1044 lines
40 KiB
1044 lines
40 KiB
<view class="next-tree">
<view class="next-tree-mask" v-if="uiMode === 'popup'" :class="{'show':showTree}" @tap="_cancel"></view>
<view class="next-tree-cnt" :style="{top: top, height: pageHeight}" :class="{'show':showTree, 'next-tree-cnt-page': uiMode === 'page'}">
<view v-if="_showTreeBar" class="next-tree-bar">
<view class="next-tree-bar-cancel" :style="{'color':cancelColor}" hover-class="hover-c" @tap="_cancel">取消</view>
<view class="next-tree-bar-title" :style="{'color':titleColor}">{{customTitle}}</view>
<view class="next-tree-bar-btns">
<view v-if="['checkbox', 'radio'].indexOf(funcMode) !== -1" class="next-tree-bar-cancel" :style="{'color':cancelColor}" hover-class="hover-c" @tap="_clear">清空</view>
<view v-else-if="funcMode === 'edit'" class="next-tree-bar-cancel" :style="{'color':cancelColor}" hover-class="hover-c" @tap="_revert">还原</view>
<view class="btn-divid"></view>
<view class="next-tree-bar-confirm" :style="{'color':_themeColor}" hover-class="hover-c" @tap="_confirm">确定</view>
<!-- #ifndef H5-->
<view class="next-tree-view" :style="'top:'+(_showTreeBar?'72rpx':'0rpx')">
<!-- #endif-->
<!-- #ifdef H5-->
<view class="next-tree-view" style="top: 72rpx">
<!-- #endif-->
<next-search-more v-if="ifSearch" @search="onSearch" mode="center" placeholder="请输入关键字" :isFixedSearchBtn="false" />
<slot name="topBar"></slot>
<scroll-view class="next-tree-view-sc" :scroll-y="true">
<view v-if="_treeList.length">
<block v-for="(item, index) in _treeList" :key="index">
<view class="next-tree-item-block" v-if="item.show">
<view class="next-tree-item" :style="[{
paddingLeft: item.rank*15 + 'px',
zIndex: item.rank*-1 +50
border: border === true,
show: item.show,
last: item.lastRank,
showchild: item.showChild,
open: item.open,
disabled: item.disabled === true
<block v-if="showAuxiliaryLine">
<template v-if="item.rank > 1">
<view :key="i" v-for="i in (item.rank - 1)" :style="{left: (6 * (2*i - 1) + 3 * (i - 1)) + 'px'}" class="parent-horizontal-line"></view>
<view class="left-line">
<view v-if="item.lastRank" class="horizontal-line"></view>
<view class="next-tree-label" @tap.stop="_treeItemTap(item, index)">
<image class="next-tree-icon" :src="item.lastRank ? lastIcon : item.showChild ? currentIcon : defaultIcon"></image>
<input @click.stop @tap.stop class="label-input" placeholder="请输入" v-if="funcMode === 'edit' && item.status === 'edit'" v-model="item.name" />
<rich-text :nodes="getNodes(item.ouputText)" :selectable="false" v-else-if="ifSearch && searchModel==='depHighlight' && keywords"></rich-text>
<slot v-else-if="$slots.label" name="label" :data="_getLabelSlotData(item)"></slot>
<rich-text v-else-if="item.checked && !item.disabled" :nodes="getThemeNodes(item.name)"></rich-text>
<text v-else>{{item.name}}</text>
<template v-if="['checkbox', 'radio'].indexOf(funcMode) !== -1">
<view class="next-tree-check" @tap.stop="_treeItemSelect(item, index)" v-if="selectParent === true ? true : item.lastRank">
<view class="next-tree-check-yes" v-if="item.checked" :class="{'radio':!multiple}" :style="{'border-color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : _themeColor, 'background-color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : _themeColor}">
<view class="next-tree-check-yes-b" :style="{'background-color':item.disabled ? '#ccc' : _themeColor}">
<text v-if="item.checked" class="icon-text">✔</text>
<view class="next-tree-check-no" v-else :class="{'radio':!multiple}" :style="{'border-color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : _themeColor}">
<text v-if="showHalfChecked(item) && showHalfCheckedTips" :style="{'color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : _themeColor, 'font-weight': 'blod', 'font-size': '10px'}" class="icon-text">一</text>
