/** * Created by gaimeng on 14/12/27. */ var System={}; var js=document.scripts; js=js[js.length-1].src.substring(0,js[js.length-1].src.lastIndexOf("/")); System.path = js; System.libPath = System.path.substring(0,System.path.lastIndexOf("/")); System.imgPath = System.libPath+"/img"; // http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ // http://my.opera.com/emoller/blog/2011/12/20/requestanimationframe-for-smart-er-animating // requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik M ller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel // MIT license (function() { var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']; for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; }()); //IDM namespace var IDM = {} IDM.Browser = {}; //Browser detection (function() { var a = "ActiveXObject" in window, c = a && !document.addEventListener, e = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), f = -1 !== e.indexOf("webkit"), m = -1 !== e.indexOf("chrome"), p = -1 !== e.indexOf("phantom"), isAndroid = -1 !== e.indexOf("android"), r = -1 !== e.search("android [23]"), gecko = -1 !== e.indexOf("gecko"), isIphone = -1 !== e.indexOf("iphone"), isSymbianOS = -1 !== e.indexOf("symbianos"), isWinPhone = -1 !== e.indexOf("windows phone"), isIpad = -1 !== e.indexOf("ipad"), k = isIphone || isWinPhone || isSymbianOS || isAndroid ||isIpad, q = window.navigator && window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints && !window.PointerEvent, t = window.PointerEvent && window.navigator.pointerEnabled && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints || q, y = "devicePixelRatio" in window && 1 < window.devicePixelRatio || "matchMedia" in window && window.matchMedia("(min-resolution:144dppi)") && window.matchMedia("(min-resolution:144dppi)").matches, l = document.documentElement, A = a && "transition" in l.style, x = "WebKitCSSMatrix" in window && "m11" in new window.WebKitCSSMatrix && !r, B = "MozPerspective" in l.style, z = "OTransition" in l.style, G = !window.L_DISABLE_3D && (A || x || B || z) && !p, p = !window.L_NO_TOUCH && !p && function() { if (t || "ontouchstart" in l) return !0; var a = document.createElement("div"), c = !1; if (!a.setAttribute) return !1; a.setAttribute("ontouchstart", "return;"); "function" === typeof a.ontouchstart && (c = !0); a.removeAttribute("ontouchstart"); return c }(); IDM.Browser = { ie: a, ielt9: c, webkit: f, gecko: gecko && !f && !window.opera && !a, android: isAndroid, android23: r, iphone: isIphone, ipad: isIpad, symbian: isSymbianOS, winphone: isWinPhone, chrome: m, ie3d: A, webkit3d: x, gecko3d: B, opera3d: z, any3d: G, mobile: k, mobileWebkit: k && f, mobileWebkit3d: k && x, mobileOpera: k && window.opera, touch: p, msPointer: q, pointer: t, retina: y } }()); //---------------------the IDM.GeomUtil class-------------------- //get the bounding Rect of the points function Rect(minx,miny,maxx,maxy){ this.tl = [minx || 0, miny || 0]; //top left point this.br = [maxx || 0, maxy || 0]; //bottom right point } Rect.prototype.isCollide = function(rect){ if(rect.br[0] < this.tl[0] || rect.tl[0] > this.br[0] || rect.br[1] < this.tl[1] || rect.tl[1] > this.br[1]){ return false; } return true; } IDM.GeomUtil = { getBoundingRect: function (points) { var rect = new Rect(); //if there are less than 1 point if (points.length < 2) { return rect; } var minX = 9999999, minY = 9999999, maxX = -9999999, maxY = -9999999; for (var i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i += 2) { if (points[i] > maxX) { maxX = points[i]; } if (points[i] < minX) { minX = points[i]; } if (points[i + 1] > maxY) { maxY = points[i + 1]; } if (points[i + 1] < minY) { minY = points[i + 1]; } } rect.tl = [minX, minY]; rect.br = [maxX, maxY]; return rect; } } //---------------------the IDM.DomUtil class-------------------- IDM.DomUtil = { getElementLeft: function (element) { var actualLeft = element.offsetLeft; var current = element.offsetParent; while (current !== null) { actualLeft += current.offsetLeft; current = current.offsetParent; } return actualLeft; }, getElementTop: function (element) { var actualTop = element.offsetTop; var current = element.offsetParent; while (current !