } } else { this.buttonSubmit = true; uni.showToast({ title: res.data.msaesge, duration: 2000 }); } } }) } else { uni.request({ url: basePath + '/app/safetyenvironmental/' + _this.msg, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { ..._this.form }, success: (res) => { if ("success" == res.data.result) { _this.hiddenIds = res.data.pd.hiddenList if (hiddenList.length === 0) { _this.goback() } else { _this.uploadImg(hiddenList) } } else { this.buttonSubmit = true; uni.showToast({ title: res.data.msaesge, duration: 2000 }); } } }); } }, changeRadioGroup(e) { this.form.INSPECTION_SUBJECT = e.detail.value }, changeStartDate(e) { this.form.INSPECTION_TIME_START = e this.$forceUpdate(); //强制刷新 }, changeEndDate(e) { this.form.INSPECTION_TIME_END = e this.$forceUpdate(); //强制刷新 }, showZgTree(ref, index) { if (index > 7) { this.$refs[ref][0]._show(); } else { this.$refs[ref]._show(); } }, radioISRELEVANT(e) { this.hiddenForm.ISRELEVANT = e }, zgtreeCancel(e) { this.isUps = false; }, zgtreeConfirm(e, list, i) { if (list === 'inspectedSiteuserList') { // 被检查单位现场负责人 this.form.INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_ID = e[0].id this.form.INSPECTED_DEPARTMENT_NAME = e[0].name this.form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_INDEX = '' this.form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_ID = '' this.form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_NAME = '' this.getUserList(list, e[0].id) } if (list === 'inspectionTypeTreeList') { // 检查类型 this.form.INSPECTION_TYPE = e[0].id this.form.INSPECTION_TYPE_NAME = e[0].name } if (list === 'inspectorList') { // 检查人员 this.form.inspectorList[i].INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_ID = e[0].id this.form.inspectorList[i].INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_NAME = e[0].name this.form.inspectorList[i].INSPECTION_USER_INDEX = '' this.form.inspectorList[i].INSPECTION_USER_ID = '' this.form.inspectorList[i].INSPECTION_USER_NAME = '' this.getUserList(list, e[0].id, i); } if (list === 'hiddenRegionTreeList') { // 隐患部位 this.hiddenForm.HIDDENPART = e[0].id this.hiddenForm.HIDDENPART_NAME = e[0].name } // if (list === 'hiddenLevelTreeList') { // 隐患级别 没用 // this.hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL = e[0].id // this.hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL_NAME = e[0].name // } if (list === 'hiddenTypeTreeList') { // 隐患类型 this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE = e[0].id this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE_NAME = e[0].name } if (list === 'hiddenType2TreeList') { // 隐患类型 this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE2 = e[0].id this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPE2_NAME = e[0].name } if (list === 'creatorList') { // 隐患发现人 this.hiddenForm.HIDDENFINDDEPT = e[0].id this.hiddenForm.HIDDENFINDDEPT_NAME = e[0].name this.hiddenForm.CREATOR_INDEX = '' this.hiddenForm.CREATOR = '' this.hiddenForm.CREATOR_NAME = '' this.getUserList(list, e[0].id) } }, inspectedSiteuserChange(e) { this.form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_INDEX = e.detail.value; this.form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_ID = this.inspectedSiteuserList[e.detail.value].USER_ID; this.form.INSPECTED_SITEUSER_NAME = this.inspectedSiteuserList[e.detail.value].NAME; }, inspectorChange(e, index) { this.form.inspectorList[index].INSPECTION_USER_INDEX = e.detail.value; this.form.inspectorList[index].INSPECTION_USER_ID = this.inspectorList[index][e.detail.value].USER_ID; this.form.inspectorList[index].INSPECTION_USER_NAME = this.inspectorList[index][e.detail.value].NAME; }, addSituation() { this.form.situationList.push({ INSPECTION_SITUATION_ID: '', SITUATION: '' }) }, removeSituation(item, index) { var _this = this; uni.showModal({ title: '提示', cancelText: '确认', confirmText: '取消', content: '确定删除检查情况吗?', success: function(res) { if (res.cancel) { _this.form.situationList.splice(index, 1) if (item.INSPECTION_SITUATION_ID) { _this.delSituations.push(item.INSPECTION_SITUATION_ID) } } } }); }, addInspector() { this.form.inspectorList.push({ INSPECTION_INSPECTOR_ID: '', //检查人员主键 INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_ID: '', //检查人员部门ID INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_NAME: '', INSPECTION_USER_ID: '', //检查人员ID INSPECTION_USER_INDEX: '', INSPECTION_USER_NAME: '' }) }, removeInspector(item, index) { var _this = this; uni.showModal({ title: '提示', cancelText: '确认', confirmText: '取消', content: '确定移除检查人员吗?', success: function(res) { if (res.cancel) { _this.form.inspectorList.splice(index, 1); if (item.INSPECTION_INSPECTOR_ID) { _this.delInspectors.push(item.INSPECTION_INSPECTOR_ID) } } } }); }, removeHidden(item, index) { var _this = this; uni.showModal({ title: '提示', cancelText: '确认', confirmText: '取消', content: '确定移除发现问题吗?', success: function(res) { if (res.cancel) { console.info(_this.form,'打印数据2'); _this.form.hiddenList.splice(index, 1); if (item.HIDDEN_ID) { _this.delHiddens.push(item.HIDDEN_ID) } } } }); }, // 打开隐患添加窗口 addHidden() { this.resetHd() this.creatorList = [{ NAME: loginUser.NAME, USER_ID: loginUser.USER_ID }] this.form.inspectorList.forEach(item => { if (loginUser.USER_ID != item.INSPECTION_USER_ID) { this.creatorList.push({ USER_ID: item.INSPECTION_USER_ID, NAME: item.INSPECTION_USER_NAME }) } }) this.$refs['showHiddenWindow'].open() this.showHiddenWindow = true this.hiddenIsEdit = true }, // 打开隐患添加窗口 showHidden(item) { this.resetHd() this.creatorList = [{ NAME: loginUser.NAME, USER_ID: loginUser.USER_ID }] this.form.inspectorList.forEach(item => { if (loginUser.USER_ID != item.INSPECTION_USER_ID) { this.creatorList.push({ USER_ID: item.INSPECTION_USER_ID, NAME: item.INSPECTION_USER_NAME }) } }) this.hiddenForm = item this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPENAME = item.HIDDENTYPE_NAME || this.hiddenForm.HIDDENTYPENAME; this.$refs['showHiddenWindow'].open() this.showHiddenWindow = true this.hiddenIsEdit = false }, // 保存隐患 saveHidden() { let required = true; // 检查隐患图片 if (this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.length <= 0) { uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请上传隐患图片', duration: 1500 }); return; } // 检查隐患部位是否输入 if (!this.hiddenForm.HIDDENPART) { uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请输入隐患部位', duration: 1500 }); required = false; } // 检查其他必填项 this.hiddenRules.forEach(({ name, message }) => { if (!this.hiddenForm[name] || this.hiddenForm[name] === '请选择' || this.hiddenForm[name] === '请输入') { uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: message, duration: 1500 }); required = false; } }); if (!required) { return; } uni.showLoading({ title: '请稍候' }); // 检查并设置发现人相关信息 this.form.inspectorList.forEach(item => { if (item.INSPECTION_USER_ID === this.hiddenForm.CREATOR) { this.hiddenForm.HIDDENFINDDEPT = item.INSPECTION_DEPARTMENT_ID; } }); // 将当前隐患信息添加到列表中 this.form.hiddenList.push(this.hiddenForm); // 关闭并重置隐患信息输入窗口 this.cancelHidden(); uni.hideLoading(); }, // 取消添加隐患 cancelHidden() { this.$refs['showHiddenWindow'].close() this.showHiddenWindow = false }, // 抽屉状态发生变化触发 change(e, type) { this[type] = e }, ViewImage(e) { if (e.currentTarget.dataset.type == 0) { let files = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.length; i++) { if (e.currentTarget.dataset.id) { files.push(this.baseImgPath + this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[i].FILEPATH) } else { files.push(this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[i].FILEPATH) } } uni.previewImage({ urls: files, current: e.currentTarget.dataset.id ? this.baseImgPath + e.currentTarget.dataset.url : e .currentTarget.dataset.url }); } else { let files = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.length; i++) { files.push(this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[i].FILEPATH) } uni.previewImage({ urls: files, current: e.currentTarget.dataset.url }); } }, ViewSignImage(e) { if (e.currentTarget.dataset.type == 0) { let files = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.length; i++) { files.push(this.baseImgPath + this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[i].FILEPATH) } uni.previewImage({ urls: files, current: e.currentTarget.dataset.url }); } else { let files = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.imgList1.length; i++) { files.push(this.imgList1[i].filePath) } uni.previewImage({ urls: files, current: e.currentTarget.dataset.url }); } }, DelImg(e) { var _this = this; let i = e.currentTarget.dataset.index uni.showModal({ content: '确定要删除这张图片吗?', cancelColor: "#000000", cancelText: '取消', confirmText: '确定', success: res => { if (res.confirm) { if (e.currentTarget.dataset.type == 0) { if (_this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[i].IMGFILES_ID) { _this.delHiddenFiles.push(_this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs[index].FILEPATH) } else { this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.splice(e.currentTarget.dataset.index, 1) } } else { if (_this.imgList1[i].IMGFILES_ID) { uni.showLoading({ title: '处理中' }) uni.request({ url: basePath + '/app/imgfiles/delete', method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { IMGFILES_ID: _this.imgList1[i].IMGFILES_ID, }, success: (res) => { uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '删除成功', duration: 1500 }); _this.imgList1.splice(i, 1) }, fail: (err) => { uni.hideLoading(); uni.showModal({ content: err.errMsg, showCancel: false }); } }) } else { this.imgList1.splice(e.currentTarget.dataset.index, 1) } } } } }) }, delSignImg(e) { var _this = this; let i = e.currentTarget.dataset.index uni.showModal({ content: '确定要删除这张图片吗?', cancelColor: "#000000", cancelText: '取消', confirmText: '确定', success: res => { if (res.confirm) { _this.signImgList.splice(i, 1) } } }) }, //图片上传 ChooseImage(e) { var _this = this; var ss = 4 - this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.length; uni.chooseImage({ count: ss, //默认9 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['camera', 'album'], //从相册选择 success: (res) => { for (let i = 0; i < res.tempFilePaths.length; i++) { if (e == 0) { let img = {}; img.IMGFILES_ID = ''; img.FILEPATH = res.tempFilePaths[i]; this.hiddenForm.hiddenImgs.push(img) } else { let img = {}; img.IMGFILES_ID = ''; img.FILEPATH = res.tempFilePaths[i]; this.imgList1.push(img) } } } }); }, ViewVideo(e) { }, DelVideo(e) { uni.showModal({ content: '确定要删除这个视频吗?', cancelColor: "#000000", cancelText: '取消', confirmText: '确定', success: res => { if (res.confirm) { this.hiddenForm.hiddenVideos = [] } } }) }, chooseVideo(e) { var _this = this; uni.chooseVideo({ maxDuration: 60, count: 1, //默认9 // sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['camera', 'album'], //从相册选择 success: (res) => { if (e == 0) { let img = {}; img.IMGFILES_ID = ''; img.FILEPATH = res.tempFilePath; this.hiddenForm.hiddenVideos.push(img) } else { let img = {}; img.IMGFILES_ID = ''; img.FILEPATH = res.tempFilePaths[0]; this.hiddenForm.hiddenVideos.push(img) } } }); }, playVideo(e) { if (e.currentTarget.dataset.src) { this.videoSrc = e.currentTarget.dataset.src } if (this.form.INSPECTION_ID) { this.videoSrc = this.baseImgPath + this.hiddenForm.hiddenVideos[0].FILEPATH } this.modalShow = true }, changeDiscoverDate(e) { this.hiddenForm.CREATTIME = e this.$forceUpdate(); //强制刷新 }, creatorChange(e) { this.hiddenForm.CREATOR_INDEX = e.detail.value; this.hiddenForm.CREATOR = this.creatorList[e.detail.value].USER_ID; this.hiddenForm.CREATOR_NAME = this.creatorList[e.detail.value].NAME; }, hiddenLevelChange(e) { this.hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL_INDEX = e.detail.value; this.hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL = this.hiddenLevelTreeList[e.detail.value].BIANMA; this.hiddenForm.HIDDENLEVEL_NAME = this.hiddenLevelTreeList[e.detail.value].NAME; }, /** 坐标定位 */ showMapModal() { var _this = this uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/map/map', events: { // 为指定事件添加一个监听器,获取被打开页面传送到当前页面的数据 acceptDataFromOpenedPage: function(e) { _this.hiddenForm.LONGITUDE = e.data.longitue; _this.hiddenForm.LATITUDE = e.data.latitude; } }, }) }, getDept() { var _this = this; uni.request({ url: basePath + '/app/sys/listTree', //部门下拉接口 method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { CORPINFO_ID: corpinfoId, }, success: (res) => { if ("success" == res.data.result) { _this.treeNode = eval(res.data.zTreeNodes); } else { uni.showToast({ title: res.data.message, duration: 2000 }); } } }); }, //获取人员列表 getUserList(list, dept, i) { //发送 post 请求 var _this = this uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/app/sys/listUser', data: { DEPARTMENT_ID: dept, NOMAIN: '1', tm: new Date().getTime() }, success: function(res) { if ("success" == res.data.result) { if (i > -1) { _this[list][i] = []; _this[list][i] = res.data.userList; _this.