<template v-else-if="funcMode === 'edit'">
<text v-if="item.status === 'loading'" :style="{'color': '#ccc'}" class="iconfont-loading icon-btn"></text>
<view v-else>
<text @click="_complete(item)" v-if="item.status === 'edit'" :style="{'color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : _themeColor}" class="iconfont icon-btn"></text>
<template v-else>
<text @click="_editItem(item)" :style="{'color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : _themeColor}" class="iconfont icon-btn"></text>
<text @click="_addSubItem(item)" :style="{'color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : '#333'}" class="iconfont icon-btn"></text>
<text @click="_addSameItem(item)" :style="{'color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : '#333'}" class="iconfont icon-btn"></text>
<text @click="_delItem(item)" :style="{'color': item.disabled ? '#ccc' : '#ff4d4f'}" class="iconfont icon-btn"></text>
<view v-else>
<slot v-if="$slots.empty" name="empty"></slot>
<view class="empty" v-else><text>暂无数据</text></view>
<view v-if="ifSearch" style="height: 80rpx"></view>
<slot name="bottomBar"></slot>
<view class="fixed-bottom-bar"><slot name="fixedBottomBar"></slot></view>
export default {
name: "next-tree",
props: {
uiMode: {
type: String,
default: 'popup' // popup(弹窗), page(页面)
funcMode: {
type: String,
default: 'radio' // display(展示模式), edit(编辑模式), checkbox(多选模式), radio(单选模式)
treeData: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return []
valueKey: {
type: String,
default: 'id'
labelKey: {
type: String,
default: 'label'
disabledKey: {
type: String,
default: 'disabled'
childrenKey: {
type: String,
default: 'children'
title: {
type: [String, Function],
default: ''
selectParent: { //是否可以选父级
type: Boolean,
default: false
foldAll: { //折叠时关闭所有已经打开的子集,再次打开时需要一级一级打开
type: Boolean,
default: false
themeColor: { // 主题颜色
type: String,
default: '#f9ae3d' // #f9ae3d
cancelColor: { // 取消按钮颜色
type: String,
default: '' // #757575
titleColor: { // 标题颜色
type: String,
default: '' // #757575
currentIcon: { // 展开时候的ic
type: String,
default: ''
defaultIcon: { // 折叠时候的ic
type: String,
default: ''
lastIcon: { // 没有子集的ic
type: String,
default: ''
border: { // 是否有分割线
type: Boolean,
default: false
checkStrictly: { // 只有在funcMode为checkbox状态下生效; 状态下节点选择完全受控(父子节点选中状态不再关联)
type: Boolean,
default: false
checkStrictlyModel: { // 关联模式 weak: 弱关联;strong: 强关联
type: String,
default: 'weak'
showHalfCheckedTips: { // 只有在funcMode为checkbox, checkStrictly为false状态下生效; 父子节点选中状态不再关联,显示半选提示
type: Boolean,
default: true
ifSearch: { // 是否开启search模式
default: true
searchModel: { // 搜索模式配置
type: String,
default:'common' // depHighlight: 从属高亮;common: 一般;remote:远程
showAuxiliaryLine: { // 辅助线模式
default: false
loadData: {
type: Function
height: {
type: Number,
default: 500
changeVerify: {
type: Function
expandedKeys: { // (Controlled) Specifies the keys of the expanded treeNodes
type: Array,
default: () => ([])
expandedMode: { // common: 一般模式;singe: 单一模式;
type: String,
default: 'common'
type: String,
default: '100%'
data() {
return {
showTree: false,
treeList: [],
currentTreeData: [],
selectIndex: -1,
keywords: '',
nodeInitContrl: {},
top: '',
initNum: 1
computed: {
_showTreeBar() {
return this.uiMode === 'popup'
_themeColor() {
return this.themeColor || '#f9ae3d'
_treeList () {
if(this.ifSearch && this.keywords) {
return this.treeList.filter(item => {
return (item.name && item.name.indexOf(this.keywords) !== -1)
}).map(item => {
const o = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item));
if(o.showChild === false) {
o.showChild = true;
if(o.show === false) {
o.show = true;
return o
} else {
return this.treeList
customTitle() {
if(typeof this.title === 'function') {
