/** * jssdk 3.4.0 */ (function (global, factory) { "use strict"; if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { module.exports = global.document ? factory(global, true) : function (w) { if (!w.document) { throw new Error("EZUIPlayer requires a window with a document"); } return factory(w); }; } else { factory(global); } // Pass this if window is not defined yet })(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function (window, noGlobal) { /** * @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed */ !function (a, b) { function c(a, b) { var c = a.createElement("p"), d = a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || a.documentElement; return c.innerHTML = "x<style>" + b + "</style>", d.insertBefore(c.lastChild, d.firstChild) } function d() { var a = t.elements; return "string" == typeof a ? a.split(" ") : a } function e(a, b) { var c = t.elements; "string" != typeof c && (c = c.join(" ")), "string" != typeof a && (a = a.join(" ")), t.elements = c + " " + a, j(b) } function f(a) { var b = s[a[q]]; return b || (b = {}, r++, a[q] = r, s[r] = b), b } function g(a, c, d) { if (c || (c = b), l) return c.createElement(a); d || (d = f(c)); var e; return e = d.cache[a] ? d.cache[a].cloneNode() : p.test(a) ? (d.cache[a] = d.createElem(a)).cloneNode() : d.createElem(a), !e.canHaveChildren || o.test(a) || e.tagUrn ? e : d.frag.appendChild(e) } function h(a, c) { if (a || (a = b), l) return a.createDocumentFragment(); c = c || f(a); for (var e = c.frag.cloneNode(), g = 0, h = d(), i = h.length; i > g; g++)e.createElement(h[g]); return e } function i(a, b) { b.cache || (b.cache = {}, b.createElem = a.createElement, b.createFrag = a.createDocumentFragment, b.frag = b.createFrag()), a.createElement = function (c) { return t.shivMethods ? g(c, a, b) : b.createElem(c) }, a.createDocumentFragment = Function("h,f", "return function(){var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;h.shivMethods&&(" + d().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g, function (a) { return b.createElem(a), b.frag.createElement(a), 'c("' + a + '")' }) + ");return n}")(t, b.frag) } function j(a) { a || (a = b); var d = f(a); return !t.shivCSS || k || d.hasCSS || (d.hasCSS = !!c(a, "article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}template{display:none}")), l || i(a, d), a } var k, l, m = "3.7.3", n = a.html5 || {}, o = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i, p = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i, q = "_html5shiv", r = 0, s = {}; !function () { try { var a = b.createElement("a"); a.innerHTML = "<xyz></xyz>", k = "hidden" in a, l = 1 == a.childNodes.length || function () { b.createElement("a"); var a = b.createDocumentFragment(); return "undefined" == typeof a.cloneNode || "undefined" == typeof a.createDocumentFragment || "undefined" == typeof a.createElement }() } catch (c) { k = !0, l = !0 } }(); var t = { elements: n.elements || "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video", version: m, shivCSS: n.shivCSS !== !1, supportsUnknownElements: l, shivMethods: n.shivMethods !== !1, type: "default", shivDocument: j, createElement: g, createDocumentFragment: h, addElements: e }; a.html5 = t, j(b), "object" == typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = t) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, document); /*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/classList.js/blob/master/classList.js */ if ("document" in self) { if (!("classList" in document.createElement("_"))) { (function (j) { "use strict"; if (!("Element" in j)) { return } var a = "classList", f = "prototype", m = j.Element[f], b = Object, k = String[f].trim || function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }, c = Array[f].indexOf || function (q) { var p = 0, o = this.length; for (; p < o; p++) { if (p in this && this[p] === q) { return p } } return -1 }, n = function (o, p) { this.name = o; this.code = DOMException[o]; this.message = p }, g = function (p, o) { if (o === "") { throw new n("SYNTAX_ERR", "An invalid or illegal string was specified") } if (/\s/.test(o)) { throw new n("INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR", "String contains an invalid character") } return c.call(p, o) }, d = function (s) { var r = k.call(s.getAttribute("class") || ""), q = r ? r.split(/\s+/) : [], p = 0, o = q.length; for (; p < o; p++) { this.push(q[p]) } this._updateClassName = function () { s.setAttribute("class", this.toString()) } }, e = d[f] = [], i = function () { return new d(this) }; n[f] = Error[f]; e.item = function (o) { return this[o] || null }; e.contains = function (o) { o += ""; return g(this, o) !== -1 }; e.add = function () { var s = arguments, r = 0, p = s.length, q, o = false; do { q = s[r] + ""; if (g(this, q) === -1) { this.push(q); o = true } } while (++r < p); if (o) { this._updateClassName() } }; e.remove = function () { var t = arguments, s = 0, p = t.length, r, o = false, q; do { r = t[s] + ""; q = g(this, r); while (q !== -1) { this.splice(q, 1); o = true; q = g(this, r) } } while (++s < p); if (o) { this._updateClassName() } }; e.toggle = function (p, q) { p += ""; var o = this.contains(p), r = o ? q !== true && "remove" : q !== false && "add"; if (r) { this[r](p) } if (q === true || q === false) { return q } else { return !o } }; e.toString = function () { return this.join(" ") }; if (b.defineProperty) { var l = { get: i, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; try { b.defineProperty(m, a, l) } catch (h) { if (h.number === -2146823252) { l.enumerable = false; b.defineProperty(m, a, l) } } } else { if (b[f].__defineGetter__) { m.__defineGetter__(a, i) } } }(self)) } else { (function () { var b = document.createElement("_"); b.classList.add("c1", "c2"); if (!b.classList.contains("c2")) { var c = function (e) { var d = DOMTokenList.prototype[e]; DOMTokenList.prototype[e] = function (h) { var g, f = arguments.length; for (g = 0; g < f; g++) { h = arguments[g]; d.call(this, h) } } }; c("add"); c("remove") } b.classList.toggle("c3", false); if (b.classList.contains("c3")) { var a = DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle; DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle = function (d, e) { if (1 in arguments && !this.contains(d) === !e) { return e } else { return a.call(this, d) } } } b = null }()) } }; Date.prototype.Format = function (fmt) { //author: meizz var o = { "M+": this.getMonth() + 1, //月份 "d+": this.getDate(), //日 "h+": this.getHours(), //小时 "m+": this.getMinutes(), //分 "s+": this.getSeconds(), //秒 "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度 "S": this.getMilliseconds() //毫秒 }; if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); for (var k in o) if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); return fmt; }; var Domain = 'https://open.ys7.com'; var logDomain = 'https://log.ys7.com/statistics.do'; var jqueryJS = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/jquery.min.js'; var ckplayerJS = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/ckplayer/ckplayer.js'; var ckplayerSWF = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/ckplayer/ckplayer.swf'; var m3u8SWF = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/ckplayer/m3u8.swf'; var flv_js = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/flv.min.js'; var hlsJS = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/hls.min.js'; var mpegJS = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/jsmpeg.min.js'; var wav = Domain + '/sdk/js/2.0/js/wav-audio-encoder.js'; // 当前页面是否是https协议 var isHttps = window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? true : false; // 是否为移动端 var isMobile = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|ios|SymbianOS)/i); var testVideo = document.createElement('video'); // 是否支持video标签和addEventListener方法(主要为了区别ie8) var isModernBrowser = !!testVideo.canPlayType && !!window.addEventListener; // 是否能使用video原生播放hls,目前只有safari可以支持原生video播放。 