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5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
guoyuepeng 1df08fe74c 1.地图定位点位用户当前地址附近 2024-01-26 11:12:16 +08:00
zhaoyu e964559ea5 展示具体位置字段 2024-01-18 18:11:52 +08:00
zhaoyu 00414ed8a9 增加具体位置 2024-01-18 17:18:10 +08:00
guoyuepeng 67d526963d Merge pull request 'main' (#1) from main into dev-2024年1月8日
Reviewed-on: #1
2024-01-18 17:11:48 +08:00
zhaoyu ca21ef888d 责任状 2024-01-11 11:40:03 +08:00
4 changed files with 282 additions and 11 deletions

components/gcoord.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
/* @preserve
* gcoord 0.2.2, geographic coordinate library
* Copyright (c) 2019 Jiulong Hu <>
!function (e, t) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? t(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], t) : t(e.gcoord = {})
}(this, function (e) {
"use strict";
var t = "WGS84", r = t, n = t, o = "GCJ02", a = o, i = "BD09", u = i, f = i, c = i, s = "BD09MC", l = s,
M = "EPSG3857", g = M, h = M, v = M, d = M;
function m(e) {
throw new Error(e)
function G(e) {
return !isNaN(e) && null !== e && !S(e)
function S(e) {
return !!e && "[object Array]" ===
function P() {
for (var o = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) o[e] = arguments[e];
var a = o.length - 1;
return function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
for (var r = a, n = o[a].apply(null, e); r--;) n = o[r].call(null, n);
return n
var b = Math.sin, y = Math.cos, p = Math.sqrt, B = Math.abs, D = Math.PI, C = 6378245, E = .006693421622965823;
function W(e) {
var t = e[0], r = e[1];
if (!J(t, r)) return [t, r];
for (var n = [t, r], o = n[0], a = n[1], i = x([o, a]), u = i[0] - t, f = i[1] - r; 1e-6 < B(u) || 1e-6 < B(f);) u = (i = x([o -= u, a -= f]))[0] - t, f = i[1] - r;
return [o, a]
function x(e) {
var t = e[0], r = e[1];
if (!J(t, r)) return [t, r];
var n = function (e, t) {
var r = function (e, t) {
var r = 300 + e + 2 * t + .1 * e * e + .1 * e * t + .1 * p(B(e));
return r += 2 * (20 * b(6 * e * D) + 20 * b(2 * e * D)) / 3, r += 2 * (20 * b(e * D) + 40 * b(e / 3 * D)) / 3, r += 2 * (150 * b(e / 12 * D) + 300 * b(e / 30 * D)) / 3
}(e - 105, t - 35), n = function (e, t) {
var r = 2 * e - 100 + 3 * t + .2 * t * t + .1 * e * t + .2 * p(B(e));
return r += 2 * (20 * b(6 * e * D) + 20 * b(2 * e * D)) / 3, r += 2 * (20 * b(t * D) + 40 * b(t / 3 * D)) / 3, r += 2 * (160 * b(t / 12 * D) + 320 * b(t * D / 30)) / 3
}(e - 105, t - 35), o = t / 180 * D, a = b(o), i = p(a = 1 - E * a * a);
return [r = 180 * r / (C / i * y(o) * D), n = 180 * n / (C * (1 - E) / (a * i) * D)]
}(t, r);
return [t + n[0], r + n[1]]
function J(e, t) {
return 72.004 <= e && e <= 137.8347 && .8293 <= t && t <= 55.8271
var k = Math.sin, L = Math.cos, j = Math.atan2, I = Math.sqrt, q = 3e3 * Math.PI / 180;
function w(e) {
var t = e[0] - .0065, r = e[1] - .006, n = I(t * t + r * r) - 2e-5 * k(r * q), o = j(r, t) - 3e-6 * L(t * q);
return [n * L(o), n * k(o)]
function N(e) {
var t = e[0], r = e[1], n = I(t * t + r * r) + 2e-5 * k(r * q), o = j(r, t) + 3e-6 * L(t * q);
return [n * L(o) + .0065, n * k(o) + .006]
var O = 180 / Math.PI, A = Math.PI / 180, F = 6378137, _ = 20037508.342789244;
function z(e) {
return [e[0] * O / F, (.5 * Math.PI - 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-e[1] / F))) * O]
function T(e) {
var t = Math.abs(e[0]) <= 180 ? e[0] : e[0] - 360 * (e[0] < 0 ? -1 : 1),
r = [F * t * A, F * Math.log(Math.tan(.25 * Math.PI + .5 * e[1] * A))];
return r[0] > _ && (r[0] = _), r[0] < -_ && (r[0] = -_), r[1] > _ && (r[1] = _), r[1] < -_ && (r[1] = -_), r