return this.title(this._getCheckedParams());
} else {
return this.title
multiple() {
if(this.funcMode === 'checkbox') {
return true
} else if(this.funcMode === 'radio') {
return false
} else {
return true
methods: {
_show() {
this.showTree = true
_hide() {
this.showTree = false
_cancel() {
this.$emit("cancel", '');
_confirm() {
// 处理所选数据
let rt = this._getCheckedParams();
this.$emit("confirm", rt);
_getLabelSlotData(item) {
const _it = this.getItemFromTreeData(this.currentTreeData, item.id);
const it = Object.assign({}, _it);
delete it[this.childrenKey];
return it
_getCheckedParams() {
// 处理所选数据
let rt = [],
obj = {};
this.treeList.forEach((v, i) => {
if (this.treeList[i].checked) {
obj = {}
obj.parents = this.treeList[i].parents
obj = Object.assign(obj, this.treeList[i].source)
// 移除子元素
// delete obj.children
return rt;
_addSubItem(item) {
if(item.disabled) return;
const it = Object.assign({}, item);
if(item.lastRank) {
item.lastRank = false;
item.showChild = true;
this.$nextTick(() => {
const parentId = item.parentId.concat([]);
const parents = item.parents.concat([]);
it.disabled = false;
it.rank = it.rank + 1;
it.id = `next-tree-${this.initNum}`;
it.parentId = [...parentId];
it.parents = [...parents];
it.show = true;
it.showChild = false;
it.open = false;
it.name = '';
it.status = 'edit';
it.source = {};
it.hideArr = [];
it.lastRank = true;
let index = -1;
for (let i = this.treeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(this.treeList[i].id === item.id) {
index = i;
if(index !== -1) {
this.treeList.splice(index + 1, 0, it);
_addSameItem(item) {
if(item.disabled) return;
const it = Object.assign({}, item);
let index = -1;
for (let i = this.treeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(this.treeList[i].id === item.id || this.treeList[i].parentId.indexOf(item.id) !== -1) {
index = i;
it.id = `next-tree-${this.initNum}`;
it.source = {};
it.hideArr = [];
it.name = "";
it.status = 'edit';
if(index !== -1) {
this.treeList.splice(index + 1, 0, it);
async _complete(item) {
if (item.name) {
item.status = 'loading';
if(item.operateCallback) {
await item.operateCallback('complete', item);
await this.$nextTick();
item.status = '';
} else {
title: '请先完善内容',
icon: 'none'
_editItem(item) {
if(item.disabled) return;
item.status = 'edit';
_revert() {
async _delItem(item) {
if(item.disabled) return;
item.status = 'loading';
if(item.operateCallback) {
await item.operateCallback('delete', item);
await this.$nextTick();
delItemFunc(item) {
const id = item && item.id ? item.id : '';
const ids = [];
this.treeList.map((it, index) => {
if(it.id === id) {
} else if(it.parentId.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
ids.sort((a, b) => b - a);
ids.forEach(index => {
this.treeList.splice(index, 1);
checkedFunc(values, state = true) {
if(values instanceof Array) {
values.map(id => {
const item = this.treeList.find(it => it.id === id);
if(item) {
item.checked = !!state
} else {
const _item = this.treeList.find(it => it.id === values);
if(_item) {
_item.checked = !!state
getRenderTreeList(list = [], rank = 0, parentId = [], parents = []) {
const treeList = [];
list.forEach(item => {
const halfChecked = this.getHalfCheckedFormTreeData(item);
let ouputText = '';
if(this.searchModel === 'depHighlight') {
if(parents && parents.length) {
ouputText = parents.map(item => item[this.labelKey]).join(' > ');
ouputText = ouputText + ' > ' + item[this.labelKey];
} else {
ouputText = item[this.labelKey];
const bool1 = this.expandedKeys.indexOf(item[this.valueKey]) !== -1;
const len = parentId.length;
const bool2 = len > 0 ? this.expandedKeys.indexOf(parentId[len - 1]) !== -1 : bool1;
id: item[this.valueKey],
name: item[this.labelKey],
source: item,
parentId, // 父级id数组