var isNativeSupportHls = isModernBrowser && testVideo.canPlayType('application/vnd.apple.mpegURL'); // 是否能使用hls.js播放 var isSupportHls = false; // 是否使用flash var useFlash = false; // 初始化播放时间 var playStartTime = new Date().getTime(); // 本地信息上报 var LOCALINFO = 'open_netstream_localinfo'; // 预览主表上报 var PLAY_MAIN = 'open_netstream_play_main'; // 日志上报(轻应用独立上报) var LOCALINFO_EZUIKIT = 'open_ezuikit_localinfo'; var PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT = 'open_ezuikit_performance'; var appKey = ""; function dclog(obj) { var domain = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host; var logObj = { Ver: 'v.2.6.5', PlatAddr: domain, ExterVer: 'Ez.2.6.5', OpId: uuid(), CltType: 102, AppId: appKey, StartTime: (new Date()).Format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S'), // 每个日志包含当前的时间 OS: navigator.platform } for (var i in obj) { logObj[i] = obj[i]; } var tempArray = []; for (var j in logObj) { tempArray.push(j + '=' + logObj[j]); } var params = '?' + tempArray.join('&'); // 上报一次本地统计信息 var img = new Image(); img.src = logDomain + params; } // 日志上报-2019-09-10 function ezuikitDclog(obj) { var domain = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host; var logObj = { version: 'v.2.6.5', plate_addr: domain, appId: appKey, st: new Date().getTime(), // 每个日志包含当前的时间 } for (var i in obj) { logObj[i] = obj[i]; } var tempArray = []; for (var j in logObj) { tempArray.push(j + '=' + logObj[j]); } var params = '?' + tempArray.join('&'); // 上报一次本地统计信息 var img = new Image(); img.src = logDomain + params; } var RTMP_REG = /^rtmp/; var HLS_REG = /\.m3u8/; // 获取元素样式 function getStyle(el) { return window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(el, null) : el.currentStyle; } // 加载js function addJs(filepath, callback) { var headerScript = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getElementsByTagName("script"); var isReady = false; for (var i = 0; i < headerScript.length; i++) { if (headerScript[i].getAttribute("src") == filepath) { isReady = true; callback(); } } if (!isReady) { var oJs = document.createElement("script"); oJs.setAttribute("src", filepath); oJs.onload = callback; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(oJs); } } function addCss(filepath, callback) { var headerLink = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getElementsByTagName("link"); var isReady = false; for (var i = 0; i < headerLink.length; i++) { if (headerLink[i].getAttribute("href") == filepath) { isReady = true; } } if (!isReady) { var oJs = document.createElement('link'); oJs.rel = 'stylesheet'; oJs.type = 'text/css'; oJs.href = filepath; oJs.onload = callback; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(oJs); } } // 通用请求方法 function request(url, method, params, header, success, error) { var _url = url; var http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); http_request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.status == 200) { if (isJSON(http_request.responseText)) { var _data = JSON.parse(http_request.responseText); success(_data); } else { success(http_request.responseText) } } } }; http_request.open(method, _url, true); // http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var data = new FormData(); for (var i in params) { data.append(i, params[i]); } http_request.send(data); }; /** 获取url参数 */ function getQueryString(name, url) { var r = new RegExp("(\\?|#|&)" + name + "=(.*?)(#|&|$)"); var m = (url || location.href).match(r); return decodeURIComponent(m ? m[2] : ''); } /** 判断是否为promise对象 */ function isPromise(obj) { return !!obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof obj.then === 'function'; } /** 生成uuid */ function uuid() { var s = []; var hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef"; for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) { s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1) }; s[14] = "4"; s[19] = hexDigits.substr((s[19] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1); s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = "-"; var uuid = s.join(""); return uuid; } /**获取浏览器名称,版本 */ function getBrowserInfo() { var Sys = {}; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var re = /(msie|firefox|chrome|opera|version).*?([\d.]+)/; var m = ua.match(re); try { Sys.browser = m[1].replace(/version/, "'safari"); Sys.ver = m[2]; } catch (e) { console.log("getBrowserInfo fail.") } return Sys; } /** 是否为JSON格式字符串 */ function isJSON(str) { if (typeof str == 'string') { try { var obj = JSON.parse(str); if (typeof obj == 'object' && obj) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e) { return false; } } console.log('It is not a string!') } /** insertAfter */ function insertAfter(newElement, targetElement) { var parent = targetElement.parentNode; if (parent.lastChild == targetElement) { parent.appendChild(newElement); } else { parent.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement.nextSibling); } } var EZUIPlayer = function (playParams) { if (!isModernBrowser) { throw new Error('不支持ie8等低版本浏览器'); return; } /**定义播放配置项 */ this.opt = {}; this.opt.sources = []; this.handlers = {}; // 修订 - 支持JS Decoder 允许非字符串配置项 if (typeof playParams === 'object' && playParams.hasOwnProperty('decoderPath')) { if (typeof playParams.audioId === 'undefined') { playParams["audioId"] = 0; } this.playParams = playParams; /* 校验播放器配置参数合法性 */ var oS = document.createElement('style'); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(oS); oS.innerHTML = '.draw-window {border: none!important}'; // 解码器路径 if (typeof playParams.decoderPath !== 'string' || typeof playParams.decoderPath === 'undefined') { throw new Error('EZUIDecoder requires the path of decoder'); return; } // Id if (typeof playParams.id !== 'string' || typeof playParams.id === 'undefined') { throw new Error('EZUIDecoder requires parameter id'); return; } if (typeof playParams.url !== 'string' || typeof playParams.url === 'undefined') { throw new Error('EZUIDecoder requires parameter url'); return; } // 状态提示 this.loadingStart = function () { var oS = document.createElement('style'); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(oS); oS.innerHTML = '@keyframes antRotate {to {transform: rotate(400deg);transform-origin:50% 50%;}} .loading {display: inline-block;z-index: 1000;-webkit-animation: antRotate 1s infinite linear;animation: antRotate 1s infinite linear;}'; if (playParams && playParams.id) { var domId = playParams.id; var domElement = document.getElementById(domId); var windowWidth = domElement.offsetWidth; var windowHeight = domElement.offsetHeight || playParams.height || 400; var offsetTop = domElement.offsetTop; var offsetLeft = domElement.offsetLeft; // 先执行清空loading if (document.getElementById('loading-id-0')) { document.getElementById('loading-id-0').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('loading-id-0')) } var loadingContainerDOM = document.createElement('div'); loadingContainerDOM.setAttribute('id', 'loading-id-0'); var style = 'position:absolute;outline:none;' style += 'width: 0px;' style += 'height: 0px;' style += 'top:' + offsetTop + 'px;' style += 'left:' + offsetLeft + 'px;' loadingContainerDOM.setAttribute('style', style); var loadingContainer = document.getElementById("loading-id-0"); loadingContainerDOM.style.height = windowHeight; loadingContainerDOM.setAttribute('class', 'loading-container'); // loadingContainerDOM.innerHTML= loading; insertAfter(loadingContainerDOM, domElement); var splitBasis = playParams.splitBasis || 1; var windowLength = playParams.url.split(",").length; for (var i = 0; i < windowLength; i++) { var loadingContainer = document.createElement('div'); var loadingStatusDOM = document.createElement('div'); loadingContainer.setAttribute('class', 'loading-item'); loadingContainer.setAttribute('id', 'loading-item-' + i); //loadingContainer.setAttribute('style','display:inline-flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;align-items: center;width:'+(windowWidth / splitBasis)+'px;height:'+(windowHeight /splitBasis )+'px;outline:none;vertical-align: top;position:absolute'); var style = 'display:inline-flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;align-items: center;width:' + (windowWidth / splitBasis) + 'px;height:' + (windowHeight / splitBasis) + 'px;outline:none;vertical-align: top;position:absolute;'; style += ('left:' + calLoadingPostion(windowHeight, windowWidth, splitBasis, i).left + 'px;'); style += ('top:' + calLoadingPostion(windowHeight, windowWidth, splitBasis, i).top + 'px;'); loadingContainer.setAttribute('style', style); function calLoadingPostion(windowHeight, windowWidth, splitBasis, i) { var top = parseInt(i / splitBasis, 10) * (windowHeight / splitBasis); var left = (i % splitBasis) * (windowWidth / splitBasis); return { top: top, left: left } } var loadingDOM = document.createElement('div'); loadingStatusDOM.innerHTML = ""; loadingStatusDOM.style.color = "#fff"; loadingDOM.setAttribute('class', 'loading'); var loading = '<svg t="1567069979438" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="2399" width="32" height="32"><path d="M538.5344 266.4448a133.12 133.12 0 1 1 133.12-133.12 133.4272 133.4272 0 0 1-133.12 133.12zM255.0144 372.1984a121.6768 121.6768 0 1 1 121.6768-121.6768 121.856 121.856 0 0 1-121.6768 121.6768zM134.72 647.424a107.3664 107.3664 0 1 1 107.3664-107.264A107.52 107.52 0 0 1 134.72 647.424z m120.32 272.4608a90.9824 90.9824 0 1 1 90.9824-90.9824A91.1616 91.1616 0 0 1 255.04 919.8848zM538.5344 1024a79.36 79.36 0 1 1 79.36-79.36 79.36 79.36 0 0 1-79.36 79.36z m287.6928-134.144a64.1792 64.1792 0 1 1 64.1792-64.1792 64.3584 64.3584 0 0 1-64.1792 64.1792z m117.76-296.704a52.6336 52.6336 0 1 1 52.6592-52.6336 52.608 52.608 0 0 1-52.6336 52.6336z m-158.72-338.7136a40.96 40.96 0 1 1 12.0064 28.8512 40.5248 40.5248 0 0 1-12.0064-28.8512z" fill="#ffffff" p-id="2400"></path></svg>'; if (playParams.loading && playParams.loading.svg) { loading = playParams.loading.svg; } loadingDOM.innerHTML = loading; loadingContainer.appendChild(loadingDOM); // loadingContainer.appendChild(loading); loadingContainer.appendChild(loadingStatusDOM); loadingContainerDOM.appendChild(loadingContainer) } } } this.loadingSet = function (index, opt) { var loadingContainer = document.getElementById('loading-id-0'); if (document.getElementById('loading-item-' + index)) { var textElement = document.getElementById('loading-item-' + index).childNodes[1]; textElement.innerHTML = opt.text; if (opt.color) { textElement.style.color = opt.color; } } } this.loadingSetIcon = function (i, type) { var _this = this; if (playParams && playParams.id) { var domId = playParams.id; var domElement = document.getElementById(domId); var windowWidth = domElement.offsetWidth; var windowHeight = domElement.offsetHeight || playParams.height || 400; var offsetTop = domElement.offsetTop; var offsetLeft = domElement.offsetLeft; // 先执行清空loading if (document.getElementById('loading-id-0')) { document.getElementById('loading-id-0').