var U = Math.abs, H = Math.pow, K = [12890594.86, 8362377.87, 5591021, 3481989.83, 1678043.12, 0],
Q = [75, 60, 45, 30, 15, 0],
R = [[1.410526172116255e-8, 898305509648872e-20, -1.9939833816331, 200.9824383106796, -187.2403703815547, 91.6087516669843, -23.38765649603339, 2.57121317296198, -.03801003308653, 17337981.2], [-7.435856389565537e-9, 8983055097726239e-21, -.78625201886289, 96.32687599759846, -1.85204757529826, -59.36935905485877, 47.40033549296737, -16.50741931063887, 2.28786674699375, 10260144.86], [-3.030883460898826e-8, 898305509983578e-20, .30071316287616, 59.74293618442277, 7.357984074871, -25.38371002664745, 13.45380521110908, -3.29883767235584, .32710905363475, 6856817.37], [-1.981981304930552e-8, 8983055099779535e-21, .03278182852591, 40.31678527705744, .65659298677277, -4.44255534477492, .85341911805263, .12923347998204, -.04625736007561, 4482777.06], [3.09191371068437e-9, 8983055096812155e-21, 6995724062e-14, 23.10934304144901, -.00023663490511, -.6321817810242, -.00663494467273, .03430082397953, -.00466043876332, 2555164.4], [2.890871144776878e-9, 8983055095805407e-21, -3.068298e-8, 7.47137025468032, -353937994e-14, -.02145144861037, -1234426596e-14, .00010322952773, -323890364e-14, 826088.5]],
V = [[-.0015702102444, 111320.7020616939, 0x60e374c3105a3, -0x24bb4115e2e164, 0x5cc55543bb0ae8, -0x7ce070193f3784, 0x5e7ca61ddf8150, -0x261a578d8b24d0, 0x665d60f3742ca, 82.5], [.0008277824516172526, 111320.7020463578, 647795574.6671607, -4082003173.641316, 10774905663.51142, -15171875531.51559, 12053065338.62167, -5124939663.577472, 913311935.9512032, 67.5], [.00337398766765, 111320.7020202162, 4481351.045890365, -23393751.19931662, 79682215.47186455, -115964993.2797253, 97236711.15602145, -43661946.33752821, 8477230.501135234, 52.5], [.00220636496208, 111320.7020209128, 51751.86112841131, 3796837.749470245, 992013.7397791013, -1221952.21711287, 1340652.697009075, -620943.6990984312, 144416.9293806241, 37.5], [-.0003441963504368392, 111320.7020576856, 278.2353980772752, 2485758.690035394, 6070.750963243378, 54821.18345352118, 9540.606633304236, -2710.55326746645, 1405.483844121726, 22.5], [-.0003218135878613132, 111320.7020701615, .00369383431289, 823725.6402795718, .46104986909093, 2351.343141331292, 1.58060784298199, 8.77738589078284, .37238884252424, 7.45]];
function X(e, t, r) {
var n = U(t) / r[9], o = r[0] + r[1] * U(e),
a = r[2] + r[3] * n + r[4] * H(n, 2) + r[5] * H(n, 3) + r[6] * H(n, 4) + r[7] * H(n, 5) + r[8] * H(n, 6);
return [o *= e < 0 ? -1 : 1, a *= t < 0 ? -1 : 1]
function Y(e) {
for (var t = e[0], r = e[1], n = [], o = 0; o < Q.length; o++) if (U(r) > Q[o]) {
n = V[o];
return X(t, r, n)
function Z(e) {
for (var t = e[0], r = e[1], n = [], o = 0; o < K.length; o++) if (K[o] <= r) {
n = R[o];
return X(t, r, n)
var $ = {to: {GCJ02: x, BD09: P(N, x), BD09MC: P(Y, N, x), EPSG3857: T}},
ee = {to: {WGS84: W, BD09: N, BD09MC: P(Y, N), EPSG3857: P(T, W)}},
te = {to: {WGS84: P(W, w), GCJ02: w, EPSG3857: P(T, W, w), BD09MC: Y}},
re = {to: {WGS84: z, GCJ02: P(x, z), BD09: P(N, x, z), BD09MC: P(Y, N, x, z)}},
ne = {to: {WGS84: P(W, w, Z), GCJ02: P(w, Z), EPSG3857: P(T, W, w, Z), BD09: Z}},
oe = Object.freeze({WGS84: $, GCJ02: ee, BD09: te, EPSG3857: re, BD09MC: ne});
function ae(e, t, r) {
e || m("coordinate is required"), t || m("original coordinate system is required"), r || m("target coordinate system is required");
var n = oe[t];
if (n || m("original coordinate system is invalid"), t === r) return e;