parents, // 父级id数组
rank, // 层级
showChild: bool1, //子级是否显示
open: bool1, //是否打开
show: (bool1 || bool2) || rank === 0, // 自身是否显示
hideArr: [],
orChecked: item.checked ? item.checked : false,
checked: item.checked ? item.checked : false,
disabled: this.disabledKey && item[this.disabledKey] === true,
status: '',
operateCallback: (typeof item.operateCallback) === 'function' ? item.operateCallback : undefined
if(bool1) {
this.nodeInitContrl[item[this.valueKey]] = true;
} else {
this.nodeInitContrl[item[this.valueKey]] = undefined;
if (
(Array.isArray(item[this.childrenKey]) && item[this.childrenKey].length > 0) ||
(this.loadData && Array.isArray(item[this.childrenKey]) &&item[this.childrenKey].length === 0)
) {
let parentid = [...parentId],
parentArr = [...parents],
childrenid = [];
delete parentArr.children
[this.valueKey]: item[this.valueKey],
[this.labelKey]: item[this.labelKey],
} else if(item[this.childrenKey] === null) {
treeList[treeList.length - 1].lastRank = false;
} else {
treeList[treeList.length - 1].lastRank = true;
return treeList;
_renderTreeList(list = [], rank = 0, parentId = [], parents = []) {
list.forEach(item => {
const halfChecked = this.getHalfCheckedFormTreeData(item);
let ouputText = '';
if(this.searchModel === 'depHighlight') {
if(parents && parents.length) {
ouputText = parents.map(item => item[this.labelKey]).join(' > ');
ouputText = ouputText + ' > ' + item[this.labelKey];
} else {
ouputText = item[this.labelKey];
const bool1 = this.expandedKeys.indexOf(item[this.valueKey]) !== -1;
const len = parentId.length;
const bool2 = len > 0 ? this.expandedKeys.indexOf(parentId[len - 1]) !== -1 : bool1;
id: item[this.valueKey],
name: item[this.labelKey],
source: item,
parentId, // 父级id数组
parents, // 父级id数组
rank, // 层级
showChild: bool1, //子级是否显示
open: bool1, //是否打开
show: (bool1 || bool2) || rank === 0, // 自身是否显示
hideArr: [],
orChecked: item.checked ? item.checked : false,
checked: item.checked ? item.checked : false,
disabled: this.disabledKey && item[this.disabledKey] === true,
status: '',
operateCallback: (typeof item.operateCallback) === 'function' ? item.operateCallback : undefined
if(bool1) {
this.nodeInitContrl[item[this.valueKey]] = true;
} else {
this.nodeInitContrl[item[this.valueKey]] = undefined;
if (
(Array.isArray(item[this.childrenKey]) && item[this.childrenKey].length > 0) ||
(this.loadData && Array.isArray(item[this.childrenKey]) &&item[this.childrenKey].length === 0)
) {
let parentid = [...parentId],
parentArr = [...parents],
childrenid = [];
delete parentArr.children
[this.valueKey]: item[this.valueKey],
[this.labelKey]: item[this.labelKey],
this._renderTreeList(item[this.childrenKey], rank + 1, parentid, parentArr);
} else if(item[this.childrenKey] === null) {
this.treeList[this.treeList.length - 1].lastRank = false;
} else {
this.treeList[this.treeList.length - 1].lastRank = true;
// 处理默认选择
_defaultSelect() {
this.treeList.forEach((v, i) => {
if (v.checked) {
this.treeList.forEach((v2, i2) => {
if (v.parentId.toString().indexOf(v2.parentId.toString()) >= 0) {
v2.show = true
if (v.parentId.includes(v2.id)) {
v2.showChild = true;
v2.open = true;
// 点击
async _treeItemTap(item, _index) {
const index = this.treeList.findIndex(it =>it.id === item.id);
if (item.lastRank === true) {
if (item.disabled === true) return
if (['checkbox', 'radio'].indexOf(this.funcMode) === -1) return
this.treeList[index].checked = !this.treeList[index].checked;
if(this.changeVerify && (typeof this.changeVerify === 'function')) {
const current = Object.assign({}, item.source);
current.checked = item.checked;
const tip = this.changeVerify(current, this.multiple ? this._getCheckedParams() : [current]);
if(tip) {
this.treeList[index].checked = !this.treeList[index].checked;
