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huangyuxuan 357608b3dd [功能优化](pet):
- 相关方人员审批页面新增 培训有效期开始时间,培训有效期结束时间 字段
2025-01-07 10:30:33 +08:00
build 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
config 动火作业相关页面接受交底人由一个修改为展示多个,新增动火是否完成,作业现场是否清理,是否存在遗留火种三个字段显示 2024-06-11 09:44:56 +08:00
src [功能优化](pet): 2025-01-07 10:30:33 +08:00
static [bug修复] 2024-12-11 10:30:43 +08:00
test 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
vue/src 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
.babelrc 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
.editorconfig 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
.eslintignore 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
.eslintrc.js 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
.gitignore 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
.postcssrc.js 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
.project 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
README.md 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
index.html [bug修复] 2024-12-06 17:59:10 +08:00
package-lock.json [bug修复] 2024-12-11 10:30:43 +08:00
package.json [bug修复] 2024-12-11 10:30:43 +08:00
qa-prevention-gwj-vue.iml 初始化 2023-11-06 18:11:01 +08:00
更新.md 添加 更新.md 2023-12-28 10:44:13 +08:00



A Vue.js project

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run e2e tests
npm run e2e

# run all tests
npm test

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.