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<div id='mapContainer'></div>
<!--<button id="addMarker" onclick="add()">添加DOM标注</button>-->
<!--<button id="removeMarker" onclick="remove()">移除DOM标注</button>-->
<select name="markerArea" id="markerArea" style="display: none;" onclick="changeMarker()"></select>
<div id="setProperty" style="display: none;" onclick="property()">
  <form oninput="handleInput()">
    <p>图标ID:<input type="text" class="ID" readonly/></p>
    <p>楼层:<input type="text" class="floor" readonly/></p>
    <p>坐标位置:<input type="text" class="position" readonly/></p>
    <div id="gradient">偏移:
      <p>x:<input type="number" id="x轴"/></p>
      <p>y:<input type="number" id="y轴"/></p>
      <label for="show">
        显示:<input type="radio" id="show" name="toggle"/>
      <label for="hide">
        隐藏:<input type="radio" id="hide" name="toggle"/>
      <label for="on">
        开:<input type="radio" id="on" name="depth"/>
      <label for="off">
        关:<input type="radio" id="off" name="depth"/>
    <div id="close">x</div>
    <p><span id="changeImg">更换内容</span></p>
<script type="text/javascript">

  var map = null;
  var mapID = '100930';
  var i = 0;
  var max = 0;
  var markerArr = [];
  var propertyInput = document.querySelectorAll('#setProperty>form input');
  var currentMarker = null;
  var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

  var domMarker = null;

  window.onload = function () {

  window.addEventListener('unload', function (e) {
    map = null;

  function openMap() {
    var mapOptions = {
      container: 'mapContainer',
      mapType: jsmap.JSMapType.MAP_3D,
      // mapServerURL: 'http://mapdemo.joysuch.com',
      mapServerURL: '',
      openingAnimation: false,
      enableLighting: true,
      enableShadows: true,
      viewOptions: {
        center: {
          x: 119.65057611465456,
          y: 39.93527621050255,
          z: 0.016594102424956802
        distance: 370.01629618875734,
        rotate: 0,
        tilt: 90
      imageryProvider: jsmap.JSImageryProviderType.IMAGE_TDT,
    map = new jsmap.JSMap(mapOptions);


    map.on("loadComplete", e => {
      var compassControl = new jsmap.JSCompassControl({
        position: jsmap.JSControlPosition.LEFT_TOP,
        offset: {
          x: 10,
          y: 20

      var zoomControl = new jsmap.JSZoomControl({
        position: jsmap.JSControlPosition.LEFT_TOP,
        offset: {
          x: 40,
          y: 10

      if (document.documentElement.clientWidth >= 600) {

    map.on('mapClickNode', event => {

  function addPointMarker(event) {
    setProperty.style.display = "none";
      // //标注的X轴坐标取值范围
      // var x = Math.random() * (105.20001908346316 - 105.19474256905414) + 105.19474256905414;
      // //标注的Y轴坐标取值范围
      // var y = Math.random() * (37.65154533433473 - 37.649024581292366) + 37.649024581292366;
    // console.info(event)
      var x = event.eventInfo.coord.x;
      var y = event.eventInfo.coord.y;
      var z = event.eventInfo.coord.z;

      domMarker = new jsmap.JSDomMarker({
        id: i,
        position: {
          z: 1
        }, //坐标
        floorId: 1, //楼层id,默认为1(地面)
        pointerEvents: 'none',
        content: '<div>' +
                    '<div class="wrapper">' +
                      '<div class="row cf">' +
                        '<div class="span">' +
                          '<div class="location_indicator"></div>' +
                        '</div>' +
                      '</div>' +
                    '</div>' +
        offset: jsmap.JSControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM,
        marginOffset: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
        properties: {
          type: 0,
        callback: (node) => {
          // console.log(node);
        } //回调事件
    //   //创建option标签
    //   var option = document.createElement('option');
    //   option.value = i;
    //   option.innerText = `第${i}个DOM标注`;
    //   fragment.appendChild(option);
    //   markerArr.push(domMarker);
    // markerArea.appendChild(fragment);
    // markerArea.style.display = 'block';

    i -= 1;
    window.parent.postMessage({'LONGITUDE': x, 'LATITUDE': y}, '*');

  function remove() {
    setProperty.style.display = "none";
    markerArea.style.display = 'none';
    markerArea.innerHTML = '';
    markerArr = [];
    i = 0;
    max = 0;

  function changeMarker(e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    currentMarker = markerArr.find(item => item._id === e.target.value);
    if (currentMarker !== undefined) {
      setProperty.style.display = "block";
      propertyInput.forEach(item => {
        if (item.className === 'ID') item.value = currentMarker._id;
        if (item.className === 'floor') item.value = currentMarker.floorId;
        if (item.className === 'position') item.value = 'x:' + currentMarker.position.x + ';' + 'y:' + currentMarker.position.y;
        if (item.id === "show" && currentMarker.show === true) item.checked = true;
        if (item.id === "x轴") item.value = currentMarker.marginOffset.x;
        if (item.id === "y轴") item.value = currentMarker.marginOffset.y;
        if (item.id === "on" && currentMarker.depthTest === true) item.checked = true;
        if (item.id === "off" && currentMarker.depthTest === false) item.checked = true;

  function property(e) {
    e = e || window.event;

    let {id} = e.target;
    if (id === 'show') currentMarker.show = true;
    if (id === 'hide') currentMarker.show = false;
    if (id === 'on') currentMarker.depthTest = true;
    if (id === 'off') currentMarker.depthTest = false;
    if (id === "changeImg") currentMarker.content = 'DOMMarker';
    if (id === 'close') setProperty.style.display = "none";

  function handleInput(e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    let {id, className, value} = e.target;
    currentMarker.marginOffset = {
      x: id === 'x轴' ? Number(value) : currentMarker.marginOffset.x,
      y: id === 'y轴' ? Number(value) : currentMarker.marginOffset.y,