title: tip,
icon: 'none'
this.treeList[index].halfChecked = false;
if(this.multiple && !this.checkStrictly && this.showHalfCheckedTips) {
} else if(this.multiple && this.checkStrictly) {
this.$emit("change", this._getCheckedParams());
} else if(this.ifSearch && this.keywords) {
// 搜索模式下不处理展开收起逻辑
// loadData实现
const isLoadData = this.loadData && !this.nodeInitContrl[item.id];
if(isLoadData) {
uni && uni.showLoading({ title: "请稍后..." });
const newChild = await this.loadData({$type: 'nodeLoad', source: this.treeList[index].source});
// 为了保证treeData数据的完整性,异步加载的数据需要添加到treeData上;
const treeItem = this.getItemFromTreeData(this.currentTreeData, item.id);
treeItem[this.childrenKey] = newChild && newChild.length ? newChild : undefined;
const parentId = item.parentId || [];
const lists = this.getRenderTreeList(newChild || [], item.rank + 1, parentId.concat([item.id]), [{[this.valueKey]: item[this.valueKey],[this.labelKey]: item[this.labelKey]}]);
this.nodeInitContrl[item.id] = true;
this.treeList.splice(index+1, 0, ...lists);
const childLen = this.treeList.filter(it => it.parentId.includes(item.id)).length;
if(!isLoadData && childLen > 50) {
uni && uni.showLoading({ title: "请稍后..." });
let list = this.treeList;
let id = item.id;
item.showChild = !item.showChild;
item.open = item.showChild ? true : !item.open;
list.forEach((childItem, i) => {
if (item.showChild === false) {
if (!childItem.parentId.includes(id)) {
} else {
if (!this.foldAll) {
if (childItem.lastRank !== true && !childItem.open) {
childItem.showChild = false;
// 为隐藏的内容添加一个标记
if (childItem.show) {
childItem.hideArr[item.rank] = id
} else {
if (childItem.lastRank !== true) {
childItem.showChild = false;
childItem.show = false;
} else {
// 打开子集
if (childItem.parentId[childItem.parentId.length - 1] === id) {
childItem.show = true;
// 打开被隐藏的子集
if (childItem.parentId.includes(id) && !this.foldAll) {
if (childItem.hideArr[item.rank] === id) {
childItem.show = true;
if (childItem.open && childItem.showChild) {
childItem.showChild = true
} else {
childItem.showChild = false
childItem.hideArr[item.rank] = null
} else if(this.expandedMode === 'singe' && !childItem.parentId.includes(id)) {
if (childItem.id !== id) {
const bool1 = item.parentId.some(id => {
return (childItem.parentId && childItem.parentId.indexOf(id) !== -1) || childItem.rank === 0;
const childItemParentId = [...childItem.parentId];
const _id = childItemParentId ? childItemParentId.pop() : '';
const nodeList = [item, { parentId: childItemParentId.length ? childItemParentId : [] }];
if(!childItem.lastRank) {
if(item.parentId.indexOf(childItem.id) === -1) {
childItem.showChild = false;
if(!bool1 && !this.isSiblingNode([item, childItem])) {
childItem.show = false;
} else if(childItem.rank !== 0 && _id !== id && this.isSiblingNode(nodeList)) {
childItem.show = false;
} else if (childItem.rank !== 0 && _id !== id && !this.isSiblingNode(nodeList) && this.isParentSiblingNode(nodeList)) {
childItem.show = false;
} else {
if(!this.isSiblingNode([item, childItem]) && !bool1) {
childItem.show = false;
} else if(_id !== id && this.isSiblingNode(nodeList)) {
childItem.show = false;
} else if (_id !== id && !this.isSiblingNode(nodeList) && this.isParentSiblingNode(nodeList)) {
childItem.show = false;
setTimeout(() => {
uni && uni.hideLoading()
isSiblingNode(targetArr = []) {
const target1 = targetArr && targetArr.length ? targetArr[0] : {};
let target1Id = '';
if(target1.parentId && target1.parentId.length) {
target1Id = target1.parentId[target1.parentId.length - 1]
return targetArr.every(item => {
if(item && item.parentId && item.parentId.length) {
return target1Id === item.parentId[item.parentId.length - 1]
} else {
return target1Id === ''
isParentSiblingNode(targetArr = []) {