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('loading-id-0')) } var loadingContainerDOM = document.createElement('div'); loadingContainerDOM.setAttribute('id', 'loading-id-0'); var style = 'position:absolute;outline:none;' style += 'width: 0px;' style += 'height: 0px;' style += 'top:' + offsetTop + 'px;' style += 'left:' + offsetLeft + 'px;' loadingContainerDOM.setAttribute('style', style); var loadingContainer = document.getElementById("loading-id-0"); loadingContainerDOM.style.height = windowHeight; loadingContainerDOM.setAttribute('class', 'loading-container'); insertAfter(loadingContainerDOM, domElement); var splitBasis = playParams.splitBasis || 1; var windowLength = playParams.url.split(",").length; var loadingContainer = document.createElement('div'); var loadingStatusDOM = document.createElement('div'); loadingContainer.setAttribute('class', 'loading-item'); loadingContainer.setAttribute('id', 'loading-item-' + i); //loadingContainer.setAttribute('style','display:inline-flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;align-items: center;width:'+(windowWidth / splitBasis)+'px;height:'+(windowHeight /splitBasis )+'px;outline:none;vertical-align: top;position:absolute'); var style = 'display:inline-flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;align-items: center;width:' + (windowWidth / splitBasis) + 'px;height:' + (windowHeight / splitBasis) + 'px;outline:none;vertical-align: top;position:absolute;'; style += ('left:' + calLoadingPostion(windowHeight, windowWidth, splitBasis, i).left + 'px;'); style += ('top:' + calLoadingPostion(windowHeight, windowWidth, splitBasis, i).top + 'px;'); loadingContainer.setAttribute('style', style); function calLoadingPostion(windowHeight, windowWidth, splitBasis, i) { var top = parseInt(i / splitBasis, 10) * (windowHeight / splitBasis); var left = (i % splitBasis) * (windowWidth / splitBasis); return { top: top, left: left } } var loadingDOM = document.createElement('div'); loadingStatusDOM.innerHTML = ""; loadingStatusDOM.style.color = "#fff"; loadingDOM.setAttribute('class', type); var icon = ''; switch (type) { case 'retry': icon = '<svg t="1590935684181" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="1623" width="32" height="32"><path d="M972.8 102.4c-30.72 0-51.2 20.48-51.2 51.2v51.2c-51.2-71.68-122.88-128-204.8-158.72C460.8-66.56 158.72 51.2 46.08 307.2S51.2 865.28 307.2 977.92 865.28 972.8 977.92 716.8H972.8c0-30.72-20.48-51.2-51.2-51.2s-51.2 20.48-51.2 51.2h-5.12c-46.08 76.8-112.64 138.24-199.68 174.08-209.92 87.04-445.44-15.36-532.48-225.28S148.48 215.04 358.4 133.12c189.44-81.92 404.48 0 506.88 174.08H768c-30.72 0-51.2 20.48-51.2 51.2s20.48 51.2 51.2 51.2h204.8c30.72 0 51.2-20.48 51.2-51.2V153.6c0-30.72-20.48-51.2-51.2-51.2z" p-id="1624" fill="#ffffff"></path></svg>'; loadingDOM.style.cursor = 'pointer'; loadingDOM.onclick = function () { console.log("点击重试", i); // _this.loadingStart(); _this.play(i); } break; } loadingDOM.innerHTML = icon; loadingContainer.appendChild(loadingDOM); loadingContainer.appendChild(loadingStatusDOM); loadingContainerDOM.appendChild(loadingContainer) } } this.loadingEnd = function (index) { var loadingItemContainerDOM = document.getElementById('loading-item-' + index); if (loadingItemContainerDOM) { loadingItemContainerDOM.parentNode.removeChild(loadingItemContainerDOM); var loadingContainerDOM = document.getElementById('loading-id-0'); if (loadingContainerDOM && loadingContainerDOM.children.length === 0) { loadingContainerDOM.parentNode.removeChild(loadingContainerDOM); } } } // 将播放地址配置在实例 opt 属性中 this.opt.sources.push(playParams.url); // JSDecoder 只有一个播放地址 this.opt.currentSource = this.opt.sources[0]; /* 获取解码器用户配置项 - 开始 */ /** * 调试模式配置 * 可通过dev属性指定API服务域名 */ var domain = "https://open.ys7.com"; if (playParams.env) { var environmentParams = playParams.env; domain = environmentParams.domain; } /** 创建jSPlugin 对象 */ this.jSPlugin = {}; var _this = this; /** 根据播放参数获取真实播放地址 */ this.loadingStart(); playStartTime = new Date().getTime(); // var getRealUrl = this.getRealUrl(playParams); var initDecoder = this.initDecoder(playParams); // 初始化播放器 _this.loadingSet(0, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Initialize the player...' : '初始化播放器...' }); if (isPromise(initDecoder)) { initDecoder.then(function (data) { _this.loadingSet(0, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Initialization is complete' : '初始化完成' }); _this.loadingEnd(0); if(playParams.autoplay){ setTimeout(function () { _this.play(); }, 2000) } }) } } else { var domain = "https://open.ys7.com"; if (playParams && playParams.env) { domain = playParams.env.domain; } var elementID = ''; if (typeof playParams === 'string') { //缩写模式 new EZUIPlayer('myplayer') elementID = playParams; } else if (typeof playParams === 'object') { //标准模式 new EZUIPlayer({id: 'myplayer'}) elementID = playParams.id; } this.videoId = elementID; this.video = document.getElementById(elementID); if (!this.video) { throw new Error('EZUIPlayer requires parameter videoId'); } var sources = this.video.getElementsByTagName('source'); // 转为数组对象,不受removeChild影响 sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(sources, 0); if (this.video.src) { // 移动端删除rtmp地址 if (isMobile && RTMP_REG.test(this.video.src)) { this.video.removeAttribute('src'); this.video.load(); } else { this.opt.sources.push(this.video.src); } } var l = sources.length; if (l > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { // 移动端删除rtmp地址 if (isMobile && RTMP_REG.test(sources[i].src)) { this.video.removeChild(sources[i]); } else { this.opt.sources.push(sources[i].src); } } } if (this.opt.sources.length < 1) { throw new Error('no source found in video tag.'); } this.opt.cur = 0; this.opt.poster = this.video.poster; var videoStyle = getStyle(this.video); var width = this.video.width; var height = this.video.height; if (width) { this.opt.width = width; if (height) { this.opt.height = height; } else { this.opt.height = 'auto'; } this.log('video width:' + this.opt.width + ' height:' + this.opt.height); } else { this.opt.width = videoStyle.width; this.opt.height = videoStyle.height; this.log('videoStyle.width:' + videoStyle.width + ' wideoStyle.height:' + videoStyle.height); } this.opt.parentId = elementID; this.opt.autoplay = this.video.autoplay ? true : false; this.log('autoplay:' + this.video.autoplay); this.opt.currentSource = this.opt.sources[this.opt.cur]; this.getRealUrl(playParams); } /* 创建播放,错误,停止事件钩子,上报用户行为 */ this.handlers = {}; this.initTime = (new Date()).getTime(); this.on('play', function () { // 上报播放成功信息 dclog({ systemName: PLAY_MAIN, playurl: this.opt.currentSource, Time: (new Date()).Format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S'), Enc: 0, // 0 不加密 1 加密 PlTp: 1, // 1 直播 2 回放 Via: 911, // 2 私有流 911 标准流 ErrCd: 0, OpId: uuid(), Cost: (new Date()).getTime() - this.initTime // 毫秒数 }); }); this.retry = 2; this.on('error', function () { dclog({ systemName: PLAY_MAIN, playurl: this.opt.currentSource, cost: -1, ErrCd: -1, Via: 911, // 2 私有流 911 标准流 OpId: uuid(), }); }); var deviceSerial = ''; var playUid = ''; var accessToken = ''; var uuidReg = /[a-z0-9]{32}/; var deviceSerialReg = /[a-zA-Z0-9]{9}\/[0-9]{0,2}\./; if (typeof playParams === 'string') { var url = this.opt.currentSource; if (uuidReg.test(url)) { playUid = url.match(uuidReg)[0]; } else if (deviceSerialReg.test(url)) { deviceSerial = url.match(deviceSerialReg)[0].split('/')[0]; } } else if (typeof playParams === 'object') { var url = playParams.url; if (uuidReg.test(url)) { playUid = url.match(uuidReg); } else if (deviceSerialReg.test(url)) { deviceSerial = url.match(deviceSerialReg)[0].split('/')[0]; } if (playParams.accessToken) { accessToken = playParams.accessToken; } } if(domain === "https://open.ys7.com"){ var appInfoSuccess = function (data) { if (data.retcode === 0 && data.data) { appKey = data.data.appKey; } // 上报一次本地信息 dclog({ systemName: LOCALINFO, }); // 上报一次本地信息-新 ezuikitDclog({ systemName: LOCALINFO_EZUIKIT, os: navigator.platform, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), }) } var appInfoError = function (error) { // 上报一次本地信息 dclog({ systemName: LOCALINFO }); // 上报一次本地信息-新 ezuikitDclog({ systemName: LOCALINFO_EZUIKIT, os: navigator.platform, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), }) } // 获取appKey request(domain + '/jssdk/ezopen/getAppInfo?uuid=' + playUid + '&accessToken=' + accessToken + "&deviceSerial=" + deviceSerial + "&channelNo=1", 'GET', '', '', appInfoSuccess, appInfoError ); } }; // 事件监听 EZUIPlayer.prototype.on = function (eventName, callback) { if (typeof eventName !