== null) { actualTop += current.offsetTop; current = current.offsetParent; } return actualTop; }, getTranslateString: function(point) { var dim = IDM.Browser.webkit3d; return "translate" + (dim ? "3d" : "") + "(" + point[0] + "px," + point[1] + "px" + ((dim ? ",0" : "") + ")"); }, getPos: function (element) { return element._idm_pos ? element._idm_pos : [IDM.DomUtil.getElementLeft(element), IDM.DomUtil.getElementTop(element)]; }, setPos: function (element, point) { element._idm_pos = point; IDM.Browser.any3d ? element.style[IDM.DomUtil.TRANSFORM] = IDM.DomUtil.getTranslateString(point) : (element.style.left = point[0] + "px", element.style.top = point[1] + "px") //element.style.left = point[0] + "px"; //element.style.top = point[1] + "px"; }, testProp: function(props) { for (var c = document.documentElement.style, i = 0; i < props.length; i++) if (props[i] in c) return props[i]; return false; } } IDM.DomUtil.TRANSFORM = IDM.DomUtil.testProp(["transform", "WebkitTransform", "OTransform", "MozTransform", "msTransform"]); IDM.DomUtil.TRANSITION = IDM.DomUtil.testProp(["webkitTransition", "transition", "OTransition", "MozTransition", "msTransition"]); IDM.DomUtil.TRANSITION_END = "webkitTransition" === IDM.DomUtil.TRANSITION || "OTransition" === IDM.DomUtil.TRANSITION ? IDM.DomUtil.TRANSITION + "End" : "transitionend"; //---------------------the Mall class-------------------- function Mall(){ var _this = this; this.floors = []; //the floors this.building = null; //the building this.root = null; //the root scene this.is3d = true; this.jsonData = null; //original json data var _curFloorId; //get building id this.getBuildingId = function(){ var mallid = _this.jsonData.data.building.Mall; return mallid? mallid : -1; } //get default floor id this.getDefaultFloorId = function(){ return _this.jsonData.data.building.DefaultFloor; } //get current floor id this.getCurFloorId = function() { return _curFloorId; } //get floor num this.getFloorNum = function(){ return _this.jsonData.data.Floors.length; } //get floor by id this.getFloor = function(id) { for(var i = 0; i < _this.floors.length; i++) { if(_this.floors[i]._id == id) { return _this.floors[i]; } } return null; } //get floor by name this.getFloorByName = function(name){ for(var i = 0; i < _this.floors.length; i++) { if(_this.floors[i].Name == name) { return _this.floors[i]; } } return null; } //get current floor this.getCurFloor = function() { return _this.getFloor(_curFloorId); } //get Floor's json data this.getFloorJson = function(fid){ var floorsJson = _this.jsonData.data.Floors; for(var i = 0; i < floorsJson.length; i++){ if(floorsJson[i]._id == fid) { return floorsJson[i]; } } return null; } //show floor by id this.showFloor = function(id){ if(_this.is3d) { //set the building outline to invisible _this.root.remove(_this.building); //set all the floors to invisible for (var i = 0; i < _this.floors.length; i++) { if (_this.floors[i]._id == id) { //set the specific floor to visible _this.floors[i].position.set(0, 0, 0); _this.root.add(_this.floors[i]); } else { _this.root.remove(_this.floors[i]); } } } _curFloorId = id; } //show the whole building this.showAllFloors = function(){ if(!_this.is3d){ //only the 3d map can show all the floors return; } _this.root.add(_this.building); var offset = 4; for(var i=0; i<_this.floors.length; i++){ _this.floors[i].position.set(0,0,i*_this.floors[i].height*offset); // if(i == 4){ // _this.floors[i].position.set(0,-300,i*_this.floors[i].height*offset); // }else{ // // } _this.root.add(this.floors[i]); } this.building.scale.set(1,1,offset); _curFloorId = 0; return _this.root; } } //----------------------------theme-------------------------------------- var default2dTheme = { name: "test", //theme's name background: "#F2F2F2", //background color //building's style building: { color: "#000000", opacity: 0.1, transparent: true, depthTest: false }, //floor's style floor: { color: "#E0E0E0", opacity: 1, transparent: false }, //selected room's style selected: "#ffff55", //rooms' style room: function (type, category) { var roomStyle; if(!category) { switch (type) { case 100: //hollow. u needn't change this color. because i will make a hole on the model in the final version. return { color: "#F2F2F2", opacity: 0.8, transparent: true } case 300: //closed area return { color: "#AAAAAA", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; case 400: //empty shop return { color: "#D3D3D3", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; default : break; } } switch(category) { case 101: //food roomStyle = { color: "#1f77b4", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 102: //retail roomStyle = { color: "#aec7e8", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 103: //toiletry roomStyle = { color: "#ffbb78", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 104: //parent-child roomStyle = { color: "#98df8a", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 105: //life services roomStyle = { color: "#bcbd22", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 106: //education return { color: "#2ca02c", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 107: //life style roomStyle = { color: "#dbdb8d", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 108: //entertainment roomStyle = { color: "#EE8A31", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 109: //others roomStyle = { color: "#8c564b", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; default : roomStyle = { color: "#c49c94", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; } return roomStyle; }, //room wires' style strokeStyle: { color: "#666666", opacity: 0.5, transparent: true, linewidth: 1 }, fontStyle:{ opacity: 1, textAlign: "center", textBaseline: "middle", color: "#333333", fontsize: 13, fontface: "'Lantinghei SC', 'Microsoft YaHei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, STHeiTi, Arial, sans-serif " }, pubPointImg: { "11001": System.imgPath+"/toilet.png", "11002": System.imgPath+"/ATM.png", "21001": System.imgPath+"/stair.png", "22006": System.imgPath+"/entry.png", "21002": System.imgPath+"/escalator.png", "21003": System.imgPath+"/lift.png" } } var default3dTheme = { name: "test", //theme's name // background: "#F2F2F2", //background color //strokeStyle:"background:rgba(255,255,255,0);", //building's style building: { color: "#000000", opacity: 0.1, transparent: true, depthTest: false }, //floor's style floor: { color: "#E0E0E0", opacity: 1, transparent: false }, //selected room's style selected: "#ffff55", //rooms' style room: function (type, category) { var roomStyle; if(!category) { switch (type) { case 100: //hollow. u needn't change this color. because i will make a hole on the model in the final version. return { color: "#F2F2F2", opacity: 0.8, transparent: true } case 300: //closed area return { color: "#AAAAAA", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; case 400: //empty shop return { color: "#D3D3D3", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; default : break; } } switch(category) { case 101: //food roomStyle = { color: "#006fbe", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 102: //retail roomStyle = { color: "#ffff00", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 103: //toiletry roomStyle = { color: "#fe8142", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 104: //parent-child roomStyle = { color: "#fe0101", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 105: //life services roomStyle = { color: "#bcbd22", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 106: //education return { color: "#2ca02c", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 107: //life style roomStyle = { color: "#dbdb8d", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 108: //entertainment roomStyle = { color: "#EE8A31", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; case 109: //others roomStyle = { color: "#8c564b", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; default : roomStyle = { color: "#c49c94", opacity: 0.7, transparent: true }; break; } return roomStyle; }, //room wires' style strokeStyle: { color: "#5C4433", opacity: 0.5, transparent: true, linewidth: 2 }, fontStyle:{ color: "#231815", fontsize: 40, fontface: "Helvetica, MicrosoftYaHei " }, pubPointImg: { "11001": System.imgPath+"/toilet.png", "11002": System.imgPath+"/ATM.png", "21001": System.imgPath+"/stair.png", "22006": System.imgPath+"/entry.png", "21002": System.imgPath+"/escalator.png", "21003": System.imgPath+"/lift.png" } } //----------------------------the Loader class -------------------------- IndoorMapLoader= function ( is3d ) { THREE.Loader.call( this, is3d ); this.withCredentials = false; this.is3d = is3d; }; IndoorMapLoader.