liujun pushed to liujun-25-相关方企业新增属性 at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-vue
- 481f125104 驻港单位、货主单位审批功能查询bug修复
liujun pushed to liujun-25-相关方企业新增属性 at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-vue
- a270b5fce0 相关方企业新增企业类型、货主、驻港单位
liujun created branch liujun-25-相关方企业新增属性 in guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-vue
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-vue
- 6d4d7ce75b 1、一公司人员定位调整及未正确显示人员定位信息bug修复
liujun pushed to dev at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-vue
- 6d4d7ce75b 1、一公司人员定位调整及未正确显示人员定位信息bug修复
liujun pushed to liujun0703-新项目开发 at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- 47c997a7ac 应急管理模块合并新项目代码合并
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 2746b283af 2563 动火作业流程图 延时监火是部门 显示部门 所有端都要改
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-app
- edddf9fe6c 2563 动火作业流程图 延时监火是部门 显示部门 所有端都要改
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-app
- 23d1b73e5d 1、动火作业气体分析未校验
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- cd6b395cc5 1、动火作业气体分析未校验
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 00c4e1572f bug修复,隐藏字段被展示
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-app
- 5a680bd0d4 bug修复,隐藏字段被展示
liujun pushed to dev at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-vue
- 8cc04a5b35 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pet' into pet
- d2aeb1b34c [问题修复](pet):
- 8d4af194e7 1.增加隐患来源
- 926c461741 1.修改一公司人员图标
- 5068f503c0 1.优化重复图片列表
- Compare 11 commits »
liujun pushed to dev at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-vue
- 96c97d9c29 [问题修复](pet):
- 3966c1a377 [新增功能](hyx_2024-11-5_xgfPerson):
- Compare 2 commits »
liujun pushed to dev at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-gwj-vue
- bc423bc2ae Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pet' into pet
- c53f89a02f [问题修复](pet)
- 0e657bb5c6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pet' into pet
- 71fded8e8a 1.隐患整改页面操作样式修改
- edcfbd9553 【bug修改】
- Compare 25 commits »
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-regulatory-gwj-app
- 559a861f79 动火下一步跳白屏bug修复
liujun pushed to pet at guoyuepeng/qa-prevention-xgf-app
- 0c022738d7 bug:修改手机上无法下一步