== 'string' || typeof callback !== 'function') { return; } if (typeof this.handlers[eventName] === 'undefined') { this.handlers[eventName] = []; } this.handlers[eventName].push(callback); }; // 事件触发 EZUIPlayer.prototype.emit = function () { if (this.handlers[arguments[0]] instanceof Array) { var handlers = this.handlers[arguments[0]]; var l = handlers.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { handlers[i].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } } }; // 日志 EZUIPlayer.prototype.log = function (msg, className) { this.emit('log', msg, className); }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.getRealUrl = function (playParams) { var _this = this; var apiDomain = 'https://open.ys7.com'; /** jsDecoder 获取真实地址 -- 开始 */ if (playParams && playParams.hasOwnProperty('decoderPath')) { if(playParams.url.split(",")[0].indexOf('open.ezviz.com') !==-1){ ///海外 var host = "https://open.ys7.com"; var hostName = playParams.url.split(",")[0].match(/ezopen:\/\/(\S*)\.ezviz\.com/)[1]; if (playParams.env) { var environmentParams = playParams.env; domain = environmentParams.domain; if(domain.match(/https:\/\/(\S*)\.ezviz(\S*)\.com/)) { hostName = domain.match(/https:\/\/(\S*)\.ezviz(\S*)\.com/)[1]; } } if(hostName.indexOf("@")!== -1){ hostName = hostName.split("@")[1]; } switch (hostName){ case 'isgpopen': host = "https://isgpopen.ezvizlife.com"; break; case 'ieuopen': host = "https://ieuopen.ezvizlife.com"; break; case 'isaopen': host = "https://isaopen.ezvizlife.com"; break; case 'irusopen': host = "https://irusopen.ezvizru.com"; break; case 'testusopen': host = "https://testusopen.ezvizlife.com"; break; } apiDomain = host; } if (playParams && playParams.env) { apiDomain = playParams.env.domain; } // api 获取真实地址开始时间 var getRealUrlDurationST = new Date().getTime(); var getRealUrlPromise = function (resolve, reject, ezopenURL) { var realUrl = ''; if (!/^ezopen:\/\//.test(ezopenURL)) { // JSDecoder ws协议播放 resolve(ezopenURL); } else { // 向API请求真实地址 var apiUrl = apiDomain + "/api/lapp/live/url/ezopen"; var apiSuccess = function (data) { if (data.code == 200 || data.retcode == 0) { var playUrl =""; if(data.ext && data.ext.token){ realUrl += data.data; stream = data.ext.token; playUrl = data.data; }else if(data.data && data.data.token) { realUrl += data.data.url; stream = data.data.token; playUrl = data.data.url; } var type= playParams.url.indexOf('live') !== -1 ? 'live' : 'playback'; if(type === 'live'){ realUrl = realUrl + '&auth=1&biz=4&cln=100' + '&ssn=' + stream; }else { realUrl = realUrl + '&auth=1&cln=100' + '&ssn=' + stream; } console.log(realUrl) /**参数容错处理 start*/ if (playUrl.indexOf('playback') !== -1) { //回放 var wsBegin = getQueryString('begin', playUrl) || getQueryString('begin', playParams.url); var wsEnd = getQueryString('end', playUrl) || getQueryString('end', playParams.url); // 兼容各种时间格式 if (!wsBegin) { var defaultDate = new Date(); realUrl = realUrl + '&begin=' + defaultDate.Format('yyyyMMdd') + 'T000000Z'; } else { realUrl = realUrl.replace('&begin=' + getQueryString('begin', playUrl), '&begin=' + formatRecTime(wsBegin, '000000')) if(!getQueryString('begin',realUrl)){ realUrl += '&begin=' + formatRecTime(wsBegin, '000000'); } } if (!wsEnd) { realUrl = realUrl + '&end=' + formatRecTime(getQueryString('begin', realUrl).substr(0, 8), '235959'); } else { realUrl = realUrl.replace('&end=' + getQueryString('end', playUrl), '&end=' + formatRecTime(wsEnd, '235959')) if(!getQueryString('end',realUrl)){ realUrl += '&end=' + formatRecTime(wsEnd, '235959'); } } // api错误处理 if (!getQueryString('stream', playUrl)) { realUrl = realUrl.replace('stream', '&stream'); } if (playParams.url.indexOf('.cloud') !== -1) { // 调用回放API接口获取回放片段 - start var recBegin = reRormatRecTime(getQueryString('begin', realUrl)); var recEnd = reRormatRecTime(getQueryString('end', realUrl)); var deviceSerial = getQueryString('serial', realUrl) var channelNo = getQueryString('chn', realUrl); var recSliceUrl = apiDomain + "/api/lapp/video/by/time"; var recSliceParams = { accessToken: playParams.accessToken, recType: 1, deviceSerial: deviceSerial, channelNo: channelNo, startTime: recBegin, endTime: recEnd, version: '2.0' } function recAPISuccess(data) { if (data.code == 200) { var recSliceArr = []; if (data.data && data.data.files && data.data.files.length > 0) { var dataArr = data.data.files; var nextFileTime = new Date().getTime(); var isAll = data.data.isAll; // mock // var number = 0; //isAll = false; if (isAll) { recSliceArr = recSliceArrFun(dataArr); var recSliceArrJSON = JSON.stringify(recSliceArr).replace('\\', ''); realUrl += ('&recSlice=' + recSliceArrJSON.replace('\\', '')) + '&r='+ Math.random(); resolve(realUrl); } else { recTransaction(); // 云存储回调事务 function recTransaction() { function recAPIV2Success(data) { if (data.data && data.data.files && data.data.files.length > 0) { //if(number < 2 ) { if(data.data.isAll == false) { if(data.data.files){ dataArr = dataArr.concat(data.data.files); } nextFileTime = data.data.nextFileTime > 0 ? data.data.nextFileTime : new Date().getTime(); recTransaction(); } else { recSliceArr = recSliceArrFun(dataArr); var recSliceArrJSON = JSON.stringify(recSliceArr).replace('\\', ''); realUrl += ('&recSlice=' + recSliceArrJSON.replace('\\', '')) + '&r='+ Math.random(); resolve(realUrl); } // mock //number = number + 1; } else { recSliceArr = recSliceArrFun(dataArr); var recSliceArrJSON = JSON.stringify(recSliceArr).replace('\\', ''); realUrl += ('&recSlice=' + recSliceArrJSON.replace('\\', '')) + '&r='+ Math.random(); resolve(realUrl); } } function recAPIV2Error (err) { console.log(err); } recSliceParams.startTime = nextFileTime; request(recSliceUrl, 'POST', recSliceParams, '', recAPIV2Success, recAPIV2Error); } } } else { _this.log('未找到录像片段', 'error'); _this.loadingSet(0, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Get device live view address' : '获取设备播放地址' }) resolve(JSON.stringify({ code: -1, msg: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Not found video clips' : "未找到录像片段" })) // reject('未找到录像片段'); } } else { _this.log(data.msg, 'error'); _this.loadingSet(0, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Get device live view address complete' : '获取设备播放地址' }); resolve(JSON.stringify({ code: -1, msg: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Not found video clips' : "未找到录像片段" })) //reject('未找到录像片段'); } function recSliceArrFun(data) { var downloadPathArr = []; var currentDP = downloadPathArr.length data.forEach(function (item, index) { if (downloadPathArr.length == 0 || (item.downloadPath !== downloadPathArr[downloadPathArr.length - 1].downloadPath)) { downloadPathArr.push({ downloadPath: item.downloadPath, ownerId: item.ownerId, iStorageVersion: item.iStorageVersion, videoType: item.videoType, iPlaySpeed: 0, startTime: item.startTime, endTime: item.endTime }) } else { downloadPathArr[downloadPathArr.length - 1].endTime = item.endTime; } }) return downloadPathArr; } } function recAPIError(err) { console.log("获取回放片段错误") } request(recSliceUrl, 'POST', recSliceParams, '', recAPISuccess, recAPIError); } else {// 本地回放 //alarm rec - start if (playParams.url.indexOf('alarmId') !