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Loader.prototype ); IndoorMapLoader.prototype.load = function ( url, callback, texturePath ) { var scope = this; this.onLoadStart(); this.loadAjaxJSON( this, url, callback ); }; IndoorMapLoader.prototype.loadAjaxJSON = function ( context, url, callback, callbackProgress ) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(url); var length = 0; console.info(xhr) xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if ( xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE ) { if ( xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0 ) { if ( xhr.responseText ) { var json = JSON.parse( xhr.responseText ); var result = context.parse( json ); callback( result ); } else { console.error( 'IndoorMapLoader: "' + url + '" seems to be unreachable or the file is empty.' ); } // in context of more complex asset initialization // do not block on single failed file // maybe should go even one more level up context.onLoadComplete(); } else { console.error( 'IndoorMapLoader: Couldn\'t load "' + url + '" (' + xhr.status + ')' ); } } else if ( xhr.readyState === xhr.LOADING ) { if ( callbackProgress ) { if ( length === 0 ) { length = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Content-Length' ); } callbackProgress( { total: length, loaded: xhr.responseText.length } ); } } else if ( xhr.readyState === xhr.HEADERS_RECEIVED ) { if ( callbackProgress !== undefined ) { length = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Content-Length' ); } } }; xhr.open( 'GET', url, true ); xhr.withCredentials = this.withCredentials; xhr.send( null ); }; IndoorMapLoader.prototype.parse = function ( json ) { return ParseModel(json, this.is3d); }; //-----------------------------the Parser class --------------------------------------- function ParseModel(json, is3d, theme){ var mall = new Mall(); function parse() { mall.jsonData = json; mall.is3d = is3d; if(theme == undefined) { if (is3d) { theme = default3dTheme; } else { theme = default2dTheme; } } var building,shape, extrudeSettings, geometry, material, mesh, wire, points; var scale = 0.1, floorHeight, buildingHeight = 0; //floor geometry for(var i=0; i<json.data.Floors.length; i++){ var floor = json.data.Floors[i]; floor.rect = IDM.GeomUtil.getBoundingRect(floor.Outline[0][0]); if(is3d) { // for 3d model var floorObj = new THREE.Object3D(); floorHeight = floor.High / scale; if (floorHeight == 0.0) { //if it's 0, set to 50.0 floorHeight = 50.0; } buildingHeight += floorHeight; points = parsePoints(floor.Outline[0][0]); shape = new THREE.Shape(points); geometry = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(shape); mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial(theme.floor)); mesh.position.set(0, 0, -5); floorObj.height = floorHeight; floorObj.add(mesh); floorObj.points = []; floorObj._id = floor._id; //floorObj.strokeStyle = theme.strokeStyle.backgroundColor; mall.floors.push(floorObj); }else{//for 2d model floor.strokeStyle = theme.strokeStyle.color; floor.fillColor = theme.floor.color; mall.floors.push(floor); } //funcArea geometry for(var j=0; j<floor.FuncAreas.length; j++){ var funcArea = floor.FuncAreas[j]; funcArea.rect = IDM.GeomUtil.getBoundingRect(funcArea.Outline[0][0]); if(is3d) { points = parsePoints(funcArea.Outline[0][0]); shape = new THREE.Shape(points); var center = funcArea.Center; floorObj.points.push({ name: funcArea.Name, type: funcArea.Type, position: new THREE.Vector3(center[0] * scale, floorHeight * scale, -center[1] * scale)}); //solid model extrudeSettings = {amount: floorHeight, bevelEnabled: false}; geometry = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(shape, extrudeSettings); material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial(theme.room(parseInt(funcArea.Type), funcArea.Category)); mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); mesh.type = "solidroom"; mesh.id = funcArea._id; floorObj.add(mesh); //top wireframe geometry = shape.createPointsGeometry(); wire = new THREE.Line(geometry, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial(theme.strokeStyle)); wire.position.set(0, 0, floorHeight); floorObj.add(wire); }else{ funcArea.fillColor = theme.room(parseInt(funcArea.Type), funcArea.Category).color; funcArea.strokeColor = theme.strokeStyle.color; } } if(is3d) { //pubPoint geometry for (var j = 0; j < floor.PubPoint.length; j++) { var pubPoint = floor.PubPoint[j]; var point = parsePoints(pubPoint.Outline[0][0])[0]; floorObj.points.push({name: pubPoint.Name, type: pubPoint.Type, position: new THREE.Vector3(point.x * scale, floorHeight * scale, -point.y * scale)}); } } } if(is3d) { mall.root = new THREE.Object3D(); //if