$forceUpdate(); //强制刷新 } else { _this[list] = res.data.userList; } } else { uni.showToast({ title: res.data.message, duration: 2000 }); } } }) }, filterHiddenLevels(){ this.hiddenLevelTreeList = this.hiddenLevelTreeList.filter(item => item.NAME != '重大隐患' && item.NAME !='轻微隐患'); }, getHiddenType: function () { var _this = this; uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/dictionaries/getLevels', data: { DICTIONARIES_ID: '3babc15144444bdc8d763d0af2bdfff8', CORPINFO_ID:loginUser.CORPINFO_ID, USER_ID:loginUser.USER_ID, }, success: function ({data}) { for (let i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++) { if (data.list[i].BIANMA.indexOf(loginUser.PROVINCE) > -1) { _this.getTrainDicList(data.list[i].DICTIONARIES_ID) break } } } }); }, getTrainDicList(parentId) { // trainDicList var _this = this; uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/dictionaries/listAllDictToParId', data: { parentId, CORPINFO_ID:loginUser.CORPINFO_ID, USER_ID:loginUser.USER_ID, }, success: function ({data}) { let zTreeNodes = data.zTreeNodes zTreeNodes = zTreeNodes.replace(/"nodes":\[/g, '"children":[') _this.hiddenTypeList = JSON.parse(zTreeNodes) } }); }, //获取数据字典数据 getDict() { var _this = this; uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/dictionaries/listSelectTreeByTkiTree?tm=' + new Date().getTime(), data: { DICTIONARIES_ID: '60e6481d96e44a5390ff5c347c4d1ffe' }, success: function(res) { _this.inspectionTypeTreeList = eval(res.data.zTreeNodes); } }); uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/app/hidden/getTreehiddenRegionListAll', data: { CORPINFO_ID: corpinfoId, tm: new Date().getTime() }, success: function(res) { if ("success" == res.data.result) { var json = res.data.zTreeNodes _this.hiddenRegionTreeList = JSON.parse(json); } else { uni.showToast({ title: res.data.message, duration: 2000 }); } } }) uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/dictionaries/getLevels?tm=' + new Date().getTime(), data: { DICTIONARIES_ID: '5e7cf8620ba54ad89719d0be62133c7a', }, success: function (res) { _this.hiddenLevelTreeList = res.data.list; _this.filterHiddenLevels(); } }); uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/dictionaries/listSelectTreeByTkiTree?tm=' + new Date().getTime(), data: { DICTIONARIES_ID: 'b4a7325f96af40808ec64c85c162933d' }, success: function(res) { var jons = res.data.zTreeNodes; _this.hiddenTypeTreeList = JSON.parse(jons); } }) uni.request({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', header: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, url: basePath + '/dictionaries/listSelectTreeByTkiTree?tm=' + new Date().getTime(), data: { DICTIONARIES_ID: '18c0a9aea6e54feab9f4ab3f46e0bc86' }, success: function(res) { var jons = res.data.zTreeNodes; 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subCanvas(e) { this.signImgList.splice(0, this.signImgList.length); this.signImgList.push(e); this.$set(this.form, 'INSPECTION_USER_SIGN_TIME', formatDate(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm')) this.signModalShow = false; }, } } </script> <style> .right_icon { position: relative; padding-right: 36upx; width: 200upx; text-align: right; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .right_icon ::after { font-family: cuIcon; display: block; content: "\e6a3"; position: absolute; font-size: 17px; color: #8799a3; line-height: 50px; width: 30px; text-align: center; top: -28upx; bottom: 0; right: -22upx; margin: auto; } .modal_content { display: flex; text-align: left; } .modal_left { flex-basis: 50%; padding: 50upx 20upx; border-right: 1px solid #000000; } .modal_right { flex-basis: 50%; padding: 50upx; } .modal_left_title, .modal_right_title { font-size: 16px; color: #000000; font-weight: 700; } .checkbox-item { display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 0 30upx; min-height: 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