== -1) { console.log("进入alarmId回放") // 调用回放API接口获取回放片段 - start var alarmId = getQueryString('alarmId', realUrl) var recBegin = reRormatRecTime(getQueryString('begin', realUrl)); var recEnd = reRormatRecTime(getQueryString('end', realUrl)); var deviceSerial = getQueryString('serial', realUrl) var channelNo = getQueryString('chn', realUrl); var recSliceUrl = apiDomain + "/api/lapp/video/by/id"; var recSliceParams = { accessToken: playParams.accessToken, // recType: 1, deviceSerial: deviceSerial, channelNo: channelNo, alarmId: alarmId, // startTime:recBegin, // endTime:recEnd } function recAPISuccess(data) { if (data.code == 200) { var recSliceArr = []; if (data.data) { recSliceArr = recSliceArrFun([data.data]); var recSliceArrJSON = JSON.stringify(recSliceArr).replace('\\', ''); realUrl += ('&recSlice=' + recSliceArrJSON.replace('\\', '')); console.log("realUrl", realUrl, data.data.recType); if (data.data.recType == 1) { realUrl = realUrl.replace('/playback', '/cloudplayback') } else { realUrl = realUrl.replace('/cloudplayback', '/playback') } _this.opt.sources[0] = realUrl; resolve(realUrl); // request(nodeUrl, 'GET', '', '', nodeSuccess, nodeError); } else { _this.log('未找到录像片段', 'error'); _this.loadingSet(0, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Get device live view address' : '获取设备播放地址' }) resolve(JSON.stringify({ code: -1, msg:_this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Not found video clips' : "未找到录像片段" })) // reject('未找到录像片段'); } } else { _this.log(data.msg, 'error'); _this.loadingSet(0, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Get device live view address' : '获取设备播放地址' }); resolve(JSON.stringify({ code: -1, msg: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Not found video clips' : "未找到录像片段" })) //reject('未找到录像片段'); } function recSliceArrFun(data) { var downloadPathArr = []; var currentDP = downloadPathArr.length data.forEach(function (item, index) { if (downloadPathArr.length == 0 || (item.downloadPath !== downloadPathArr[downloadPathArr.length - 1].downloadPath)) { downloadPathArr.push({ downloadPath: item.downloadPath, ownerId: item.ownerId, iStorageVersion: item.iStorageVersion, videoType: item.videoType, iPlaySpeed: 0, startTime: item.startTime, endTime: item.endTime }) } else { downloadPathArr[downloadPathArr.length - 1].endTime = item.endTime; } }) console.log("downloadPathArr", downloadPathArr) return downloadPathArr; } } function recAPIError(err) { console.log("获取回放片段错误") } request(recSliceUrl, 'POST', recSliceParams, '', recAPISuccess, recAPIError); } else { // arlar rec - end // request(nodeUrl, 'GET', '', '', nodeSuccess, nodeError); resolve(realUrl); } } } else { // 预览直接获取回放片段 // request(nodeUrl, 'GET', '', '', nodeSuccess, nodeError); resolve(realUrl); } getPlayTokenST = new Date().getTime(); // 执行一次API服务请求上报 var getRealUrlDurationET = new Date().getTime(); ezuikitDclog({ systemName: PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT, bn: 0, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), duration: getRealUrlDurationET - getRealUrlDurationST, rt: 200, }) } else { // 将错误信息捕获到用户自定义错误回调中 if (playParams && playParams.handleError) { playParams.handleError(Object.assign({retcode: data.code || -1,msg: data.msg || '其他错误'})); } // 执行一次API服务请求服务错误上报 var getRealUrlDurationET = new Date().getTime(); ezuikitDclog({ systemName: PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT, bn: 0, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), duration: getRealUrlDurationET - getRealUrlDurationST, rt: data.code || 500, msg: data.msg || '未知服务错误' }) resolve(JSON.stringify(data), 'error') //throw new Error('获取播放设备信息失败'); } /**参数容错处理 end*/ } var apiError = function (error) { // 将错误信息捕获到用户自定义错误回调中 if (playParams && playParams.handleError) { playParams.handleError(Object.assign({retcode: error.code || -1,msg: error.msg || '其他错误'})); } var getRealUrlDurationET = new Date().getTime(); ezuikitDclog({ systemName: PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT, bn: 0, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), duration: getRealUrlDurationET - getRealUrlDurationST, rt: 500, msg: data.msg || '网络错误' }) resolve(JSON.stringify(error)) //throw new Error('获取播放设备信息失败'); } var isHttp = 'false'; // if (playParams && playParams.env && playParams.env.domain) { // isHttp = playParams.env.domain.indexOf('https') !== -1 ? 'false' : 'true'; // } else { // isHttp = window.location.href.indexOf('https') !== -1 ? 'false' : 'true'; // } var apiParams = { ezopen: ezopenURL, userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent, isFlv: false, addressTypes: null, isHttp: isHttp, accessToken: playParams.accessToken, } request(apiUrl, 'POST', apiParams, '', apiSuccess, apiError); } } var urlList = playParams.url.split(','); var promiseTaskList = []; var promiseTaskFun = function (ezopenURL) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { return getRealUrlPromise(resolve, reject, ezopenURL) }) }; urlList.map(function (item, index) { _this.loadingSet(index, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Get device live view address' : '获取设备播放地址' }); var adaptHost = item.match(/ezopen:\/\/(\S*)\.com/)[1] + '.com'; if(adaptHost.indexOf("@")!== -1){ adaptHost = adaptHost.split("@")[1]; } var adaptItem = item.replace(adaptHost, _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ?'open.ezviz.com' : 'open.ys7.com'); promiseTaskList.push(promiseTaskFun(adaptItem)); }); var getRealUrlPromiseObj = Promise.all(promiseTaskList) .then(function (result) { // 获取真实地址成功后,赋值到opt属性中 _this.opt.sources = result; _this.opt.currentSource = result[0]; result.forEach(function (item, index) { _this.loadingSet(index, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Get live view Address Success' : '获取播放地址成功' }) }) }) .catch(function (err) { _this.log("获取真实地址错误" + JSON.stringify(err), 'error') }) return getRealUrlPromiseObj; } else { if (!this.opt.currentSource) { this.log('未找到合适的播放URL', 'error'); return; } var me = this; // 如果不是ezopen打头的,走原来的播放模式 if (!/^ezopen:\/\//.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { this.tryPlay(this.opt.currentSource); } else { // 如果是ezopen协议地址,先校验一下地址的合法性 if (!/^ezopen:\/\//.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { throw new Error('EZOPEN地址必须要以ezopen://开头'); return; } else if (this.opt.currentSource.indexOf('.com/') === -1) { throw new Error('EZOPEN地址格式不正确'); return; } else if (!/[a-z\d]{32}(\.hd)?\.live/.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { throw new Error('EZOPEN地址格式uuid格式不正确'); return; } else if (/(.*.hls.*|.*.m3u8.*|.*.wss.*|.*.flv.*|.*.rtmp.*){2,}/.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { throw new Error('EZOPEN地址多于两个播放协议'); return; } else if (this.opt.currentSource.search(/(.hls|.m3u8|.wss|.flv|.rtmp)/) !== -1 && !/.live(.hls|.m3u8|.wss|.flv|.rtmp)/.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { throw new Error('请指定正确的播放协议'); return; } else if (this.opt.currentSource.search(/(.hls|.m3u8|.wss|.flv|.rtmp)/) === -1 && !/[a-z\d]{32}(\.hd)?\.live$/.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { throw new Error('EZOPEN地址结尾不正确'); return; } else { /* 获取播放地址 - 开始 */ var that = this; addJs(flv_js, function () { var para = { "ezopen": that.opt.currentSource, "userAgent": window.navigator.userAgent, "isFlv": flvjs && flvjs.isSupported() ? flvjs.isSupported() : false, "addressTypes": "HLS,RTMP,WS,FLV", "isHttp": window.location.protocol.indexOf('s') > 0 ? false : true, }; dclog({ "ezopen": that.opt.currentSource, "userAgent": window.navigator.userAgent, "isFlv": flvjs && flvjs.isSupported() ? flvjs.isSupported() : false, "addressTypes": "HLS,RTMP,WS,FLV", "isHttp": window.location.protocol.indexOf('s') > 0 ? false : true, 'systemName': 'EZOPEN', }); that.log('---------------------------------------'); that.log('入参(ezopen)是: ' + para.ezopen); that.log('---------------------------------------'); that.log('入参(userAgent)是: ' + para.userAgent); that.log('---------------------------------------'); that.log('入参(isFlv)是: ' + para.isFlv); that.log('---------------------------------------'); that.log('入参(addressTypes)是: ' + para.addressTypes); that.log('---------------------------------------'); that.log('入参(isHttp)是: ' + para.isHttp); that.log('---------------------------------------'); var apiUrl = apiDomain + "/api/lapp/live/url/ezopen"; var apiSuccess = function (data) { if (data.code == 200) { that.log('播放地址是: ' + data.data); that.video.src = data.data; that.video.load(); that.tryPlay(data.data); } else { that.log('data: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); throw new Error(data.msg); return; } } var apiError = function (error) { console.log("getdecoder url from api error", error); } request(apiUrl, 'POST', para, '', apiSuccess, apiError); }); } /* 获取播放地址 - 结束 */ } } // 格式化回放时间 function formatRecTime(time, defaultTime) { // 用户格式 无需更改 => 20182626T000000Z // return time // 用户格式需要更改 //用户时间长度为 14 20181226000000 =》 20181226000000 // 用户长度为12 201812260000 =》 201812260000 + defaultTime后面2位 // 用户长度为10 2018122600 =》 201812260000 + defaultTime后面4位 // 用户长度为8 20181226 =》 201812260000 + defaultTime后面6位 // 结果 20181226000000 14位 // 插入 TZ var reg = /^[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}Z$/; if (reg.test(time)) { // 用户格式 无需更改 => 20182626T000000Z return time; } else if (/[0-9]{8,14}/.test(time)) { var start = 6 - (14 - time.length); var end = defaultTime.length; var standardTime = time + defaultTime.substring(start, end); return standardTime.slice(0, 8) + 'T' + standardTime.slice(8) + 'Z'; } else { throw new Error('回放时间格式有误,请确认'); } } function reRormatRecTime(time) { var year = time.slice(0, 4); var month = time.slice(4, 6); var day = time.slice(6, 8); var hour = time.slice(9, 11); var minute = time.slice(11, 13); var second = time.slice(13, 15); var date = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hour + ':' + minute + ':' + second; if (_this.opt.domain !