mengfanliang pushed to 八项作业 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 743a7408e8 feat: 盲板抽堵作业申请的回显修补
mengfanliang pushed to 八项作业 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- c57dda5157 feat:
mengfanliang pushed to 八项作业 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- bfe823ed2d feat: 修改下一步操作的判断逻辑
mengfanliang pushed to 八项作业 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 26b5ef1301 feat: 添加部分修改回显逻辑
mengfanliang pushed to 八项作业 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 986bc90dc3 feat: 动火作业申请表单开发
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-dev-pitfall at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- b821b35405 feat: 安全环保检查管理列表首页开启点击反馈
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-dev-pitfall at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 20b4ca00fb feat: code saved
- db25047877 feat: 修改安全环保检查样式统一
- Compare 2 commits »
mengfanliang pushed to liujun0703-新项目开发 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- 2487666f5f Merge branch 'liujun0703-新项目开发' of into liujun0703-新项目开发
- 102cc73d81 feat: 修复样式污染问题
- Compare 2 commits »
mengfanliang pushed to liujun0703-新项目开发 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- 31213069cc feat: 应急救援指挥左侧面板样式调整
mengfanliang pushed to liujun0703-新项目开发 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- a8e009ec70 Merge branch 'liujun0703-新项目开发' of into liujun0703-新项目开发
- 9accd1e41e feat: 添加物资装备库的地图扎点
- Compare 2 commits »
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-0726-businessPerson_table at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-vue
- f949002ed6 style: 代码格式调整
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-0726-businessPerson_table at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-vue
- 93205d5bb8 feat: 新增安全环保检查管理模块静态页面
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-dev-pitfall at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 66bacc172e feat: 新增安全环保检查模块,页面开发完成
mengfanliang pushed to liujun0703-新项目开发 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- 43ae67909d Merge branch 'liujun0703-新项目开发' of into liujun0703-新项目开发
- 34f2299d68 feat: 修改应急救援指挥内弹框样式
- Compare 2 commits »
mengfanliang pushed to liujun0703-新项目开发 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- 90a946d337 feat: 修改应急指挥模块内,事故点位弹框样式
mengfanliang created branch mengfanliang-dev-pitfall in guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-dev-pitfall at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 347f8eef3f feat: 添加治理模块功能
mengfanliang pushed to liujun0703-新项目开发 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- fe680f0c4c feat: 应急救援指挥模块页面绘制
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-0726-businessPerson_table at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-vue
- 4c00524b91 fix: bug fixed
mengfanliang pushed to mengfanliang-0726-businessPerson_table at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-vue
- 80f80c0cb9 fix: 修复excel表格导出下载时的跨域问题