const target1 = targetArr && targetArr.length ? targetArr[0] : {};
let target1Id = '';
if(target1.parentId && target1.parentId.length) {
target1Id = target1.parentId[target1.parentId.length - 1]
return targetArr.every(item => {
if(item && item.parentId && item.parentId.length) {
return item.parentId.some(id => id === target1Id) && target1Id !== '';
} else {
return target1Id === '';
getThemeNodes(text) {
const _text = (text || '').replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
const regex = new RegExp(`(${text || ''})`, 'gi');
return text ? text.replace(regex, `<span style="color: ${this._themeColor}">$1</span>`) : '';
getNodes(ouputText) {
if(this.keywords && ouputText) {
const key = (this.keywords || '').replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
const regex = new RegExp(`(${key})`, 'gi');
return ouputText.replace(regex, `<span style="color: ${this._themeColor}">$1</span>`);
return ouputText
getHalfCheckedFormTreeData(item) {
if (this.checkStrictly) {
return false;
} else if (!this.showHalfCheckedTips) {
return false
} else {
if(item[this.childrenKey] && item[this.childrenKey].length) {
return item[this.childrenKey].some(it => {
if(it.checked === true) {
return true;
} else if(it[this.childrenKey] && it[this.childrenKey].length) {
return this.getHalfCheckedFormTreeData(it);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
getItemFromTreeData(treeData, id) {
if(id) {
let item = null;
(treeData || []).some(it => {
if(it[this.valueKey] === id) {
item = it
return true
} else if(it[this.childrenKey] && it[this.childrenKey].length) {
item = this.getItemFromTreeData(it[this.childrenKey], id)
return !!item
} else {
return false
return item
return null
_treeItemSelect(item, _index) {
const index = this.treeList.findIndex(it =>it.id === item.id);
if (item.disabled === true) return
this.treeList[index].checked = !this.treeList[index].checked;
if(this.changeVerify && (typeof this.changeVerify === 'function')) {
const current = Object.assign({}, item.source);
current.checked = item.checked;
const tip = this.changeVerify(current, this.multiple ? this._getCheckedParams() : [current]);
if(tip) {
this.treeList[index].checked = !this.treeList[index].checked;
title: tip,
icon: 'none'
this.treeList[index].halfChecked = false;
if (this.multiple && this.checkStrictly) {
if(!item.lastRank) {
const source = item.source || {};
const children = source[this.childrenKey] || [];
const checkedKeyList = this.getChildrenKeys(children);
this.treeList.forEach((v, i) => {
if(checkedKeyList.indexOf(v.id) !== -1) {
if(this.checkStrictlyModel === 'weak') {
if(!this.treeList[i].disabled) {
this.treeList[i].checked = this.treeList[index].checked
} else if(this.checkStrictlyModel === 'strong') {
this.treeList[i].checked = this.treeList[index].checked
} else if(this.multiple && !this.checkStrictly && this.showHalfCheckedTips) {
} else {
this.$emit("change", this._getCheckedParams());
updateParentChecked(index) {
const parentId = (this.treeList[index].parentId || []).concat([]).reverse();
if(parentId && parentId.length) {
parentId.map(id => {
const parentTreeDataItem = this.getItemFromTreeData(this.currentTreeData, id);
const childrenIds = (parentTreeDataItem[this.childrenKey] || []).map(item => item[this.valueKey]);
const bool = this.treeList
.filter(it => childrenIds.indexOf(it.id) !== -1)
.every(it => it.checked === true);
const _bool = this.treeList
.filter(it => childrenIds.indexOf(it.id) !== -1)
.every(it => it.checked === false);
const parentItem = this.treeList.find(it => it.id === id);
if(parentItem) {
if (this.checkStrictlyModel === 'weak') {
if(bool && !parentItem.disabled) {
parentItem.checked = true;
} else if(_bool && !parentItem.disabled) {