== 'open') { return new Date(date.replace(/-/g, '/')).getTime() + (8 * 60*60*1000); } return new Date(date.replace(/-/g, '/')).getTime(); } }; // 尝试播放 EZUIPlayer.prototype.tryPlay = function (playParams) { this.log("开始尝试播放,播放配置参数为:"); this.log(playParams); var _this = this; // JSDecoder 播放 if (playParams && typeof playParams === 'object' && playParams.decoderPath) { /** 初始化Decoder */ // this.initDecoder(playParams); // 自动播放 // if(playParams.autoplay){ // console.log('配置了自动播放'); // setTimeout(function(){ // _this.play(); // },2000) // } } else { this.opt.currentSource = playParams; var me = this; // 如果是HLS地址 if (/\.m3u8/.test(playParams)) { // 如果是手机浏览器环境,或者原生支持HLS播放的,直接使用video标签播放 // 否则尝试使用hls.js播放, // 最后使用flash if (isMobile || isNativeSupportHls) { this.log('使用原生video'); this.video.style.heght = this.opt.height = Number(this.opt.width.replace(/px$/g, '')) * 9 / 16 + 'px'; this.initVideoEvent(); } else { var isPlayUrlHttps = playParams.indexOf('https') !== -1; if (isHttps && !isPlayUrlHttps) { //https网站,http视频源安全问题需要flash播放 addJs(ckplayerJS, function () { me.initCKPlayer(); }); } else { addJs(hlsJS, function () { isSupportHls = Hls.isSupported(); if (isSupportHls) { me.log('使用hls.js'); me.initHLS(playParams); } else { useFlash = true; me.log('2 使用flash'); addJs(ckplayerJS, function () { me.initCKPlayer(); }); } }); } } } else if (/^rtmp:/.test(playParams)) { if (isMobile) { this.opt.cur++; this.tryPlay(playParams); return; } else { addJs(ckplayerJS, function () { me.initCKPlayer(playParams); }); } } else if (/^wss:|^ws:/.test(playParams)) { /* * WS协议的JSMpeg的不支持IE11以下的版本 * 开放平台官网不支持IE8打开,所以官网上面不兼容两个人版本IE9 ,和IE10 * * */ if (!ltIE11()) { addJs(mpegJS, function () { me.initJSmpeg(playParams); }); } else { alert('WS协议不支持Ie11以下的浏览器!请使用IE11,或者更高版本的浏览器'); return; } } else if (/\.flv/.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { addJs(flv_js, function () { me.log("使用flv.js播放"); me.initflv(); }); } } }; // 初始化hls.js EZUIPlayer.prototype.initHLS = function (hlsURL) { var me = this; var hls = new Hls({ defaultAudioCodec: 'mp4a.40.2' }); // 萤石设备默认使用 AAC LC 音频编码 hls.loadSource(hlsURL); hls.attachMedia(this.video); hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function () { if (me.opt.autoplay) { me.video.play(); } me.initVideoEvent(); }); hls.on(Hls.Events.ERROR, function (event, data) { if (data.fatal) { switch (data.type) { case Hls.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR: // try to recover network error console.log("fatal network error encountered, try to recover"); hls.startLoad(); break; case Hls.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR: console.log("fatal media error encountered, try to recover"); hls.recoverMediaError(); break; default: // cannot recover hls.destroy(); break; } } }); this.hls = hls; }; // 初始化ckplayer EZUIPlayer.prototype.initCKPlayer = function (url) { this.log('ckplayer初始化'); var me = this; var events = { 'play': function () { me.emit('play') }, 'pause': function () { me.emit('pause') }, 'error': function () { me.emit('error') } }; window.ckplayer_status = function () { me.log(arguments); events[arguments[0]] && events[arguments[0]](); }; // 新增相同id的div标签,然后删除video标签 this.videoFlash = document.createElement('DIV'); this.video.parentNode.replaceChild(this.videoFlash, this.video); this.video = this.videoFlash; this.videoFlash.id = this.opt.parentId; var flashvars = null; // 如果rtmp服务器环境设置了视频暂停则断开链接 // 需要修改ckplayer.js setup参数第30个值 // 在播放暂停后点击播放是否采用重新链接的方式 if (/^rtmp/.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { flashvars = { f: this.opt.currentSource, c: 0, p: this.opt.autoplay ? 1 : 0, i: this.opt.poster, lv: 1, loaded: 'loadHandler' }; } else if (/\.m3u8/.test(this.opt.currentSource)) { flashvars = { s: 4, // 4-使用swf视频流插件播放 f: m3u8SWF, a: this.opt.currentSource, c: 0, // 0-使用ckplayer.js的配置 1-使用ckplayer.xml的配置 lv: 1, // 1-直播 0-普通方式 p: this.opt.autoplay ? 1 : 0, // 1-默认播放 0-默认暂停 i: this.opt.poster, loaded: 'loadHandler' }; } else { flashvars = { f: this.opt.currentSource, c: 0, p: 1, loaded: 'loadHandler' }; } var params = { bgcolor: '#FFF', allowFullScreen: true, allowScriptAccess: 'always', wmode: 'transparent' }; this.flashId = this.opt.parentId + 'flashId'; window.CKobject.embedSWF(ckplayerSWF, this.opt.parentId, this.flashId, this.opt.width, this.opt.height, flashvars, params); }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.initVideoEvent = function () { var me = this; var EVENT = { 'loadstart': function (e) { me.log('loadstart...当浏览器开始查找音频/视频时...'); me.emit('loadstart', e); }, 'durationchange': function (e) { me.log('durationchange...当音频/视频的时长已更改时...'); me.emit('durationchange', e); }, 'loadedmetadata': function (e) { me.log('loadedmetadata...当浏览器已加载音频/视频的元数据时...'); me.emit('loadedmetadata', e); }, 'loadeddata': function (e) { me.log('loadeddata...当浏览器已加载音频/视频的当前帧时...'); me.emit('loadeddata', e); }, 'progress': function (e) { me.log('progress...当浏览器正在下载音频/视频时...'); me.emit('progress', e); }, 'canplay': function (e) { me.log('canplay...当浏览器可以播放音频/视频时...'); me.emit('canplay', e); }, 'canplaythrough': function (e) { me.log('canplaythrough...当浏览器可在不因缓冲而停顿的情况下进行播放时...'); me.emit('canplaythrough', e); }, 'abort': function (e) { me.log('abort...当音频/视频的加载已放弃时...'); me.emit('abort', e); }, 'emptied': function (e) { me.log('emptied...当目前的播放列表为空时...'); me.emit('emptied', e); }, 'ended': function (e) { me.log('ended...当目前的播放列表已结束时...'); me.emit('ended', e); }, 'pause': function (e) { me.log('pause...当音频/视频已暂停时...'); me.emit('pause', e); }, 'play': function (e) { me.log('play...当音频/视频已开始或不再暂停时...'); me.emit('play', e); }, 'playing': function (e) { me.log('playing...当音频/视频在已因缓冲而暂停或停止后已就绪时...'); me.emit('playing', e); }, 'ratechange': function (e) { me.log('ratechange...当音频/视频的播放速度已更改时...'); me.emit('ratechange', e); }, 'seeked': function (e) { me.log('seeked...当用户已移动/跳跃到音频/视频中的新位置时...'); me.emit('seeked', e); }, 'seeking': function (e) { me.log('seeking...当用户开始移动/跳跃到音频/视频中的新位置时...'); me.emit('seeking', e); }, 'stalled': function (e) { me.log('stalled...当浏览器尝试获取媒体数据,但数据不可用时...'); me.emit('stalled', e); }, 'suspend': function (e) { me.log('suspend...当浏览器刻意不获取媒体数据时...'); me.emit('suspend', e); if (me.opt.autoplay) { me.video.play(); } }, 'timeupdate': function (e) { //me.log('timeupdate...当目前的播放位置已更改时...'); me.emit('timeupdate', e); }, 'volumechange': function (e) { me.log('volumechange...当音量已更改时...'); me.emit('volumechange', e); }, 'waiting': function (e) { me.log('waiting...当视频由于需要缓冲下一帧而停止...'); me.emit('waiting', e); }, 'error': function (e) { me.log('error...当在音频/视频加载期间发生错误时...'); me.emit('error', e); } }; for (var i in EVENT) { this.video.addEventListener(i, EVENT[i], false); } ios11Hack(this.video); }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.initJSmpeg = function (jsmpegUrl) { this.canvasEle = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvasEle.style.width = this.opt.width; this.canvasEle.style.height = this.opt.height; this.video.parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvasEle, this.video); this.canvasEle.id = this.opt.parentId; var player; if (player && player.destroy) { player.destroy(); } player = new JSMpeg.Player(jsmpegUrl, { canvas: this.canvasEle }); this.JSmpeg = player; }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.initflv = function () { if (flvjs.isSupported()) { var player = this.video; var hasControls = player.getAttribute('controls'); if (!hasControls) { player.setAttribute('controls', true); } var flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({ type: 'flv', url: this.opt.currentSource, isLive: true, }, { enableStashBuffer: true, stashInitialSize: 128, enableWorker: true }); flvPlayer.attachMediaElement(player); flvPlayer.load(); flvPlayer.play(); } else { this.log("浏览器不支持flv播放"); throw new Error('浏览器不支持flv播放'); return; } this.flv = flvPlayer; }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.rePlay = function (playParams) { this.loadingStart(); // _this.loadingSet(0,{text:'获取设备播放地址'}) var _this = this; var getRealUrl = this.getRealUrl(playParams); /**是否自动播放 */ if (isPromise(getRealUrl)) { getRealUrl.then(function (data) { _this.play(playParams); }) .catch(function (err) { console.log("播放错误", err) }); } } EZUIPlayer.prototype.play = function (data) { if (!!window['CKobject']) { this.opt.autoplay = true; this.initCKPlayer(); } else if (!!this.video) { // video播放 包含flv, hls if (!!this.hls) { // hls开始播放依赖 this.hls this.opt.autoplay = true; this.hls.startLoad(); this.video.play(); } else if (!!this.JSmpeg) { this.JSmpeg.play(); } else { // 其他开始播放使用原生video this.opt.autoplay = true; this.video.play(); } } else if (!!this.jSPlugin) { this.loadingStart(0); var playParams = this.playParams; var audioId = 0 if(playParams && playParams.audioId){ audioId = playParams.audioId; }else if(playParams && playParams.audioId === -1){ audioId = undefined; } if ( typeof data === 'string'){ playParams.url = data; }else if(typeof data === 'object'){ playParams = Object.assign(playParams,data); } var _this = this; var playPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ var getRealUrl = _this.getRealUrl(playParams); getRealUrl.then(function () { function getPlayParams(url) { var websocketConnectUrl = url.split('?')