is 3d, create a root object3D //building geometry building = json.data.building; points = parsePoints(building.Outline[0][0]); mall.FrontAngle = building.FrontAngle; if (points.length > 0) { shape = new THREE.Shape(points); extrudeSettings = {amount: buildingHeight, bevelEnabled: false}; geometry = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(shape, extrudeSettings); mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial(theme.building)); mall.building = mesh; } //scale the mall mall.root.scale.set(scale, scale, scale); mall.root.rotateOnAxis(new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0), -Math.PI / 2); } return mall; }; //parse the points to THREE.Vector2 (remove duplicated points) function parsePoints(pointArray){ var shapePoints = []; for(var i=0; i < pointArray.length; i+=2){ var point = new THREE.Vector2(pointArray[i], pointArray[i+1]); if(i>0) { var lastpoint = shapePoints[shapePoints.length - 1]; if (point.x != lastpoint.x || point.y != lastpoint.y) { //there are some duplicate points in the original data shapePoints.push(point); } }else{ shapePoints.push(point); } } return shapePoints; } return parse(); } //-----------------------------the IndoorMap class ------------------------------------ var IndoorMap = function (params) { var _this = this; var _mapDiv, _uiRoot, _uiSelected; var _fullScreen = false; this.is3d = true; var _indoorMap; //initialization function init(params) { //parse the parameters if(params != undefined){ //if the map container is specified if (params.hasOwnProperty("mapDiv")) { _mapDiv = document.getElementById(params.mapDiv); _fullScreen = false; } //if the map size is specified else if(params.hasOwnProperty("size") && params.size.length == 2){ createMapDiv(params.size); _fullScreen = false; } //else create a full screen map else{ createMapDiv([window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight]); _fullScreen = true; } // 2d or 3d view if(params.hasOwnProperty("dim")){ _this.is3d = params.dim == "2d" ? false : true; }else{ _this.is3d = true; } }else{ createMapDiv([window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight]); _fullScreen = true; } // create 2d or 3d map by webgl detection if (_this.is3d && Detector.webgl) { _indoorMap = new IndoorMap3d(_mapDiv); } else { _indoorMap = new IndoorMap2d(_mapDiv); _this.is3d = false; } //var marker = document.createElement("image"); //marker.style.position = "absolute"; //marker.style.src = System.imgPath+"/marker.png"; //marker.visibility = false; //marker.style.width = "39px"; //marker.style.height = "54px"; //document.body.appendChild(marker); ////_indoorMap.setSelectionMarker(marker); } function createMapDiv(size){ _mapDiv = document.createElement("div"); _mapDiv.style.width = size[0] + "px"; _mapDiv.style.height = size[1] + "px"; _mapDiv.style.top = "0px"; _mapDiv.style.left = "0px"; _mapDiv.style.position = "absolute"; _mapDiv.id = "indoor3d"; document.body.appendChild(_mapDiv); document.body.style.margin = "0"; } function updateUI() { if(_uiRoot == null){ return; } var ulChildren = _uiRoot.children; if(ulChildren.length == 0){ return; } if(_uiSelected != null){ _uiSelected.className = ""; } var curid = _this.mall.getCurFloorId(); if( curid == 0){ _uiSelected = _uiRoot.children[0]; }else{ for(var i = 0; i < ulChildren.length; i++){ if(ulChildren[i].innerText == _this.mall.getCurFloorId().toString() ){ _uiSelected = ulChildren[i]; } } } if(_uiSelected != null){ _uiSelected.className = "selected"; } } init(params); return _indoorMap; } //get the UI IndoorMap.getUI = function(indoorMap){ var _indoorMap = indoorMap; if(_indoorMap == undefined || _indoorMap.mall == null){ console.error("the data has not been loaded yet. please call this function in callback") return null; } //create the ul list _uiRoot = document.createElement('ul'); _uiRoot.className = 'floorsUI'; if(_indoorMap.is3d) { var li = document.createElement('li'); var text = document.createTextNode('All'); li.appendChild(text); _uiRoot.appendChild(li); li.onclick = function () { _indoorMap.showAllFloors(); } } var floors = _indoorMap.mall.jsonData.data.Floors; for(var i = 0; i < floors.length; i++){ (function(arg){ li = document.createElement('li'); text = document.createTextNode(floors[arg].Name); li.appendChild(text); li.onclick = function () { _indoorMap.showFloor(floors[arg]._id); } _uiRoot.appendChild(li); })(i); } return _uiRoot; }