parentItem.checked = false;
} else if(this.checkStrictlyModel === 'strong') {
if(bool) {
parentItem.checked = true;
} else {
parentItem.checked = false;
updateHalfChecked(index) {
const _parentId = this.treeList[index].parentId || [];
const parentId = _parentId.concat([]).reverse();
if(parentId && parentId.length) {
parentId.map(id => {
const parentTreeDataItem = this.getItemFromTreeData(this.currentTreeData, id);
const childrenIds = (parentTreeDataItem[this.childrenKey] || []).map(item => item[this.valueKey]);
const bool = this.treeList
.filter(it => childrenIds.indexOf(it.id) !== -1)
.every(it => it.checked === false && it.halfChecked === false);
const _bool = this.treeList
.filter(it => childrenIds.indexOf(it.id) !== -1)
.some(it => it.checked === true || it.halfChecked === true);
const parentItem = this.treeList.find(it => it.id === id);
if(parentItem) {
if(!parentItem.checked) {
if(bool) {
parentItem.halfChecked = false
} else if (_bool) {
parentItem.halfChecked = true
} else {
parentItem.halfChecked = false
if(this.treeList[index].checked == false) {
const source = this.treeList[index].source || {};
const children = source[this.childrenKey] || [];
const checkedKeyList = this.getChildrenKeys(children);
const bool = this.treeList.filter(item => checkedKeyList.indexOf(item.id) !== -1).some(item => item.checked);
if(bool) {
this.treeList[index].halfChecked = true;
showHalfChecked(item) {
if(this.multiple && !this.checkStrictly && item.halfChecked === true) {
return true
} else {
return false
getChildrenKeys(children) {
let keys = [];
(children || []).map(item => {
if (item[this.childrenKey] && item[this.childrenKey].length) {
keys = keys.concat(this.getChildrenKeys(item[this.childrenKey]))
return keys
// 处理单选多选
_fixMultiple(index) {
if (!this.multiple) {
// 如果是单选
this.treeList.forEach((v, i) => {
if (i != index) {
this.treeList[i].checked = false
} else {
this.treeList[i].checked = true
// 重置数据
_reTreeList() {
this.treeList.forEach((v, i) => {
this.treeList[i].checked = v.orChecked
this.treeList.length = 0;
if(this.loadData) {
this.currentTreeData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.treeData));
} else {
this.currentTreeData = this.treeData;
this.$nextTick(() => {
_clear() {
this.treeList.map(item => {
if(this.multiple && this.checkStrictly) {
if(this.checkStrictlyModel === 'strong') {
item.checked = false;
} else if(this.checkStrictlyModel === 'weak') {
if(!item.disabled) {
item.checked = false;
} else {
item.checked = false;
} else {
if(!item.disabled) {
item.checked = false;
item.halfChecked = false;
this.$emit("change", this._getCheckedParams());
async onSearch(val) {
if(this.searchModel === 'remote') {
if(this.loadData) {
if(val) {
const newChild = await this.loadData({$type: 'remoteSearch', source: val});
const lists = this.getRenderTreeList(newChild);
this.treeList = [...lists];
} else {
} else {
title: "使用远程搜索模式,需要配置loadData函数;",
icon: 'none'
} else {
this.keywords = val;
initUiModePopup(watched) {
success: (res) => {
this.top = (res.windowHeight - this.height) + 'px';
watched && watched();
watched = this.$watch(() => this.showTree, (bool) => {
if(bool) {
} else {
this.$nextTick(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.treeList.length = 0;
this.nodeInitContrl = {};
}, {immediate: true});
initUiModePage(watched) {
this.top = '0px';
watched && watched();
watched = this.$watch(() => this.treeData, () => {
this.treeList.length = 0;
this.nodeInitContrl = {};
this.$nextTick(() => {
}, {immediate: true, deep: true})
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.showTree = true;
uiModeInit() {
let watched = null;
if(this.uiMode === 'popup') {
} else if (this.uiMode === 'page') {
} else {
mounted() {
<style scoped>
@import "./style.css";