[0].replace('/live', '').replace('/playback', ''); // console.log("playParams,",playParams,playParams.env.wsUrl) if(playParams && playParams.env && playParams.env.wsUrl){ websocketConnectUrl= playParams.env.wsUrl; } console.log("_this.opt.sources.", _this.opt.sources) var websocketStreamingParam = (url.indexOf('/live') === -1 ? (url.indexOf('cloudplayback') !== -1 ? '/cloudplayback?' : '/playback?') : '/live?') + url.split('?')[1]; if(playParams.websocketParams) { Object.keys(playParams.websocketParams).map(function(item){ websocketStreamingParam += ("&"+ item +"=" + playParams.websocketParams[item]); }) } // 本地回放仅支持主码流 - 2019-11-05 修订 if (websocketStreamingParam.indexOf('/playback') !== -1) { websocketStreamingParam = websocketStreamingParam.replace("stream=2", 'stream=1'); } // 本地回放仅支持主码流 return { websocketConnectUrl: websocketConnectUrl, websocketStreamingParam: websocketStreamingParam } } _this.opt.sources.forEach(function (item, index) { if (getQueryString('dev', item) || item.indexOf('ws') !== -1) { _this.log("开始播放, 第" + (index + 1) + '路,' + '地址:' + item); _this.loadingSet(index, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Ready to play...' : '准备播放...', color: '#fff' }) // 设置秘钥 - 如果地址中包含秘钥参数,播放前配置到JSPlugin对应实例中 var validateCode = getQueryString('checkCode', item); if (validateCode) { _this.log('设置秘钥,视频路数:' + (index + 1) + '验证码:' + validateCode) _this.jSPlugin.JS_SetSecretKey(index, validateCode); } var playST = new Date().getTime(); var wsUrl = '' var wsParams = '' wsUrl = getPlayParams(item).websocketConnectUrl; wsParams = { playURL: getPlayParams(item).websocketStreamingParam } _this.jSPlugin.JS_Play(wsUrl, wsParams, index).then(function () { _this.log('播放成功,当前播放第' + (index + 1) + '路'); _this.loadingSet(index, { text: _this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Played successfully...' : '播放成功...' }); //单次播放日志上报 ezuikitDclog({ systemName: PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT, bn: 2, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), duration: new Date().getTime() - playST, rt: 200, }) // 播放成功 ezuikitDclog({ systemName: PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT, bn: 99, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), duration: new Date().getTime() - playStartTime, rt: 200, }) _this.loadingEnd(index); // 默认开启声音 // 默认开启第一路声音 if (typeof(audioId) !== "undefined" && audioId === index) { _this.log("默认开启第1路声音"); setTimeout(function () { var openSoundRT = _this.openSound(0); if(openSoundRT == 0) { _this.log('开启声音成功', data) }else { _this.log('开启声音失败', 'error') } console.log("openSoundRT", openSoundRT) }, 100) } // 播放成功回调 if (playParams && playParams.handleSuccess) { playParams.handleSuccess(); } if(_this.playControls){ _this.playControls.setPlayStatus(1) } if ((index + 1) === _this.opt.sources.length) { resolve({code:0}) } // 播放成功日志上报 var PlTp = 1; if (playParams && playParams.url) { if (playParams.url.indexOf('rec') !== -1) { PlTp = 2; } } dclog({ systemName: PLAY_MAIN, playurl: encodeURIComponent(item), Time: (new Date()).Format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S'), Enc: 0, // 0 不加密 1 加密 PlTp: PlTp, // 1 直播 2 回放 Via: 2, // 2 服务端取流 ErrCd: 0, OpId: uuid(), Cost: (new Date()).getTime() - _this.initTime, // 毫秒数 Serial: getQueryString('dev', item), Channel: getQueryString('chn', item), }); }, function (err) { _this.log('播放失败' + JSON.stringify(err), 'error'); var errorInfo = JSON.parse(_this.errorCode).find(function (item) { return item.detailCode.substr(-4) == err.oError.errorCode }); ezuikitDclog({ systemName: PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT, bn: 2, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), duration: new Date().getTime() - playStartTime, rt: err.oError ? err.oError.errorCode : 500, msg: errorInfo ? errorInfo.description : (_this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Other error' : '其他错误') }) var msg = errorInfo ? errorInfo.description : (_this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Other error' : '其他错误'); _this.loadingSet(index, { text: msg, color: 'red' }); dclog({ systemName: PLAY_MAIN, playurl: encodeURIComponent(item), cost: -1, ErrCd: (err && err.oError && err.oError.errorCode && (err.oError.errorCode + "").substr(-4)) || -1, Via: 2, OpId: uuid(), Serial: getQueryString('dev', item), Channel: getQueryString('chn', item), }); if (playParams && playParams.handleError) { var errorInfo = JSON.parse(_this.errorCode).find(function (item) { return item.detailCode.substr(-4) == err.oError.errorCode }) playParams.handleError({ retcode: err.oError.errorCode, msg: errorInfo ? errorInfo.description : (_this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Other error' : '其他错误') }); } if ((index + 1) === _this.opt.sources.length) { resolve({ retcode: err.oError.errorCode, msg: errorInfo ? errorInfo.description : (_this.opt.domain !== 'open' ? 'Other error' : '其他错误') }) } }) } else { if (isJSON(item) && JSON.parse(item).msg) { _this.loadingSet(index, { text: JSON.parse(item).msg, color: 'red' }) } } }) }) }) return playPromise; } }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.initDecoder = function (playParams) { this.opt.id = playParams.id; this.log("初始化解码器---开始"); var _this = this; _this.opt.domain = playParams.url.split(",")[0].match(/ezopen:\/\/(\S*)\.(ys7|ezviz)\.com/)[1]; if (playParams.env) { var environmentParams = playParams.env; domain = environmentParams.domain; if(domain.match(/https:\/\/(\S*)\.ezviz(\S*)\.com/)) { _this.opt.domain = domain.match(/https:\/\/(\S*)\.ezviz(\S*)\.com/)[1]; } } if( _this.opt.domain.indexOf("@")!== -1) { _this.opt.domain = _this.opt.domain.split("@")[1]; } var initDecoderDurationST = new Date().getTime(); // DOM id function initDecoder(resolve, reject) { var jsPluginPath = playParams.decoderPath + '/js/jsPlugin-1.2.0.min.js'; document.getElementById(playParams.id).style.width = (playParams.width || 600) + 'px'; document.getElementById(playParams.id).style.height= (playParams.height || 400) + 'px'; /** 初始化解码器 */ addJs(jsPluginPath, function () { _this.log("下载解码器完成,开始初始化"); /* decoder 属性配置 */ _this.jSPlugin = new JSPlugin({ szId: playParams.id, iType: 2, // iMode: 0, iWidth: playParams.width || 600, iHeight: playParams.height || 400, iMaxSplit: Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(playParams.url.split(",").length)), iCurrentSplit: playParams.splitBasis || Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(playParams.url.split(",").length)), szBasePath: playParams.decoderPath + '/js', oStyle: { border: "none", background: "#000000" } }); // _this.jSPlugin.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ // windowEventSelect: function (iWndIndex) { //插件选中窗口回调 // iWind = iWndIndex; // }, // pluginErrorHandler: function (iWndIndex, iErrorCode, oError) { //插件错误回调 // console.log(iWndIndex, iErrorCode, oError); // if (playParams && playParams.handleError) { // playParams.handleError({ retcode: iErrorCode, msg: oError ? oError : '播放失败,请重试' }); // if(playParams.url.indexOf("alarmId")!== -1) { // _this.loadingSetIcon(iWndIndex, 'retry'); // _this.loadingSet(iWndIndex, { text: '播放结束' }); // } else { // _this.loadingSetIcon(iWndIndex, 'retry'); // _this.loadingSet(iWndIndex, { text: '播放失败,请重试' }); // } // } // }, // }); // _this.jSPlugin.JS_SetOptions({ // //bSupportSound: false //是否支持音频,默认支持 // bSupporDoubleClickFull: typeof playParams.isSupporDoubleClickFull === 'undefined' ? true : playParams.isSupporDoubleClickFull, //是否双击窗口全屏,默认支持 // //bOnlySupportMSE: true //只支持MSE // bOnlySupportJSDecoder: (typeof playParams.useMSE === 'undefined' || playParams.useMSE === false) ? true : false, //是否强制使用jsdecoder // }).then(function () { // console.log("JS_SetOptions"); // }); // 注册全屏事件 window.onresize = function () { _this.jSPlugin.JS_Resize(playParams.width || 600, playParams.height || 400); } _this.log("初始化解码器----完成"); if(playParams.controls && playParams.controls.length >0) { var videoControlsJsPath = playParams.decoderPath + '/deviceControls/videoControls.js'; var videoControlsCssPath = playParams.decoderPath + '/deviceControls/deviceControls.css'; addJs(videoControlsJsPath,function(){ addCss(videoControlsCssPath,function(){ var VideoControlsDOM = document.createElement('div') VideoControlsDOM.id="video-controls-container"; VideoControlsDOM.className="video-controls-container"; document.getElementById(playParams.id).style.position = 'relative'; document.getElementById(playParams.id).appendChild(VideoControlsDOM) var setPlayStatusCallBack = function(status) { console.log("setPlayStatusCallBack",status); if(status === 1){ _this.play(); // setTimeout(()=>{ // _this.openSound(0); // },3000); }else { _this.closeSound(0); _this.stop() } } var setVoiceStatusCallBack = function(status) { console.log("setVoiceStatusCallBack",status); if(status === 1){ console.log("图标开启声音"); _this.openSound(0); }else { console.log("图标关闭声音") _this.closeSound(0) } } var setHdStatusCallBack = function(status) { console.log("setHdStatusCallBack",status); if(status === 1){ console.log("图标换高清"); _this.closeSound(0); var stopPromise = _this.stop(); stopPromise.then(function(){ _this.play({ url: playParams.url.replace('.live','.hd.live') }) }) }else { _this.closeSound(0); var stopPromise = _this.stop(); stopPromise.then(function(){ _this.play({ url: playParams.url.replace('.hd.live','.live') }) }) } } var setFullScreenStatusCallBack = function(status){ var playStatus = _this.playControls.state.playStatus; console.log("setFullScreenStatusCallBack",status); if(playStatus == 1) { _this.fullScreen(); } } _this.playControls = new VideoControls({ id: 'video-controls-container', setPlayStatusCallBack: setPlayStatusCallBack, setVoiceStatusCallBack:setVoiceStatusCallBack, setHdStatusCallBack:setHdStatusCallBack, setFullScreenStatusCallBack:setFullScreenStatusCallBack, hd: (playParams.url.indexOf('.hd') !