var o =[r];
o || m("target coordinate system is invalid");
var a = typeof e;
if ("string" != a && "object" != a && m("coordinate must be an geojson or an array of position"), "string" == a) try {
e = JSON.parse(e)
} catch (e) {
m("input is not a legal JSON string")
var i = !1;
S(e) && (e.length < 2 && m("position must be at 2 numbers long"), G(e[0]) && G(e[1]) || m("position must contain numbers"), e =, i = !0);
var u = o;
return i ? u(e) : (function e(t, r, n) {
if (void 0 === n && (n = !1), null !== t) for (var o, a, i, u, f, c, s, l, M = 0, g = 0, h = t.type, v = "FeatureCollection" === h, d = "Feature" === h, G = v ? t.features.length : 1, S = 0; S < G; S++) {
f = (l = !!(s = v ? t.features[S].geometry : d ? t.geometry : t) && "GeometryCollection" === s.type) ? s.geometries.length : 1;
for (var P = 0; P < f; P++) {
var b = 0, y = 0;
if (null !== (u = l ? s.geometries[P] : s)) {
var p = u.type;
switch (M = !n || "Polygon" !== p && "MultiPolygon" !== p ? 0 : 1, p) {
case null:
if (!1 === r(c = u.coordinates, g, S, b, y)) return !1;
g++, b++;
for (c = u.coordinates, o = 0; o < c.length; o++) {
if (!1 === r(c[o], g, S, b, y)) return !1;
g++, "MultiPoint" === p && b++
"LineString" === p && b++;
for (c = u.coordinates, o = 0; o < c.length; o++) {
for (a = 0; a < c[o].length - M; a++) {
if (!1 === r(c[o][a], g, S, b, y)) return !1;
"MultiLineString" === p && b++, "Polygon" === p && y++
"Polygon" === p && b++;
for (c = u.coordinates, o = 0; o < c.length; o++) {
for (a = y = 0; a < c[o].length; a++) {
for (i = 0; i < c[o][a].length - M; i++) {
if (!1 === r(c[o][a][i], g, S, b, y)) return !1;
for (o = 0; o < u.geometries.length; o++) if (!1 === e(u.geometries[o], r, n)) return !1;
m("Unknown Geometry Type")
}(e, function (e) {
var t;
t = u(e), e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[1]
}), e)
var ie = {
WGS84: t,
WGS1984: r,
EPSG4326: n,
GCJ02: o,
AMap: a,
BD09: i,
BD09LL: u,
Baidu: f,
BMap: c,
BD09MC: s,
BD09Meter: l,
EPSG3857: M,
EPSG900913: g,
EPSG102100: h,
WebMercator: v,
WM: d,
transform: ae
e.WGS84 = t, e.WGS1984 = r, e.EPSG4326 = n, e.GCJ02 = o, e.AMap = a, e.BD09 = i, e.BD09LL = u, e.Baidu = f, e.BMap = c, e.BD09MC = s, e.BD09Meter = l, e.EPSG3857 = M, e.EPSG900913 = g, e.EPSG102100 = h, e.WebMercator = v, e.WM = d, e.transform = ae, e.default = ie, Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {value: !0})

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<u-cell title="相关方单位负责人手机" :value="info.UNITS_PHONE"/> <u-cell title="相关方单位负责人手机" :value="info.UNITS_PHONE"/>
<u-cell title="经度" v-show="WORK_LONGITUDE" :value="WORK_LONGITUDE"/> <u-cell title="经度" v-show="WORK_LONGITUDE" :value="WORK_LONGITUDE"/>
<u-cell title="纬度" v-show="WORK_LATITUDE" :value="WORK_LATITUDE"/> <u-cell title="纬度" v-show="WORK_LATITUDE" :value="WORK_LATITUDE"/>
<u-cell title="具体位置" :value="info.LOCATION"/>
</u-cell-group> </u-cell-group>
<view class="button"> <view class="button">
<u-button <u-button

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
<script> <script>
import gcoord from '@/components/gcoord.js'
export default { export default {
components: {}, components: {},
data() { data() {
@ -20,9 +22,12 @@ export default {
latitude: '' latitude: ''
} }
}, },
onLoad(option) { async onLoad(option) {
this.longitude = 119.67751 // this.longitude = 119.67751
this.latitude = 39.92596 // this.latitude = 39.92596
var userWeizhi = await this.getUserAppZuobiao()
this.longitude = userWeizhi[0]
this.latitude = userWeizhi[1]
this.init(); this.init();