== -1 ) ? 1 : 0, controls: playParams.controls, }); }) }) } // 执行一次初始化解码器服务请求上报 ezuikitDclog({ systemName: PERFORMANCE_EZUIKIT, bn: 1, browser: JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo()), duration: new Date().getTime() - initDecoderDurationST, rt: 200, }) resolve('200 OK') }); /** * 加载错误码 * 错误码维护平台 - omm管理系统 */ var errorCodeLan = 'zh'; var errorCodePath = playParams.decoderPath + "/js/errorCode.json"; var errorCodeKey = 'errorCode'; if(_this.opt.domain !== 'open'){ errorCodeLan = 'en'; errorCodePath = playParams.decoderPath + "/js/errorCode-EN.json"; errorCodeKey = "errorCode-EN" } function success(data) { if (data.code == 200) { if (!window.localStorage) { return false; } else { var storage = window.localStorage; //写入a字段 storage[errorCodeKey] = JSON.stringify(data.data); _this.errorCode = storage[errorCodeKey]; } } } if (!window.localStorage) { request( errorCodePath, "get", { language: 1, time: new Date().getTime(), appKey: '26810f3acd794862b608b6cfbc32a6b8', }, '', success ); } else { var storage = window.localStorage; var errorCode = storage[errorCodeKey]; if (!errorCode) { request( errorCodePath, "get", { language: 1, time: new Date().getTime(), appKey: '26810f3acd794862b608b6cfbc32a6b8', }, '', success ); } else { _this.errorCode = storage[errorCodeKey]; } } } var initDecoderPromise = new Promise(initDecoder); return initDecoderPromise; } EZUIPlayer.prototype.stop = function (i, unDestory) { // 执行停止 this.log("停止播放" + this.opt.currentSource); this.opt.autoplay = false; if (!!window['CKobject']) { //CKobject.getObjectById(this.flashId).destroy(); this.video.src = "" // this.video.remove(); } else if (!!this.video) { if (!!this.hls) { // hls停止依赖this.hls // 通过暂停停止播放 this.video.pause(); this.video.src = "" // 停止取流 this.hls.stopLoad(); } else if (!!this.flv) { this.flv.pause(); this.flv.unload(); this.flv.detachMediaElement(); this.flv.destroy(); this.flv = null; } else if (!!this.JSmpeg) { this.JSmpeg.stop(); // this.JSmpeg.destroy(); } } else if (!!this.jSPlugin) { var _this = this; if (typeof i === "undefined") { _this.closeSound(0) return this.jSPlugin.JS_Stop(0).then(function () { _this.log("停止播放成功" + _this.opt.currentSource); console.log("stop success"); // 额外销毁worker // _this.jSPlugin.JS_DestroyWorker(); _this.loadingEnd(0); //removeChild(0); if(_this.playControls){ _this.playControls.setPlayStatus(0); } }, function () { _this.log("停止播放失败" + _this.opt.currentSource); console.log("stop failed"); }); } else { return this.jSPlugin.JS_Stop(i).then(function () { _this.log("第" + i + "路停止播放成功" + _this.opt.currentSource); _this.loadingEnd(i); console.log("stop success"); }, function () { _this.log("第" + i + "路停止播放失败" + _this.opt.currentSource); _this.loadingEnd(i); console.log("stop failed"); }); // 额外销毁worker - 多窗口暂不销毁 // this.jSPlugin.JS_DestroyWorker(); //removeChild(i); } } }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.destroy = function (i) { _this.jSPlugin.JS_DestroyWorker(); } // 获取OSD时间 // EZUIPlayer.prototype.getOSDTime = function (callback, iWind) { // if (!!this.jSPlugin) { // this.jSPlugin.JS_GetOSDTime(iWind || 0).then(function (iTime) { // callback(iTime * 1000); // }, function (err) { // console.log("get OSD Time error", err); // }); // } else { // throw new Error("Method not support"); // } // } // 返回promise的getOSDTime方法 EZUIPlayer.prototype.getOSDTime = function (wNum) { var _this = this; if (!!this.jSPlugin) { return _this.jSPlugin.JS_GetOSDTime(wNum || 0); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 返回promise的getOSDTime方法 EZUIPlayer.prototype.getVersion = function (wNum) { var _this = this; if (!!this.jSPlugin) { console.log(_this.jSPlugin.JS_GetSdkVersion()); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 开启声音 EZUIPlayer.prototype.openSound = function (iWind) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { var openSoundRT = this.jSPlugin.JS_OpenSound(iWind || 0); if(openSoundRT === 0 ){ this.log('开启声音成功'); if(this.playControls){ this.playControls.setVoiceStatus(1) } }else { this.log('开启声音失败', 'error'); } return openSoundRT; } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 全屏 EZUIPlayer.prototype.fullScreen = function () { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { return this.jSPlugin.JS_FullScreenDisplay(1); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 关闭声音 EZUIPlayer.prototype.closeSound = function (iWind) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { var closeSoundRT = this.jSPlugin.JS_CloseSound(iWind || 0); if(closeSoundRT === 0 ) { this.log('关闭声音成功') if(this.playControls) { this.playControls.setVoiceStatus(0) } }else { this.log('关闭声音失败', 'error'); } return closeSoundRT; } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 视频截图 EZUIPlayer.prototype.capturePicture = function (iWind, pictureName,callback,isUndownload) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { return this.jSPlugin.JS_CapturePicture(iWind, pictureName,'JPEG',callback,isUndownload); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 开始录像 EZUIPlayer.prototype.startSave = function (iWind, fileName) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { this.log("开始录制录像"); return this.jSPlugin.JS_StartSave(iWind, fileName) } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 结束录像 EZUIPlayer.prototype.stopSave = function (iWind) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { return this.jSPlugin.JS_StopSave(iWind); this.log("结束录制录像"); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } EZUIPlayer.prototype.reSize = function (width, height) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { return this.jSPlugin.JS_Resize(width, height); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } EZUIPlayer.prototype.pause = function () { this.opt.autoplay = false; if (!!window['CKobject']) { CKobject.getObjectById(this.flashId).videoPause(); } else if (!!this.video) { if (!!this.JSmpeg) { this.JSmpeg.pause(); } else { this.video.pause(); } } else if (!!this.jSPlugin) { this.jSPlugin.JS_Pause(0).then(function () { }, function () { }); } }; EZUIPlayer.prototype.load = function () { if (!!window['CKobject']) { // flash load } else if (!!this.video) { this.video.load(); } }; // 开启电子放大 EZUIPlayer.prototype.enableZoom = function (iWind) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { return this.jSPlugin.JS_EnableZoom(iWind || 0); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 关闭电子放大 EZUIPlayer.prototype.closeZoom = function (iWind) { if (!!this.jSPlugin) { return this.jSPlugin.JS_DisableZoom(iWind || 0); } else { throw new Error("Method not support"); } } // 返回promise的getOSDTime方法 EZUIPlayer.prototype.controlsSwitchDisabled = function (value) { if(this.playControls){ this.playControls.switchDisabled(value) } } // iOS11手机HLS直播在m3u8响应时间过长后不继续请求的hack function ios11Hack(video) { var isloadeddata = false; var isPlaying = false; var stalledCount = 0; video.addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { isloadeddata = true; }, false); video.addEventListener('stalled', function () { stalledCount++; if (!isPlaying) { if (stalledCount >= 2 && !isloadeddata) { video.load(); video.play(); isloadeddata = false; isPlaying = false; stalledCount = 0; } } }, false); video.addEventListener('playing', function () { isPlaying = true; }); } function ltIE11() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; var isIE = userAgent.indexOf("compatible") > -1 && userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1; if (isIE) { return true; } else { return false; } } var EZUIKit = { 'EZUIPlayer': EZUIPlayer, }; // 兼容1.4 以下旧版本 // var EZUIPlayer = EZuikit.EZUIPlayer; if (!noGlobal) { window.EZUIKit = EZUIKit; // 兼容1.4 以下旧版本 window.EZUIPlayer = EZUIPlayer; } return EZUIKit; });