const eventChannel = this.$scope.eventChannel; // APP-NVUE const eventChannel = this.$scope.eventChannel; // APP-NVUE
// acceptDataFromOpenerPageeventChannel // acceptDataFromOpenerPageeventChannel
@ -60,6 +65,31 @@ export default {
console.log(eventChannel) console.log(eventChannel)
eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenedPage', {data:[0]}); eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenedPage', {data:[0]});
uni.navigateBack(); uni.navigateBack();
getUserAppZuobiao() { //
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
type: 'GCJ02',
success: function (res1) {
this.longitude = res1.longitude;
this.latitude = res1.latitude;
var result = gcoord.transform(
[this.longitude, this.latitude], //
gcoord.GCJ02, //
gcoord.BD09 //
fail: function (res) {
title: "获取位置失败",
duration: 2000
reject(['119.67751', '39.92596']);
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -13,17 +13,11 @@
<view v-if="info.TYPE === '0'"> <view v-if="info.TYPE === '0'">
若违反上述承诺和未履行安全生产职责或发生责任事故的接受政府或公司事故调查组做出的处罚决定 若违反上述承诺和未履行安全生产职责或发生责任事故的接受政府或公司事故调查组做出的处罚决定
</view> </view>
<view v-if="info.TYPE === '0'">
承诺期限自{{ info.PROMISE_TERM_START }}{{ info.PROMISE_TERM_END }}
<view v-if="info.TYPE === '1'"> <view v-if="info.TYPE === '1'">
若未履行安全生产职责或发生生产安全事故的接受公司或政府事故调查组做出的处罚 若未履行安全生产职责或发生生产安全事故的接受公司或政府事故调查组做出的处罚
</view> </view>
<view v-if="info.TYPE === '1'">
责任期限自{{ info.PROMISE_TERM_START }}{{ info.PROMISE_TERM_END }}
</view> </view>
</view> <view class="footer" v-if="info.TYPE === '0'">
<view class="footer">
<view v-if="info.TYPE === '0'" class="hairdresser">()</view> <view v-if="info.TYPE === '0'" class="hairdresser">()</view>
<view v-if="info.TYPE === '1'" class="hairdresser"> <view v-if="info.TYPE === '1'" class="hairdresser">
<view class="promiser">发状人{{ info.COVERPEOPLE }}</view> <view class="promiser">发状人{{ info.COVERPEOPLE }}</view>
@ -43,6 +37,31 @@
</view> </view>
</view> </view>
</view> </view>
<view class="footer" v-if="info.TYPE === '1'">
<view class="hairdresser" v-if="COVERPEOPLE[0].ISPROMISE_PEOPLE=='1'">
<view class="promiser">发状人
<u--image v-if="info.FILEPATH" :showLoading="true" :src="info.FILEPATH"
width="200upx" height="100px" mode="scaleToFill"></u--image>
<u-button type="primary" :text="info.FILEPATH ? '重签' : '手写签字'" size="mini" class="bth-mini" @click="signShow = true"></u-button>
<view class="time">
<view class="respondent">
<view class="promiser">
{{ info.TYPE === '0' ? '主要负责人签字' : '受状人' }}
<u--image v-if="ORDER[0].FILEPATH" :showLoading="true" :src="$store.state.filePath +ORDER[0].FILEPATH"
width="200upx" height="100px" mode="scaleToFill"></u--image>
<view class="time">
<sign v-if="signShow" :signShow.sync="signShow" @confirm="signConfirm"></sign> <sign v-if="signShow" :signShow.sync="signShow" @confirm="signConfirm"></sign>
<u-button class="mt-10" type="primary" text="提 交" @click="$u.debounce(fnLogin, 1000,true)"></u-button> <u-button class="mt-10" type="primary" text="提 交" @click="$u.debounce(fnLogin, 1000,true)"></u-button>
</view> </view>
@ -59,6 +78,8 @@ export default {
data() { data() {
return { return {
info: {}, info: {},
signShow:false, signShow:false,
} }
}, },
@ -75,6 +96,9 @@ export default {
let resData = await getPromiseInfo({ let resData = await getPromiseInfo({
USER_ID: this.userInfo.USER_ID, USER_ID: this.userInfo.USER_ID,
}) })
this.ORDER = resData.ORDER
const DETAIL = => ({ value: item.COLLATERAL, id: item.PROMISEDETAIL_ID })) const DETAIL = => ({ value: item.COLLATERAL, id: item.PROMISEDETAIL_ID })) = { = {
...resData.TEXT, ...resData.TEXT,